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The caucases for the different wards of the city of Ann Arbor, to elect delegates to the ¦econd representatlve district couveutlon to be held on Tuesday, Sept, 2S. 1880, will be held on Mouday, Seit. 27, at 7:30 o'clock p. in., at the followlng places, viz : First vrd-At C. Krapf's shop. Second ward-At John Wagner, Jr.s hop. Tlilrd ward- At court house, In agrlcultural rKourth ward- At flremen's hall. Flfth ward- At flremen's hall. -i . Sixth wart-At McDonald's store. lst 2d, M, and 4th ward are entitled to four dflegatea each, and the 5th and 6tu wards to three cWgate fö COMMITTEES. W B SMIÏH, Chalrmn lst ward. CHAS T DlTRHEIM,Chalrmau2d ward. CUAS. K. HISCOCK, " 3d " J. M. WILCOXSÜN, " 4th " KUS. MANLY, " 5th ' J.U. PBEBLES, " 6th " Republican ateetlngs. The Hon. Edwin Willets will address the people of this oounty at the following places : Ypsllantl Tucoday, 8ept. th Aun Arbor Wednesday, ¦ mh Webster, Thursday, " 30th Salem,..' Frlday, Oct. lst At Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor the Hon. A. J. Sawyer will also address the meeting. Let every republican in the vicinity of these mectinga turn out and liear tlic truth expounded. County fair next week. A new piano has bccn placed in the opera bouse by C. J. Whitney. Judge Morris held oourt tbr Judge Gaskill, at Lapeer, last week. The finest floral display at the state fair, was made by J. Torn?, of this city. The stone masons have completed their work on the new Baptist church edifice. The supervisors will eonvene Octobcr 1 lth. Get j'our little bilis all made out. On Saturday last, Ann, wife of Jas. H. Lucas, died of consumption, aged 40 years. Last Monday Mrs. Sarah J. Powell died at her residence in Ann Arbor town, aged 78 years. At Chelsea tomorrow, the democrats of the 3d representativo district hold their convention. Some 30 or 40 of citizens went down to Ypsilanti Monday night to hear John McCullough. ' Thos. Kearns is building a new house on the corner of Fountain and Felch streets, in the 3d ward. Dr. Breakey, went to Hudson last Tuesday to perform a surgical operation for a patiënt at that place. Nelson Booth has entered his horseB for several races at the Livingston county fair, at Howell next week. A "human monstrosity " is on' exhibition at the opera house, in the rooms vacated by the reform club. Many of our citizens have been and are in attendance upon thü fair at Ypsilanti tliis week. To-day is the last day. m O - No frosts in this vicinity yet, while our neighbors in other sections of the State havo reported them for some time. The Rev. Dr. Steele will comruencc his labors as pastor of the Presbyterian church in this city on Siinday, Oct. 3d. Clinics at the medical college will bc resumed, and the hospitals re-opend for patients on Saturday, Sept. 25th. Myatt Kyan the university studont from Burmah, gave the people of Dansville a lecture on a recent Sunday evening. Prof. Mitchell, of Saline, !s to takc the "irincipalship of the Napoleon public hools, at a salary of $600 per year. Henry and Margaret Farmer, of the 5th w&rd, lost their little daughter, Mary Gertrude, aged ten months, last Monday. John McNalley has the reputation of being the fasUist coopcr in this section, mak50 ajiplc barrels per day on an average. ? - The democratie representative convention for this district is called to meet at the court house in this city on Ootober 5th. Lewis Lang, at the county house, who is troubled with dropsy, was tapped the other day and two gallons of water taken from him. A crowded house greeted Barrett, as usual, laat Monday night, notwithstanding free tickets werc numerously distributed for McCullough at Ypsilanti the name evDÍDg' .. Caucuses Monday evening. It is important tbat republicana should reuiembur this. Sec cali at head of column for places of holding. Miss Anna E. P. Eastman, for several years a teacher in our schools, and a homeopathie gradúate of '79, is practicing at Denver, Col. _ RepuWicans should not forget the representative convention for this district, to be held in the court house next Tuesday, at 11 o'elook a. m. A patient at the university hospital, being treated for cancer of the liver, named M. B. Flynn, died last Monday. He was froin Three Rivers. ? Ninety cents is now paid for a prime No. 1 article of white wheat. The other grades range from 80 cents up to that ainount. farmers as a general thing aro not anxious to Bell. Revs. Alabaater and Itydor are to speak at the temporáneo meeting Sunday p. in. A. W. Wright of the fifth ward, has been awarded $l,10U for the right of way through his property by tho Ann Arbor & Northuustern R. K. Mrs. P. Winegar received the lirst premium for the best aDd largest display of dahlia at the tri-state fair at Toledo, last week. Slic exhibited GT variotios. The office and business of the Clinton News is offered for sale, providing n purchaser can