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Uur new passenger depot progresses slowly. The reform club meeting was largely attended on Sunday last. Dr. S. T. Baker, of Salamanao, N. Y., is to settle at Chelsea, and enter upon the practico of his proiession. Jas. Bachman, of this village, has purchased an apple-drying machine. The machine was tested one day last week, and is capable of drying four hundred pounds per day. Success to the enterprise. Rev. Dr. Holmes, of this village, while hunting last Monday with Mr. Cbas. Canfield, in climbing over a fence, caught one leg of his pants upon a knot on the top rail, and was thrown to the ground, dislocating his left elbow. About 10 o'clock last Saturday evening, Luke Jerden, of this village, was crossing the railroad track - the fast train froni the west carne along, knocking him down and breaking his left arm aml collar bone on his right side, and receiving other injuries about the head. Last accounts he was doing as well as could be expected. So much has been spoken, writtcn and and sung about a " free press" that poople have come to accept the term in a sensc altogether too literal. If a man has a scheme of any kind germinating he just steps into thc editorial room and details it, with the reiuark : " I'm not quite ready to advertise it yot, but a fow words will help me along." He gets the few words and never get.s ready to advertise. Should a boy saw oflF his finger, " Dr. C. O. Piaster dressed tho wound with great skill " would be a graeoful way of stating it, and, besides, it is " unprofessional " to advertise. The patent rat-trap man brings in one of his combinations of wire and niouldy cheese bait, sticks it under the editor's nose and explains how they catch 'em every time the spring works. " It's something of interest to the community, and if you put in a piece save me a dozen papers," with which he quietly walks off, as though he had bcstowed a favor in allowing editorial eyes to gaze on such a marvel of intricacy. An invitation to "como down and write up our establishment" is a great deal morecommon than a two-square "ad" from thc name firni. Newspapers must be filled up with something or other, you know. The lawyer, with strong prejudices against advertising, fond of seeing bis cases reported in full in the uewspapers, with an occasional rcference to his oxceedingly able manner of condueting the same. It is cheaper than advertising. In fact, everybody who has an axe to grind asks the newspaper men to turn the crank, and forgets even to say " thank you," but will kindly take a freecopy of the paper as part for furnishing news. DEXTER. Marian Phelps left for Olivet last week, where she will spend the coming year. Ye editor of the Leader, ainong many other Dexterites, attendod the state fair at Detroit this week. Rev. Wm. J. Campbell, our new Methodist preacher, will preach next Sunday morning. Come and hear him. We learn that Rev. L. P. Davis, of the M. E. church, has been assigDcd to the church in West Bay City. Rev. W. J. Campbell, of St. Clair, will tako his place here. John Cunningham, an old and respected citizen of Scio, died last Friday evening aged 03 years. Funeral from St. Joseph's (Catholic) church, Monday, Rev. Fr. Slattery officiating. Col. Crandell spoke at reform hall last Sunday night. We understand it was a fine lecture.but very thin audience. What's feecome of temperance? Is politics taking its place for a season only? Roscoe l Copeland will start for Florida ' next Monday. Ho has relatives living in the land of flowers, whoni ho will visit,and at the ame timo look up a home for him and his fauiily, lould he likc thc state. He goca to Jacksonvillo from here. Carrie Magoffin daugliter of the Rev. J. H. Magoffin. rector of'St -James chUrcll hofej hss gone to tho Ladies' lloluiuth College, Londün, Ontario. We wish her I a plcasant nnd i)rofitable yuar amoog (lie Cauucks, and a safe journey back to her home. Eddie Lawton, a lad twelve years of age, accompanied by anotbcr boy about tlie same age went balUag recently. Eddie was carried too far into tho itrtata, tod went under. He would have drowned but for the timely arrival of' a student ui' IV. Slattorly's, who rescued bim. Rev. Thos. McNamara, C. S. C, of this place, who graduated l'rom Notro Dame University (Ind) last suuituer, roturned a few weeks ago