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warner s saté Kioüey and Liver Cure te (Ibrma-lu Dr. Otttlf'i tUñm Cure A TCRPtablo preparntion ana th onlv rvmvtly m the world for llrlRlit' ni. ar Ilinbt-teik nnd AJUL, Iii.liit j, l,ivcr ítí GriuirDiirMoii. "", ad BTesUmunial3 uf tbo blghcst order In uroof of these statements. ""proor KjSFot the cure of I)labtCft. cali tnr-nr nor' Naf Illabrim ('nrr. ' wMTor the. euro ut Ilrtglit'a Rna the oth, diseasos, cali fur Harner'l Suie ïd!. ana UriT Care. ¦ony WARMERS SAFE BITTERS It Is the best Iilood Iurlfler. and stimuli'. every function to mnro hinlthfui aaion ÏCÏ Is thus a benefit In all dlseases. -"on. and It cures atprofulouM and other Xltln fm tioiu and l)ise:ises, includillK l'aucprí iV eer, nnd other Som. '" llI)yl'"lnla, 'rabnni ofthc Vtoniarh Conslipatlon. lïzziiiea, enrral ]hii Ity, etc., nru cuiecl uy tho JHare Ulttcra. l! . uncqualcd as tin npr:tizeranl rotular tonle liuttles of two siïi.3 ; prices, 80c. and gl uu WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quiekly glVM Rost mul Sleep tn the sufferinr euros IItadnclic runl Kvurnlffla, prevent i:pilpplicFH, and rellevcsNcrvouPrn! trntlon brought un by excesslve drink over work, mental suncks, and other causea. Powerful as It ia to stop pain and soothe du. turbed Nervc3, It nuver Injures the sytem wiiether taken in small or larce doses. ' Boules of two sizes ; prices, ftoc. and 91 00 WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are nn lnimedi.itc and active stimulus for a Torpld Llvcr. itnil rure Coativenen. Driptpita BH ¦¦¦¦HHMBfl louincii. Bllloui bluKXiUrW lililí L rhoe&, Mdlartfc, ttrn utmUAiTTTTiimÊ aDi A8"' and should LJMIPSKXUU UB IhuviI whenevcrtbe I IPVk41L3HIB HLS buwt'ls cío not opérate lUJLdUBVwB frei'ly nnd n-Kularly. KnlLLflB 15W " citli-r l-llh reduin sa, ¦ nTTfanTl M 'i1ia11 l1o4n 'or tborouk ¦ UláBUUififl WF% ork. l'rifc í; rtt. b. I WSTTWiTVnjm ffi T-.sjnttaiM1„ I EwUk4MMÍl i :ol2 '¦-" """='' ti. .i, ISrr i!l H.H. Warner &,Co„ I ifïryBlH'J EOCHEBTER, N. Y. ¦HhLtflCffH CJ"Smd for l'uphln !K", MM, IBl PAD ACTS DIRECTLY OW THE KIDNEYS. Hlaildcr and I'rinary Oixaus by A linorliIng all humore. tvery trace of uUcanc, nnd foreini; Into the pystem through tlie j.ores of the skin, nourithing and Ktrenj;thenDg vcgetiblc tonics, frivlng it woiKtcrfiil power to cure at once, PAIN IN THE BACK, ilc or I.MÍ11-, Intlammatlon nul Kri-rlifM niHeaHO ot' the Kidnryn. IMaln-tew. Dropay, eravel, 'atarrli of the Bladder, IliKli Colored, Seanty or l'alnful UrlmatlnK, l' ust-or Nhrt-iU In the l'riiie. l.l! (H SA I'HYSK'AL IIHtlLITÏ ;m 1 in fact any Of m :in vh"tlMTContracted by over work.straln, live drink, the sbuse of nature, or otherwise. lt aupercedes entirely the inconvemetices and troubles of takii.g umiKejtis tind t)oioi)ou8 intiTiial medicines. It i worn exactly where ncedod, next to tbc body and Immedlately over the kidneys. It is comlortable to the patiënt, safe, pefuiM anfl reliable in lts effect, butjowsrM ia lts i::::i. It can be vorn at all timee. in any climate, nntl Í8 equally good for MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD. D do) be prvjudiccd. 