be obtained bofore January 1 , 1880. Particulars furnished upon application. Mi Christine Keek and Wm. G. Dieterle, were married at the residence of the bride's parents, in Manchester, on Thursday, September 23d. Both were former residents of this city. Many of the students from Ohio and Indiana who are interested in politics expect to remain at home to vote this year, this will be especially the case in the law and medical departments. When Capt E. i'' Allen spoke at Fruitport a few uights since, somc rowdies tried to interrupt and, break hitn down, but ho proved cnough for them, and scorcd them roundly before closing his epeeoh. Don't bet on the results of the election, for if you do you may lose your vote. There is a law forbidding it, and if challenged, you cannot " swear in." So don't bot, but do vote- if you vote right. The university temperance association s alive and active, having couimenced already the dissumination of its good doctrine. Their action may save some of the boys many days of woe and sorrow and suspense. The democrats of Northfield are to elevate a hickory at Walsh's corners next Saturday. They have proniised to organizn a club at the same time, which promise bas been made and broken many tiraes this fall. They don't enthuse well. Smith Wilbur, formerly of this city, but now of Clioton, Lenawee county, has been placed upon the democratio ticket by the county cooimittee of that county as one of the circuit court commissioners, in place of a man who got tired and (:ave up. Congressman Willits will address the republicana of Ypsilanti and vicinity on next Tuesday evening, Sept. 28th, at LiglH Gruard hall. A good deal of enthusiasm is being manifested in politics, and an esoellent report will bc the result next November. _ Dr. E. E. HíIIh and wife, of Leadville, Col., lost their little daughter, Carrie May, aged five years, of scarlet fever, on Monday, Sept. 13th. Mrs. Hillis was formerly Miss Eva Clark,. a daughter of Jas. Clark, of this city, and a sister of Harry Clark, of this offioe. We aak the attention of all our readers, democratie and independent especiully, to the address of tho independent republiean club of New York, published Ln another column. It is an exeeedingly abla and unprejudiced document, ltead it, and then think over it. The Peninsular Paper Co., of Ypsilanti, are erecting a new fire-proof building 40x100 feet, and three stojies iu height. It is to bo used for storing paper, and the company estímate that they will save enough from reduction of insurance risk to pay for the building. - The Jackson fair and exposition is to be held October 4, 5, 6," and 8. Special premiums and the trotting purses ainount to $5,000. The Jackson peoplo promise an excellent show and will probably live up to their word. The " editor and lady " return thanks for a coupon ticket. Beware of the patent-right man. He is out like a roaring lion seeking whem he may devour, and woe to the farmer who puts liia name on a scrap of his paper without first consultiug a good lawyer or a friend who has had long experience as a business man, coupled with honesty. A young lad about eight years oíd has been amusing the pcople of the city by rolling up pieees of brown paper, and imitating a cornet to perfection. The imitation is so perfect, that even practiced ears are deceived by it, thinking there must be some instrument used. The laying of tho corner stone of the new Episcopal ohapel occurred last Wednesday afternoon. There were several clergyroen present from neighboring parishes, but neither Uiahops Gillespie or Harria was enabled to attend. The services usual upon such occasions were gone through with. The Detroit Eveniog News appeared last Tucsday evening in an enlargcd form, and in a complete new dress. A new press just put in is a wondorful invention, and prints, perfects, outs, folds and delivers ready for mailing 30,000 papers per hour. The News and proeperity are .synonymous terms. Those beautiful words of Oweo Meredith: Tis belter to have loved and lost, Than never to h:iv loved, have been slightly transposed by our democratie oootemporaries, so as to read : Tis better to have crowed ;ind lost, Tlian never to have crowed at all. They do ay that the Washtenaw demócrata expect to plant "The Rose of Hluiron" ut mü8ln? ut about tliu time the uuxl m-ssiuu of the legislatura opens.