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naiiiüi-s aaie Maney ana "ver Cure A vegetable iireparatlon mid the oní rrmi-djr n tfio world for HríBhr. Ï,Y "" I rt.nrr lu.a. J' "Tr. WTestimonlala of tlio highcst order ln of ttipin stMomehts. et 'n P'oof JTFnr tlif curo of Diabetes, culi rn. _ "For the cure of ItrlKiit'a ond tw ssmvsS1 fe? WARNER'S SAFE BITTERo evrry function to more hpalthfuí mi,S, att totuma bcnellt in all Ulscasei ¦cll0. oí It cures Scrofulou and other bi . Mona nnd SlssuM, lucludiui twïiTJ1cor, nnel othur Sores. "" -ucer, tí. Itr. etc., ore curca Uy tue Safe BitSrin f' unnnnnlcd asan nppctlzernnd r""„rr„,iUli Bottles of two BUa ; prices, le?," "j WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Ouíckly Kivcí Bt nnd Slopp to tho sunSriJ. Dpiloptir nt., añil relieves HerfonípíSi! t radon brouRlit on by exoeaaiva drlak Ï?" wnrlc, mental sliocks, and otbTr cauíe. ' 0VM. "werful as 11 Ís to stop paln aod soothe dít turbed Kerves, lt never fujurei tlíe v?m wliother takon In small or large doses ' Bottles of two sizca ; príces, 60c. ani i no WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are nn Immedlata nnd active stimulus for 2orpJüiïÜMSUre C""1""'. DTiptp.l B I A iomnesB, Billoui blrLjUMfHaUM bc usiid whcoever the I!R$ÍSB bowcls do Dot opérate ¦mUL3UjBnB frccly and regularla. ¦ W Jl dj Ill4ii3 B# irII rioiit for thorouh I BMVPfiW P3 ""¦'¦ l'riir a.' ct. bol. B PJB BhyJB Proprlrtorn, E 906-1016 NL] j ACTS D1RECTLY ON THE K1DNEYS Kladder aml IiiiiaiA ij;aii by Almorli. Ing 11 hiimore, every ti ., nn1 rorcine nto the eyslem tbrough the ior- of the fkin, nourIsningand strenstheuüiK vojetiblo tonica, elvin It wonderful power tocurcatonce, PAIN IN THE BACK, SkIc or I.oins, Inflamnintlon and BriBBt'8 IHni'hhc of the Uidnij. Itiaiï'i T'. WpSRst.' "'"' tan i; or tho Bladder, High Colored, Mean t y or l'uinrul I riiiütiiiK. OepoRlts. ranmorHhredii 1I'.IIILIT1 on I in toet an] tctcil hy over wort train itlrely tho incouvenleucca ind troubics of taking i:aii"cmis and poiionoiu Intern! mud; ' ' ' nri1 exaétíy where needed, m.xt to the bodv !UtlT over tbe kldneyt, ' J It is romfortnble to tho patient. safe, pleasnm and effecti, but pjTjrfol la lts aetloa. It eau M worn at all timoe, in any climate and Ik cqutllgood for MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD. Dn nol ba prejndlced. Blft R Wil and te con. vmceü tbat it is honci-t, rcliablc, effectivc and iuai wbnt yimr feebte and erhauvtod body renuiro Tbunsánda aro d.iily nddiny; thoir tcstiraony to tbc frODderfiil curativo powcrs oí tlii rcat roraedy wno are belng roêtored to iicrfcct hcaltb after all othcr Creatmenta ¦ have falicd A?k your druKglst lor it. and accept DO tottlUtta or Sïbstl:r.o. II he hu Dol gsl lt,aeod to ua and receive tt by retnrn mail. Icsctiplwi Frico Lilt.