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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Church. Iïky. S. Mabkell, Pistor. s,'i t. i I, 1 H4 a, m. :ind r. h. Suuili' School after momlng servlco. Prayet meeting Ttmraday evenint at V?i o'clock. Catholic Church. Rit. Fatum Fíele, Pastor. L,ow M iJ, s A. Hlish Mass, 10K a. m. Vespers p, m. Sao iny School, 2% v. m. Congrregational Church. Kev. W. II. Kydsb, PiBtor. labtetb lerrtOM, 1U!4 and 74 v. u. I School aftcr mornlng MTTM. Praycr mi'oiing Thureday eveninR at 7% o"clock. Episcopal Church. Kev. WTi-LYg HALL, Rector. jbb uli s.Tvicei, Hl a. h. and 7H p. k. Bondaj School, 3M p. m. l{cli?lon service, Thuredaj evenlng at7Ho'clock. Germán Methodist Church. Hev. C. Ilr.Lwu), Paetor. gkbbth services, 10V4 a. . and 1% p. m. Suoday School, at nine o'clock a. . Prayer meutini; on Wednesday. Lutheran Church. Rïv. John Neümann, Pastor. Sabbath services, WA a. m. and 74 p. . . School after mornlng Borvlce. Praver mur.tlni?, Tharsday evenin(;at74 o'clock. Methodist Church. Kbv. Johï AlbastiLb, Pastor. Sabbul i'J4 a. m. and 74 p. m. SiiQiliy Schoo! ifter morninK serTicc. l'myi r meetiuu.Thnrsday evenlng at 74 o'clock. Yoanï People's Meeting, Satarday 7 p. m. Presbyterian Church. R'.v. PID T. Brown, D. D., Pastor. ¦iiblwtb wrilce, 10"4 a. h. and 74 r. . suii.Hi s,!i,;)l and Bibleclassaftermornlng service l"r:vycr msetin?, Thurxday evenliiK at 8 o'clock. V in? Ptople'a KeatlnK, sunday i'veniiii fi4. üuitarian Church. Bit. 1. T. Si'NDKiu.AND, Pastor. Sabbatb ervces, 104 a. m. and 7W Sundiiy School üt 12 . Sin I inte' Bi!. lo OUm al 0-.15 a. m. Ziou Chnrch. li:'. II. f. Bei.sbb, Pastor. s ihbo b Son Icos jit Wi a. :j. and 7 P. . S v 1 iv Scb ol Imraedlately nfter mornlufr service. Rsll ¦ Wi'dn.'ndayevi-nlnc 17 o'clock. BUSINESS CARDS. T radios! l.adics! MISSES' HAYLEYSA l.iDIEs' STORE, No. :! S. Main St., for Coreets, ;cry,Toweliu, 'l'able Linen, Von.Unan -indSilkHandkerchiefs, Vockties, Uarnct and Jet Sets, and Rallies' Fan n t'reat Tariety. N, 8 S. Main St. "No. SS. Main St. 'JMi-yr 0. C JENKI'S, I OFFICE : no. 32 East WasMngton Street. Formerly occupied by Dr. Vrotlünsliam. f T HEXRY R. IHLL, ATTORNEYATLAW Real Estáte Broker, AN'I INSURANCE AOENT. office : Xo. 1 Opera House Block Ank Arbob, Mich. 75tr WTLI.IAM HERZ, nOUSiï, SIÜN, ORNAMENTAL FKESCO PAINTEK. IPwerme. Glazme, Gilding and Calci- raining, and work of evcrydecriptlon done in the heet style, and warramed tiïiTCiati?faction. Shop No. 4 Weill #Wa!ilni;toi! Street, Ann Arbor.Mlchy 638tf W. H. .TACKSON, VDENTISTA Office over Ilacb Sc Abcl'n. Xautraace by Firat National Bank. 73Jtf ƒ F. SORG, UoUBB, SlUN AND ÜHNAMKNTAI. Paintkb. PapcrlnR, Glazlng, I E Uildlng, and work of every cription done in the beet etyle. ƒ Palnts, Oils, and Varnlshea on ƒ J 'iand and for sale. Shop, No. 3S ƒ Eaêt Washington Street, Ann ƒ II Vrbor, Mlch. 603tf WILLI AM W. NICH0LS-. DBNTIST 1 SÊfc HucecBnorto (i. W. North. Office, 19 South MalD Street, opiioslte National Bank. KcBidcnce, 27 Llb erty Street. Nilrnaa oxide pas adminletered whe rcqnReited. B68t KALAMAZOO BUSINESS COLLEGE oiTcrs superior adTUtagai t" YOUNC MEN AND WO MEN who wisb to qnalliy lor bnsines. Over Ü.MO of ourstudenta are now fllllns ra."poiill]e osition in all parte of the country. Sem! lor College Jourial trivium pui ilcular. W. F. 1'AÜSIINS. I'IUIDKNT, Wt-1011 Kalamazoo, Mich. THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Ailiiir, 11 i:lilt"i, 7RANSACTS miUl BANKING BUSINESS, CAPITAL, $50,000. Organizod undcr the General Banking Law of thle ie stockholdere are indlvldnally Hable for sn iddltional amount equal to the stock held by them, 'herhy creatint; a .unrfiiilcc Fnnd Tor the 'X'lictll Of ltl'IONtOI-H Of $100,000.00. Kuur per cent. interest Is allowed on all ¦"avinijï Duposits of onu dollar and upwarde, accorduü to the rules of thellank,and interest compoundcd "!mi-anmially. Moncy to loan on unincumbered jtte and othcr Rood secnrity. 'Hrectort -Ohrintian Mack, W. W. Wines, K. A. Bcal William Deubel, William D. Harriman Daniul üiscock, and Wlllard B. Sraith OfllrerH: "nn.HTitN Míck, Pres. W. W. Wini, Vlcc-Pree. Cuas. K. HiacocK, Caehler. )15-lt 6 To WINANS & BERRY FOK MRCHANT TAIL0RIN6 t'or tho rollón injc reaNonM: Ut. Oni work la ;ill flrpt-ctaes. ¦"' Mr. Berry is Uh nnly cultor in the Slutu who l kivc ron ¦ perfect fit wWuna irytng uit. hn'vi' Vl' th! '"W" amortmcat iu the Süito, navini; over iii) ,1, i„ aelect from In lorcwun 'mand WortteiU. ;:?¦ 7 u none but llri-clae trimmluKK. ¦jUi. WeinfollMperi r. liolow Detroit prlcca. WINANS BEUKY, M-1U07 No. 11 South Main Street, Ann Arbor


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