- Evening News. ' ' Not for Joe ! " Not much I That rose will lose its fragrance in Sharon atmosphere. It was never bom to blooin in Lansing, and don't you forget it. At the democratie representative convention for the first district of this county, held at Salino last Friday, Edward King, of Ypsilanti, was nominated on the third ballot. He tried the same thing several years ago and failed, and Capt. Allen will doubtless be too lively a competitor this time. The new fashioned dresa worn by ladies now, the skirt all made of one piece with a hole out ín each end and in the top a gathering string to draw it together, is about the houieliest piece of covering wouian ever drapcd her form with. But then, it's style, and so must bc admired, we suppose. John Kcogan who was arrested Uit MonJay on the charge of' larceny froni the person and robbery, was arraigned before Justice Winegar last Wednesday, and had a partial examination, but owing to tha absence of witnesses the case was postponed until next Tuesday and the prisoner reinanded to Last evening, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. Rose, in tuis city, their daughter, Ella R., was married to George R. Waterman, also of this city, Rev. B. Haskell performing tho ceremony. Tho immediate friends of' the family, only, were invited, and the couple lelt on the night train for Chicago and the west. Mr. and Mrs. Waterman start off on the sea of married life with excellent prospects, and with hosts of warm friends to wish them well. Hon. A. J. Sawyer, of Ann Arbor, spoke in the court house Monday evening. Tho speech was a masterly presentatioa of living issues, and will do good. By tho way, Sawycr and Allen aro colleagues in the legialature, says tho Hastings Rep. Banner. How terribly bad Frazer must feel. The democratie papers state that " he waa deuiolished by D. Cramer, in a very few words," at Howell the other night. Soine way he creates a furore of excitement wherever he goes, just the same, and is converting benighted demócrata daily. Mrs. Elizabeth McDivitt, wife of T. McDivitt, who lives just east of the city, died suddenly on Saturday, the lStu inat., aged 70 years. The deceased was mother of Mrs. W. E. Walker, who was for many years employed in this establishment. She had been a resident of this city 33 years, and was born in Ireland. - The following, from a Masón paper, refers to one of the old Ann Arbor boys, and will be read with interest by some of our readers: " Elias Culver, jeweler, has purchased from Wm. Rayner the city lots corner of C and South streets, and has commenced the erection of a dwelling house. Perhaps this means something and perhaps it don't." 1 11 speaking of issuing a oampaign document the Ypsilanti Sentinel says: ;'The cost after getting them in print would be but little more, but we have not the money to do it, nor in fact to pay for what we do publish ; and that is the way the ' canipaign ' is being fought." Our democratie friends should take the hint and come " oniegiately " down. Several citizens of the third ward are much incensed over the nianncr in which their ward street fund has been expended this year. They can't see where the money has all gone to. The principal streets are in bad condition, and no funds left to fix them up witli. In fact the last recorder'8 repart showed an overdraft on the 3J ward fund of $870.45. Albert Larkins was up before Justice Winegar last Tuesday on the charge of being drunk and disotdcrly, plead guilty and was let off on paying costs. Michael Dunster was sentenoed to 20 days in jail on the eame day, charged with the same offence. On the Saturday previous Justice Winegar gave Peter Hines five days in jail for getting too much budge on board. . The new arrangement at the postoffice make things look quite business like, and our postmaster is entitled to considerable credit for securing an appropriation for these needed improvements, the government having granted $400 for that purpose. ' Now a stone in place of the grate in front of the east door would be a good thing. People don't like grates to walk on. An Adrián lunntic telegraphed to the Free Press that " the enthusiasm of the demócrata ovrr tho iipws from Malne knows no boumls. Waldbv's chances are lmproving dally." How a Hat vletory in Matne can help Mr. Waldby, a hard-money man of tlie Bayard school, lsn't quite apparent.- Time. Yes, and now that the " victory " proves to be a republican one, how will it effect the said gentleman ? His chances in this seetion weren't improved a partiële by his eloquerït (?) speech tho other night. A ('air warning of the danger attending the breaking of the Sabbath laws, couies from the iifth ward. Last Sunday a young man set out with his gun in search of game. Arriving out sorue distance in the country he went to take the gun out of the carriage, when the trigger caught in some way, and ulied his coat sleeve full of shot, and burned his arm to some extent. Now boys, don't go hunting or fishing on Sunday. The lot of the agricultorist is not always a happy one. There seems to be a constant struggle for existence going on between himself and the elements and the animal creation. Drouth, mildew, excessive heat, too much cold, lack of snow, rnadoej, floods, weavil, grasshoppers, potatobugs and ariny-worms combine to keep the farmer in a constant state of worry and activity. The very latest pest of the Ohio farmer is the mole crioket. A man passes for what he is worth. Very idlc is