- Hcmilar Ind, $.; social l'.u!, lot I bl l Ing, 58: ('i.ildren's Pad, ror summiT complaint weak kldneya and bed vetthiK, tl.80. Our book "Huw a l.ii,j wu S:ved,"contaiinngahi!oryolthi8 great dlBCOTery, malled free. Write for It. IAV KIIKV l'AI) CO.. Toledo O W3-IUÜ7 W. TREMÁÍN limite Ipitf OFFICE AT A.A.TERRY'S HAT STORE Xortli BrllUh Insuranro omp'j (of London and Kdinburgh,) Capital fttJBOOjm, Gold. Detroit Firc and In. o. Cash Af D00. Springticlrt luw. Comp'y. oi'Hn,, Cash Asscts f 1,800,000. Howard Ins. Co., of KW Vork, Caah AgeeU ÍJ, 000,000. Ariciillural lnsiiraiuo C'oinp1) WATÏRTOWN, . Ni:v YOÜK, Cash Assets fl,JO,ti. i liberally uljusted and promptly pnid. yr [I PERMANENTLY CURES UkiDNEY D1SEASES, LSVZR COftflPLAINTS, H Constipation and Pues. I MI. i;. II. CLAHK, So..b lloro. Vt., w, [Ë ln caacm of KIEY TUOITIÍLL ii bu M.fteJ Ukunchurm. It hucurcd many Tcrj E lin.l lMici of TILES, ond hila ní er fatlcd to JtcCk'Ur.tlj. I KEI.soMWIKcnit, ofSt.AlbmiM,VU,i H mj, " It It of prloclc vnluc. Altc-r Rlxtccn ¦ 'ïy1 ' I ;: froiu Piles und r 1 tlvem-H! It eomplotclj ourcd me, I C. s. IIOUAHOX, afBorktUn, ay -o , J Ikii Jon . r no la Hpletcl m ,¦ Llvcr aud Kldncy IH ('omturnt. 1 POWER fijiu j BBCATTSB IT ACTS ON TUE ¦ mv::!:,t:?e nowri-s and kid. ¦ ni:vs at aiTDOti J Doouüo It clor-.necs tho syGtem of ¦ thopolconci;.; h'.imor íhat dovolope B In ICltíny r.rd Urln y -iooases, Bil¦ loucnoos, Jaundlce, Conotlpation, ¦ PÜ03, orín n:-.oumfitlöm, Neuralgia LJ and FomalocJicorders. I KIDXEY-WOOT londrj vocoíoMi-oom¦ pnuiilnnil rcr bi-ntby mul] propuliL J -!"' mu irt1lTInl nlinrinlIJt I'Jlrl-sr X1!" 3XTO-W ! T lluy It nt )rur;.:lt I'rlc, #1.00. I WILLS, r.::3ASD30H A CO., Proprleton, J 3 BnAUp, Vt. fc 954-101)5- ch c w Health ís Wealth. I"; '¦¦ '. W -i Nbrvi imd Bbaia Tukatmest: a Bpeclöc roí ' i ::-¦, Nervn, L ol .Memory, Bpermatórrhcea, Impoteccy. Prematuro Oíd A'i', aan, si;:i-abnso, or ovcr-induli."l'icti leude to miaery, tíccay und dcath. Oni' liox i!l turf receñí cacs. Knch'hox contaln one month's trcatin int One dollnrn box, orsix boxes for üvt' doUkra; 8enl Ijy muil pnpaid on ncoipt oí price. Wt; raarantc e to curo any case. VVIih tch order receiTc d bv na lorsix boxes, accompanied witii flvo dolUn, we wlll scnd the purchaser unr WTlttn Ruaranu-e to return the money I f tho trtatmont oot 6ffeet u curo. Ciuarantees issucd l'y Brown Jt Oo, 8ole Aiithorizod Aprnts for Aun Arbor, Mirli. JOHN C. WE8T CO., Bola I'roprictor-, Ohlciao, III. Friaeila v -'"., Wholeaalc Avenís, Detroit, Mich. 998-llMi) A1I about mil YAC S E N D ITl SÍK 1 JD A Aü er the CAZETTEER & CUI DE, which oontains full Information on all matters of lntereat relatinff to tho " Lono Star Stato," and a now oorrect county map of Texas, Ü5 1 25 inchea. JOHN ROSS & CO.. GENI AGENTS, ST. L0U1S.MO


Ann Arbor Courier
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