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Cadillac wants a new public hall. Birtningham runs her eider milis by ¦team. The sidewalka of Concord mock at religión, says the local iiaper. There is to be a shooting tournament at Jack f on on the 13th ingt. A bce keepers' convenüoti is to bo held at Carson city, on the 5th and 6th inst. Over 41,000 people attended the west HnhlgM fair at Graad llapids last week. Eaton llapids has a nasty $1,000 slander case, grown out of the wagging of gossips' tongues. Shipmcnt ofore from Encanaba this season will rciich 'JOO.OOO tons by the close of navigatiori. A ncw iron railroad bridge over the St Joseph nver at Niles, is being built by the JM O. 11. li. i on,-,' i.uiidine in iWuskegon ia bcing pushed at a rapid rate, and still thcrc aro no tnipty ones. The Saginaw Dttuocrat baa ondcd ta fitlul eustonce and "gonc clean out" oo a cnattle mortgagc. Big lvipids reportcd :i plum tree in blos"&: " That's nothing for such a líig Itapid place. SIow progress of puving al Lansine provpkes profamty froni some of the capital city s irreverent citizens. c PTrown. of the thrashinj; machine ürmof Upton, Brown & Co., of Battlo (Jreek, died on the 22d uit. ïhe Itulay City Congregationalists have a new preacher in the per.son of Kev. A. O. Cossar, of Bellville, Ont. land Lo., took the first premium at the state fair for the best croek of butter. The corn erop has very generally been secured throughout the state in splcndid condition, and a large yield is anticipated. The dean of Harvard law school, Prof. C. C. Langdell, took Miss Maggie Iluson away from Coldwaterthc other day- ashis wife. The Knights of Pythias band of Jackson, is said to be capable of rilling the niche left vacant when Gnrduer's Plint city band vanïshed. fttevc Desseau, recently stroke oarsnian of the famous Shoewae-cae-mette boat club, is now a fircraan on the Lakc Shore railroad. Thcy (ried lo run politics and tho county fair in together, down at Coldwatcr, the othcr day, but some way it didn't succecd vory well. The Iloscowiuon Pioneer says that a grist mili is wanted at that place, iminediately, and pronounces it the best site in Michigan. An old man nanied Schuotz got full of beer at a dance near Sturgis the other night, and was robbed of $700 in cash and a certifícate of deposit for $2,000. The Port Huron & Northwestern R. K. recently oponed up to Sand Beach, a distanceof 70 tmles.strikes 20 station in going that distance. It will prove a grand good thing for the shore towns. There are already seven luinber camps started on the Au Sable river, about eight miles east of Otsego lake, with the intention of' putting into that river an aggreprate of GO.000,000 feet ofpine logs. Menominee men boast tliat there is no city, village or desert in the world wherethere is finer dust or more of it to a mile tbu in Menominee, and those who have visited that place say they teil the truth. Ihinking itncccssary to go through mti a form, the demócrata of tho 9th congressioual district.niet and put Edwin S. Pratt, a lawyer of Grand Traverse, up to be voted down by the pcoplc io the northern portion of the state. Herrien County Kccord: New sown wheat is coming up finely in this vicinity, although wo sea reports froiu other parts of the stato announcing that the secd is rotting in the ground, and being badly featted upon by inseeta. Tbo 8@-gr of a Maple Itapids girl of the . are smal], tapering and bcautifully shaped ; her ii are as bnlliant as , and she is without a !; herfrown is at and her figure excites III! of surprise and a hankerng -- ..- Maple llapids Dispatch. A terrific explosión of Hercules powder occured at the lime-kiln crossing, justbelow Detroit last Friday, destroying a lighter and some machinery which the contractors were using in drilling and blasting out the rocks in the bed of the river. Loss $500. Marshal] Kxpounder : Whcat sowing is uearly completed. The breadth is not so creat as last year, the low price for wheat acting as a check to tho work. The fiolds are in fine condition for tho secd ; in some instances tho young wbeat begins to show. Have not the state agricultural society experimentcd enough to understand that an exhibition can not be suocessful held year after year in the same place? Tho grea test success is always rcached by giving cities ín different scctionaan opportunity to sec what thcy can do. A victiiu has at last been found to run for ooneresa in the 3d district, in place of James W. Sheldon, of Albion.who was too .sharp to allow bil name to bc uscd in a hopeless game. JJut Hon. Kugeno Pringle, of Jackson, a short time sinco a bitter republican, bas consented to be the victim. A Nilcs reporter writing to the Chicago I unos about O. W. Powers, deiuooratie noiuinee for congress in the fourth district, pointswith inido to Mr. Powers' war record. Mr. I'. was 10 years old when tho war begu and 14 when itcloscd, and lived on a knn all through "tbc unpleasant' lli.s " war record" must be a stunnor. - hvcning Xews. An explosión in the fruit drying establishment of Chas. Loóse & Sons, at Monroe, last week Friday, was attended with fatal oonseqaenoeí. Two persons werc killed mslantly, four seriously injured, many othera sererely hurt. Thero were IC wonien and 1 1 men and boys at work in the building at the time, besides a few tranBients. Henry O'Mrien and Leonard Martin wero killed ; and Capt. Wm. F. Haight, Jolin Durrell and Chas. Ilgeofritl, were seriously injured, tho lattcr it is thought will loso bis eye sight. Mr. ('. E. Fairbant, Gum Traverse City, being shown about the buildiDg was also badly DJurcd. The building u a total wreek. Loss$5,00o! Siiiciilfs and murdersaro raging tliisfall, , some as ¦ malaria] ( does when eu on us ooursc. l lic sickcning details of the murder and suicide at Jonesville had not ceaj-cd of thcir deprenfog eflects upon the inind, before we learn of anothcr similar trafiody at Detroit, thouli not attended WÍW a.s fatal OOMequenoes. Oeo. Shaw, of Jaokson, manied last April, and DMBg of a diaápated nnturo did not prosper vil. Afier standing abuso and poverty as long as poasible, bis wife avers she loft him and went to Detroit. He followcd her and afier soveral inetfectual attenipts to pursuade her to return toJackson with him, produced a revolver and shot hor, thon turned the wcapon upon himself discharKinsthreebulletsinto hisown body. The wife was but BÜghtly injured, and the man not fatally so. flJn filtc, late "enry Waldron of Hillsdale, gave to oach ofhis wife s sisten $1,000 in cash ; to two nieces f? CKIigOú$.3'O(? cach ; to tw n'es at Cambna Mills, $500 each: to bis wife Caroline M. Waldron, all hLs city prope ty, bc horoeste.d and furniture, 100 share3 in the first national bank, and one-sixth of all bis personal estáte ; to hts brother, Charles H. Waldron, 100 sharesin thefirs natiorjal bank, one-half all his real esUte outsido the cty of Hillsdale, and one-quarter of all his remaining personal property after debts and special Wacies are paidtf if1SrSLS-ter' ,{ ew York, onerni , '8re!' ostato outside the city of Hillsdalc, and onc-quarter ofhis personal ErV?rthe three í.eofhis deceased brother WiMiam, one-third of his personal rertyn,T1le exeoutor8 are his wife his brother Charles, and his brother-in'law, Jeremiah Waterman, of Albany, N Y His personal property is variously estimatcd ut frorn $400,000 to $600,000


Ann Arbor Courier
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