all curiosity concerning other people's estímate of us, and all fear of remaining unknown is not less so. If a nio knows that he can do anything - knows that he can do it better than any one else - he has a pledge of acknowledgement of that fact by all persons. The world is full of judgment days; and into every assemblage that a man enters, in every action that' he attempts, he is gauged and stamped. On Saturday anemoon the house of Philip and Michael Duffy about two miles this side of Whitmere Lake, in the township of Webster, was burned to the ground. The fire is supposed to have been caused by a defectivo flue, as the entire upper portion of the house was all ablaze before being discovered. The furniture on the lower. floor was saved but everything above was lost, together with samo $600 in tuoney, and a watch belonging to Mr. P. Duffy. Loss on building $4,000 ; insured for $3,000 in the Washtenaw Mutual. We have received a oopy of tbe Athcns, (Pa. , ) Gazette coutaining a long description of the maiumoth furniture establishment in that plaoe of Hall, Lyon & Co., the senior member of the firm being Stephen C. Hall, a former Dexter boy, and a gradúate both of the high school and university in this city. The manulactory is an eitensive one, euiploying 75 workmen, and continually increasiog. A large undertaking department is also a part of the business. Mr. Hall has been a membor of the firm only since January last, but the establishment was founded in 1876 and has rapidly developed since. How long will the democrats submit to beiojL misrepresented by one of their leading lights? Here is what the Howell Republican says, and the Dundee Reporter had a similar story to teil only a short time ago : " D. (Jrauier, Ksq., of Ano Arbor, made a fair republican speech, at tbe court house, Tuesday night. He unmercifully whalloped the rebels and their sympathizers, the copperheads, and said that Abraham Lincoln was wcll-nigh worthy of worship and adoration. These remarks made some of the democratie auditors squirm in their seats as they turned and looked blandly at each other." The plain spoken editor of the Blissfield Advanoe says: " If a ten-year-old schoolboy couldn't get up and say as much as Waldby did at Riga, we would chuck Wui down in the ABC class." That same remark was made respocting his speecnn this city. In fact his eloquence had sort of a doublé baek action effect, and kicked over all the good opinions the people had formed of his abilitiês fron heresay evidence. Everyone, democrats and republicns alikc, were diaappointed in the man. He should adopt tho " BÜent " plan, and cease cxhibitinK himself. His party should Sltlg : Any üe you'U teil e'll .waUow, Swailuw any kind of " tfi," If you won't let looe tlu Webtf r, With bis cloqucncc so " chaffy." We aro told by a gentleman, resident of tho third ward, that an officor being so ordored, stoppod at his house a few niornings since, and told his wile tbat her children must bc kept off tho sidewalks, entirely ; that they must not run and play there, under penalty of proseoution, as it disturbed a neighbor who had delicate nerves. The question naturally suggests itself, can any offiocr, or anybody clse forbid the use of the streets to any citizen, or person? In this particular instance tho childron are known to bo wcll bchaved, and not given to ' ' raising a racket." The thing seenas to have been done meroly out of spite. The following from the Allegan Tribune shows that the peoplo aro being woke up a little to this "cramming' ' process, so prevalent. The Tribune man deserves to bo patted on tho baok and encouraged to say more on the subject : " Schools have begun. Teachers and parents ought to remember that the children will have a great many years in which to acquire knowledge.if they live to be 70 years oíd, and a still longer period after they die. Therefore it isn't necossary to crani their littlo heads as they stuff aausages. It will not make any great difference with their happiness or their usefulness whether they learn three pages or two pages of a book a day - only they niay live longer if they learn two-thirds instead of the the three-thirds." Last Friday iuorning Jesse Comstock, of this city, who had driven a peddler's wagon for years and was quito well known, died while sitting on his wagon, of heart disease. He had taken his breakfast at Jacob Stablor's, in Scio, about half an hour previous, and had driven as far as Jacob Paul's where he was about stopping, when his heart ceased to perform its functions. News was ?ent to the city and Coroner E. J. Johnson, impaneled a jury, and held an inquest elicting the above facts. The deceased was 37 years of age, and leaves no family. The followiog named gentlemen were selected as jurymen : O. M. Martin, L. C. Risdbn, F. A. Randall, A. Kearney, O. M. Martin, Jr., and J. F. Schuh. The witnesses sworn were J. Stabler and A. Foruhee. _________