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TO AGRICULTURISTS The undei'slynocl are now mnimnict urlnji h ;. Mali ter icriill.iiiK pui-poses tliat Is pecullarly wtoptad tg tii'' Ue lor whlch H 1 dfttgtpfl it [a mtirely free froni iflrl, or liard lump.s, and i.s made liy ft procesa whlch teaves Incórportted ui ll.r s;ilt ill the valllaMi' plillll food, :iswi-ll as inxrcilli'Uls oalculatcd to frcc and MNttt Holulilü Uie Aiumouln airc-udy contulned In tliu iOl, Wc propose to place the prlco o or tliat slmll b: deterrod from ivlug It a fair trial. The use of sult for fortllizliiit purpose is uo longcr an experiment, but bM been fully proteii, not only sclentlflcully and tlieorellcally, luit prnclically, )y scores of our most ml ngriculturists. We herewith present the experienoe and oplnionH of some of the leading Farmer nnd Hcicntlsts of thls and other countries, hoping that the perusal of the same raay be mutually beneflclal. We shall cinlimir lii ather such statistlcs as we can on thl subject, and hope eaeh and every ono will ald us in tliis by gtving us the benefit of lila experlence. i Iqdem and Communications may be ad(ln:sK I id cither of the uudersigned, wlio will fiirnisii all aecesaary Information as to prlces, transportatton, etc THE MICHIGAN SALT ASSOCIATION, EilHl Saglnaw, Mlch. THE AMERICAN DAIRY SALT C0„ (Limited) Syraeusr, X. Y. THE OHIO RIVER AND KANAWHA SALT C0„ Clncinnntl. Ohio. Mr. Jume Tolbert, per K. O. lirown, has tbis alt for sale at the Ferdon Lnmbcr Yard n thin city. l)Sg-yr fërdönlümbëFyard JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Mamifactorer and Dealer In SACINAW GANG-SAWKD LÜMBIR, LATÏÏ AND SHINQLES. We '.Lvl'.c al! to pive Da a cali, and examine oui stock beforc purclnwlnf; elscwhcre. ALSO AOKNT FOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND SBLLS FIRE BRICK. JAMES TOLBEKT, Prop. T. J. K II II. Hapt. feb.lü,'79 ANTÓN EISELE, DEALER IN MUEBLE I WTE MIMESIS ' 1 ... JJ ' The public U invlted to cali and examine specimens ef the celebrated KNOXVILLE, TENN., MARBLE Or which wc hayo a snpply of new designe. Ittn onperior to any marble in beauty and durabillty, and tanen tho place of Scotch Gmnite. I'KH l LOWER TU EVER. VollK ALL WAKRANTKD. SIiop- Cor. of Detroit muí Catheriue Sis. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. 915tí THE tiKll,K. &ÁFF, FLEISCHMANN & CO'S COMPRESSED YEAST. Highest Award Centennial Eshibition, 1876, First Fromitun Chcteiuti, 1 W 2 mi 1373 ; St. Louli, M:., ai Bufclo, N. Y., 1873 ; lal Pirst Premium Vioici, Amsttrdtm ani Pragas. The mcríta of the Qenninc Compreseed Yeast are iindenialile, as proof of it we refer to thc hoet of Iamítations wliich bavo been offt-red to the public, the name of Comprceeed Yeast (wiica il Sicurol to ss üae by letters patent of U. S., dated December ltfth,lS7U,January 16th, KS77,Marcli tiih, 1877.) would decuivu the public and sell their goods. (iaff, Flfipchmann & o's Ycast ie manufnetored from Fsro Zxtnct of Qnil, which is a uaumil Leuven for n counterfeit artlcle, or a choralcal componnd both of which are to be nvolded it kihmI ln-alth is the Ilrnt consideración or the consumur. $S00 Eeward to any person findins; nny tniurlons injíredieut iu ihe manufacture of our Yeast. Delivered Diily to all flrst-clasu Orocers and Bakers. Gafi Fi.iipohma-sn & Co. Orlpinal Mannfactnrers and first introducerp in America of Comnressed rat. JOHN . Agent for Ana Arbor. 1U03-1006 THE NEW TABLE BEVERAGE In place of Tea or Coffcc, COROCCO llae these Advanttges : lst. More Healthful. 2d. Finer Flavor. id. Much Cheaper. THE BSST PHY5ICIAÑ5 &EC0XmS IT ! Half-Ponnd Packagvs 10 ets Ask yonr groccr for lt. TB,"X IT. For Salo al Wholesale and Retail by A. R. HALL, NO. 23 NORTH MAIN STREET. 1002 1005 BUY A HOME IN MICHIGAN. 5 TO $10 PEK ACRE! Mripne Noil! 'ropa! Hallroad lluoiik-li Vntrr of I.iiikU. Ilpallhy lliniah'. s. 'bool mul liui. Im .. In lllií-nl Populntioii. HICHEST REWARD TO FARMERS. Toso Intuís are a lons dlstiinro Kiut of thp lippf Ktver, Luí-ye amount savt-ri tn travel and tiunsportntlon ofcrops. I)03crlpllvn uaniiihk'l in Kiuillsk and (i rman. Aililrow U o III III vit T, CiitiinilHsionor, (iruml ltapidi, Miclilnao. . 981-1003 Fililí Síes The Standard of the World. ECLIPSE WINDMÍLLS The Strongest Mili Made. SAFEST TO BUY, Bacue Warrantid Ui Iit, nd Warnulra la ¦uhsianilHl. ('iiiitaliiH sll Improvementa. Prlce Loviest-Ciaallty conldered. Hend for cauiocue di'Tlht!iK arllcle wanted. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., ui and 113 Laké-S ¦ Chicago. 10081010 Scml for directions for Seif-Mensnirenicut. T5 Woodward Ave., and 1 Opera House Bloek, DETBOIT, MICH. 993 1018 S500 REWARD ! WE will pay the above ruwaril for any cbko of Jvêr Complalnt, Dyspepula, Slck Huadacbi-, IndiPqlon, Constipatlon or Costlvooess n cannot cnre ylth West' VcL'itable Liver Pilis, wtaen the direcloim nre ntrlclly.compllpd with. Thev nre purclv {ecctable, and nevcrfall tolvoBatlfaetiun. tiiiKar ¦oatid. Urge hoxes, contiilnliig S0 I'IUb, -Jñ cents 'or aale by all dnu-Kists. Ifcwaro if euiinterfeita iid tinliiitloii. The L'eunlne mannincturi'd only tyiN ,7KST ' ' - "Th'J ll" Makor.,-18I 5 IS.) Vv. Miidlson SU, ChlcHf,'o. Pree Irinl parluu;! ent by muil prepald on recelnt of n 3 cent utamn


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News