3:?q it i tml and be coiirincad that it is houcm, reliable, effective and jast wtaat your feeble and exhaasted body reqnirca. Thoosandi are dftfly addlng thelr testlmony to the wondflrfol curativa powm ol thia Kreat renudy. who are bein restored to jcrfect healtti aftcr all other treatmt-nts ,-ind remealot have htled. Atk your druiíLíist lor it, and accept no Inmltatics :r ::;:.;¦ tute. It' he bas not got it, send to ns and receivo it by return mail. EescriptiTO Prico List.- Besolar Pad, $2; Sciit Pad, lor Chronic, deep-seoted, er caset oí ion? standing, $3; Cbildren's Pad, fur summcr complaint, weak kidncjB and bed wotting, $1.50. Our book, "Hou a LitV' waa Savöd," contalnfng a history ol tbta great dlscovery. malled free. WrtttB tot it. IAY KIIXKY PAO Toledo, O. 9SÓ-1Q0? ¦ W. TREMAIN tante An OFFICE AT A.A.TERRY'S HAT STORE orili Britiwh Insurance Comp'f (oï liondon and Kdinbur;h,) Capital $I3,OOO,0OU, Gold. Detroit ï'irc hikI Marine Int. ('o. Caeh Aeects fMO.O Sprlngfleld In. Comp'y. ofMu., Cash Aseéis ti.SiyKXi. lliiwunl In. Co., of NW Vork, Ciuh Assets H,00B,n08 Ai:rMUlHir:il 4oiii') WATBBTOWH, - NÏW ÏOBK, ta 11,200)00. Lonea liberlly adjueted and prompüy paiá. JT Áyer's Hair Vigor, FOK ltlSTOHINCJ (iRAY HAIR TO I TS NATURAL YITALITVAND COLOR n atWM the growth ; and tlwaji inruly restores il ccilor, wban f:icl.-il or tnj. Il sllmntete (he nuiritive I ¦'¦¦nvs bOtb tin' linir .-in.! ï..-:inty. Thaa bnt f,weliortleklj huir lin-'üt,.Ie aod -trrlitln.'nod; loil huir ragri wu fflti llTelj ei ure) in bUIng tuit h checked and establlihed; thln hair Ibickesa fided nr ;r:iv hun rtnma 1luir original color. Bl operntion is stiro and bvmlew. Homos dandrull', heals all humors, and keeps the scalp cool, clc:in and soft- unik-r whlch condlttoae diacasea of the Mllp are lmpusxibli'. As a drauing for ldle' hair. the Vioob i? pralícd for lts grotefnl and agreeable rwrfnmfl, rad valued for the Milt ud riehowi ol Iodo II Itajmt. PBEPASBD BY Dr. .1. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.. Practical and Annlytlcal Chemlita. Sold bj all Drngelsti and Dealers In Mfdioinc. 7S-1010-ciiw HealtiïsWeaïthT l)u K. C, Vi and JSkainTueítmknt: aspeciüc lot Hj iterla, DizzIness.ConvulslonfcNerTons Headscbe, Menul Depresslon, Li s ol Memorj, Spermatorrhu'O. ünpotency. Premature Old Ati1, causcd by over axeruon, aeli-abnsc, or ov,Tr-iudnicence, wlilch lends to mlMry, clei:iv and death. Une box will i s. Kuch box contalns one raonth's tmitinitit. One dollar a box, or six Doxc-for live dollars ; Sent by mail prepntd on recelpt ol prlce. We gnanntee sli boxes to cnre auy cbc. Wilh each order receWed by nslorsixboxes.accompanlcd rltta ttve dollars, we UI tand the purenaser onr written gnarantee to returo the moDej i' i' treatment do. acure. QuaranMíj lw by ürown & Co.. 8 ole Anthorized Asrentí forAnn Arbcir, Vlch. JOHN C. " ' ï"l'r' eton, CbWo, III. Frliello & Co., Wholeeato Ak-onii, Detroit, Mlch. '.I38-1O4-' I I n"lr" '""¦ r,,'liOi! Ai I II Jucu"'l'i'"ll"U'""ll)r:;i"r üoll.r.i,,.lngl.W,.k. .rei ko. b-'"; L ¦SnldvriMUUwOB. au h, mM iujuL, H.lne.


Ann Arbor Courier
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