to thc universit} to spend tho year as teacher. In addition to this, he 'u oditor of the Notrc Ihuiw. Scholastic, (monthly) the official magazine of the university, and ono of high literary merit. Mr. McN. is a young man of much promiso, and one who will no doubt risc in this world. MANCHESTEIl. From thc Enterprise. Rev. J. B. Gilman has left here for Maoomb, 111. , where he has engaged to preach the coming year. Mr. C. M. Fellows, of Manchester, exhibited somo of his thoroughbred Merinos at tho tri-state fair, at Toledo, this week. The cars are loaded with people hoiueward bound. There has been a great deal of visiting this season. The city folks hava fled to thc oountry foc, air and the country peoplo sought tho city for amusement. The township board met reoently and oponed the bids for building thc vault in Oak Grove cemetery. Thc contract was awarded to Greenman & Jaequeman, they being the lowest bidders by a hundrod and one dollars (their bid was $599.) The work is to be completed by the löth of November next. An account was given three weeks ago of the arrest of a colored woman named Silus, charged with bigamay. Her cxaniination was to come oft last Thursday, but thc case was disposed of by proseouting attorncy Emerick telling her that if she would leave the county, never to return, the prosecution would be discontinued. She declared " 'Fo' God 111 nevah sec dis county 'gain, a'ter tonight, sho'." At tho annual school meeting the following faots were elicited : The whole number of scholars enrolled between the ages of fivo and 20 years, in tho district, for the year now closed is 381. The whole number attending school for the year just closed is 335, or about 90 per cent. of the en tire enrollment. The expenses for conducting the school for the ensuing year aro .'NU 111 il LUU al OjOuv.ul, auu i í,íwuív") t H.080.00, leaving $2,860.00, which was foted. The treasurer reported reccipts Por the ycar $5,650.63, and balance on hand $701.46. He also reported tuat the last bonds of the district had been paid nd it was now.out of debt. Mr. Van Duyn exhibited two of the bonds, last paid. They were dated April lst, 1867. The interest payable annually at the rate of ten per cent. , therefore one of the bonds, )f $1,000, had drawn $1,283.00 interest. J. D. Corey and Dr. A. Conklin were chosen directors. YPSILANTI. Tho Commercial terms their late school meeting " the burlesque meeting." The Ypsilanti Commercial has a new broman in the person of John Harria, Jr. Applications for admission to the normal we said to be far in the excess of any preyious year. Fred Cutler, for years the popular and gentlemanly clerk at tho Follet house, bas iccepted a like position in the Brunswick, at Detroit. Some fiendish individual cntered the premises of Alonzo Linden, who lives near Ypsilanti. one night last week, and cut off the manes and tails of his horses and the tails of two fine cows. Prof. Malcolm McVicar, Ph. D., LL. D., has been appointed principal of the state normal school, in this city, and will enter upon his work about the lst of November. He was formerly at the hcad of the normal and training schoot, at Potsdam, N. Y., and is reported a successful educator. He was at one time superintendent of schools at Loven worth, Kansas. His salary will be $3,000 per year. When Father DeBever, of the Catholic ehurch, returned from his European trip, Thursday of last week, he fouod a great surprise in store for hitn. He was met at the depot by the band, 15 priests from neighboring parishes, and a large concourse of friends. They proceeded to the churcli where services appropriato to the occasion were held, whon they adjourncd to the yard where the welcoming exercises took place, and a fine new carriage was presented by the members of his congregation. Robert Earl, who lives near Bellville, went to Ypsilanti the other day and got on a sour mash up ; along in the afternoon he was seen taking leg bail acrossProf'. Mathews yard, with one Matthew Dolan in hot pursuit, and it looked as ïf hc, Dolan, had bloodinhÍ8 eye,andintent on evil. Karl not appearing aftorward it was feared he had been overtaken and fouily dealt with, so Dolan was arrested and kept in custody until further information should bo elicitod. It secms that Earl has at last been heard from, and consequently the prisoner has been set at liberty.