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Magazine Notlces. Arii.i inN's JouSJtAL forOctolier opens with u aev, noveletle ly Andrú Tlieurlct, the most ciuirmtng of all contemporary French wrltors. The i IU is " aii Alone." n wil! be oompleted in lun niiiniiiTs ut Uie Journal. TbeartlclM Uial follow ara very varled, and all ot Interest. Tbere Is Un' conclusión of Jiidge Moruan'B inlorestlns paper on "The International Trlbunal ui Eaypt;" an artlole, oomplled from a new Engluh publloatlon, oalled "CorloaiUei ¦ il WilK," in wliicli nru catlierud Bome most exlraordinary ezataplefl i human cúprico in their last, hcqucsu; two papers, one by Cardinal Manning, tlieotherby Lciiestipluii, kIvuik the pro and oonot the liradlaiiKli couirovornr, are brougbt together underone head, i ben there are, " Talk aboal somiets ;" the "Bomanoe in Llterary Dlaoorery: '' a review of Bastlan'a " Braln iw Um Orean oí Mimi ; " n itory, entltled "Añ noymoui Admirar," wblob Is very rlvaclonsand pleaiant; tho conti nuai ion of Dr. Hicliarilson'H papers on " Health al Home ;" an ivrtlcleby tueart-crtlc, Jamea laokson Jarrea, on "Modern Hallan I'aintiiiK nnd ralntirs;" and an historie sketch ui greal romantlo interoBt, catled "A Perlahed Eernel." Tho editor has soine remlnisiTiic.s it Mrs. Oharlea Kean. wbo dled repently in London; be indulges In a few startUng ngarea In regard to bomoeopatblc trltnratiuns; aml lollelles sume iitller tlint'ly tOpiOS. Xtae namber Is one ol marlced interest.. Ai-pi.kton's JouiiNAL is publishcd monthly, al J'i cents numlier, or $:i.(Ki per niintun. D, M'IT.kton A Co., rubUslier, 1, 3 & 5 Houd Straat, New York. Littki.i.'s r.iviNd Aoe.- The Numbers of The Living Age Ibr Uie weeks endlug 8eptember ith and llth rosi uvely, oontaln the followlnj! urliclea: Mario Antoinetta, li'arterly ; Tlio Place of Sócrates in Oreek Pbllosophy West minster; A Kolndeer Kide throiiKh Lapland, Blaokwood ; Minuets.and "Tliuiililp of Fuiils.' Cornliill ; Morocco, Good Word; Annie Keary, MacMIllan; Arlstotle on Free Wlll, A Scotch Tutor, and Caunes, Spectator; Early Frlondshlps, Globe; and In the way of flction, "Tho Portralt of a l'alnter by Hlmsolf," and "A Trip, und wliat followeJ," wlth tlie usual amoant of poetry. For forty-flve numliers of sixty-four pau-es each for more tlian 3, pagos a year) tho subsorlption prlce (Jíj) islow; whilo for 110.50 tbe pnbllshen ulier tosendanyoneof the American il inontlilles nr weeklles wlth The Llvlug Age for a year, lncludlng the extra numbers oí tho lutter, botli poatpald. Lltlc-U dk Co., Boston, aro tho publlsliurs.


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