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Oo to the polls oarly. And stay there until the dyo is cast. Vote and work for republican suocess, with all your might. That Chinese business was desperately played, but was a tremendous error. Soldiers, rally for the party which upUeld you in the days of your country's peril. James McLaren is the candidato for representativo in the third district of this county, and should coruuiand the support of his party. Body snatching stories apain begin to circuíate, giving local soribblers an item occasionally and a chance to moralizo and coniemn somebody. Two nortbern otates, Michigan and Wisconsin, will roll up the largest republican majorities they have ever given. Just put that down in your note book. The republican legislature of Vermont baa again chosen Geo. F. Edmunds to repre.-ent that state in the United States senate. A sensible legislature. Edwin Willita has made an able representativo in congress for this district. By doubling up his majority, the people will show how wcll they appreciate his services. The rout of the demócrata next Tuesday will be more disartrous to them than was that of the Greeley oampaign. It will be nearly a unanimous thing throughout the north. The 329 problem is thus solved by the New York Graphic: " Three years in the war, twioe elected to the Ohio state senate, and nine times elected tocongrass.' Voto for Kverett B. Clark for county clerk. He has given tho county one of the most econouiical administrations of any iacumbent of that office. He has been a good and faithful public aervant. Reward hiin for it. One great beauty of a republican campaign in Michigan is that there are such a great number of good speakers within her own borders that she doesn't have to go outside for them. While the democrats have to import or go without. The following are the official figures of the total vote for governor of Indiana : Porter, republican, 230,291 ; Landers, democrat, 222,740 ; Gregg, national, 14,863 ; plurality for Porter, 7,551 ! I That's a glorious result for a democratie state. From the east, from the west, from the north, and from the south comes glad tidings of great joy to republican hearts. Everywhere are the people awake to their interests., and an overwhelming sweep will be made next Tuesday by the republioans. Ben. llill tells his dear coustituency in Georgia that Senators Bayard and Wade Hampton are the two culprits who have defeated the democratie party by their foolish utterances. Oh, shaw, Ben ! It's the good sense and union loving sentiment of the people that has done the deed. " There is no hope, tbere is no hope I " is the continual refrain sung by our demo cratio friends. They are melancholy be fore their time. They are weeping over the corpse before the death blow has finally been strück. We are oorry for them, but can not possibly help thein out of their trouble. Joe T. Jacobs represents the active men of our county. He is a live, go-ahead wide-awako man, and if by your votes you will place him in the senate, tbc county o Washtenaw can not possibly have a bette representativo. Give hiin your vote. He deserves it and you will never regret it i you do. Give your vote next luesday for the unión aait is to-day, notas it was before war. Vote with the party of advanccment, o progression, activity, and right. The republican party (hrew off all ring domina tion when it noniinated Garfield, and h is the man for whom you should cas your ballot. James MoMahon, of this city, an Franklin Hincklfiy, of Ypsilanti, are can didates upon the republican ticket for cir cuit court coromissioners. The liit is th present efficiënt inoumbent of that office and both of thein are worthy of being chosen to the position by your votes nex Tuesday. VVill you not vote for them? All the good people of Michigan and th great west, be they demoorats or republi cans, are rejoiced over the defeat of Con gresman Frank Hurd in the Toledo dis trict. His infamous bill to throttle th great through lines of railroad traversing this state, has brought hiin to trouble. H wil) rcmain at home for the coming tw years. After partially recovering frorn the effects of the terrible blow they received in Ohi and Indiana, the demócrata are once more atteruptitig to rally their broken col umns, in order to save what minor office they can. Bat their ranks are badly de moralized, and with the certainty of anoth er great defeat staring them in the face, i is up-hill business. Again will Michigan send an unbroke republican congressional delegation to Washington. In the first district May bury's dofeat and Lord's elcction ia assur ed.and in theeighth district the democrati nominee has efFectually killed ofi what lit tle chance lie did have, (if he ever had any which is doubtful) by too inuch mouth a ml frcf trudo principies. Another boinb shell has lunst in theM craocratic camp. Sanford Keeler, ( ntendent of the Fünt & Perre Marqnelie l. (L, hn writtffl) a letter giving must excellent reasons why he sliall no longcr reuain with the demowatio party. How lany suoli Iftaaes as these can the demuratic patty of Michigan suffer, before gong into total di.-solutinn ? The rush into iho repnUioan paity ig Ihio and Indiana is amounting to n pnnio. jiko a great flock of sheep, thoy all f'.llow leir leader. Especially is thu dtsaffee on very great in Ohio. They have I I banging over rapidly, and by next Tuesday iere will be hardly enough lelt in the emooratio ranks to make upa corporal' uard. Let the good work go on ! Eraslus N. Gilbert served his country aithfully in battle. He periled his 1 i te for he life of' the nation. Ile was brave in be field, and will be efficiënt in the civil osition for which he asks your votes. All overs of our country will but be doinjj Uítice by this brave soldier boy, in giving lim their vote to assist hini in obtaining a positioo he deserves. The democrats, scared out of their boots y the grand republican triutnphs in Ohio nd Indiana, have been holding meetings with the greenbackers, and endeavoring to x up a unión in this state. Uut the shy greenback niaiden wasn't quite ready to tnarry, soshe untnercifully jilted the hoaryicaded wooer. They will have to go it alone, and it is an awf'ul lonesorae "go," too. A democratie exchange says: "This ïas been a campaign of surprises froin the outset and perhaps the biggest surprist of all is in store for the people on the first i'uesday of November next." Ferhapi hat's so. Tt will be a surprise to tbe peole that thu party that starled out with so much brag and bluster had so little in reality to brag or bluster about. The democrats will be surprised at the nieagcrne.-s of their vote. Wm. K. Depew, of Chelsea, is the popular candidato upon the republican ticket br judgo of probate. Younj:, energetic, well educated, ho will if elected inakc a most excellent officer. The office is an ituxjrtant ono for tbe people, as therc are great interests to be considered in settling up the estites of tbose deceaed. The nniblii'an party offers you a good man in whose hands you may safely intrust these great interests. Will you do it ? Capt. K. P. Allen takesa position in i Instate legislature second to none. By his re-clcction the people of his district will not only honor themsclves, but secure a representativo whose influence will be of incalculable benefit to thein. Give him a rousing ujajority, for he is deserving of it. For county treasurer that democratie stronghold of Freedom, presents one of her most worthy republican citisens for the suffrages of the republican party of this county. Friedrick Ffizenmaier is a Germán farmer, who has accumulatod by hard work, ecoDomy, and perseverance a conipetenoy, and is worthy of the votes of every farmer, laboring man or business man of the county. The finances will be in safe hands if entrusted to his care for the coming two ycars. Edward D. Kinne is the republicin candidate for representative in this district. His name has been associated with uiany public enterprises. Aa mayor of this city he was found to be an efficiënt, upright officer, and one who served to the honor of our city. In whatever position of public life he has been called upon to fill, he has proven a most worthy person. Our nex legislatura chooses an United States senator. This district must be represented b a republican. So vote for E. I). Kinne. The entire state ticket of the republi cans, from the candidate for governor, Hon David H. Jerome, of Saginaw City, down to the candidate for meinber of the state board of edueation, Kigar Rexford, ol Ypsilanti, is an excellent one, and shouk on no condition be "slipped" by republicans. Give it a hearty support, and let victory be inscribed on the banners of' ol( Washtenaw, next Tuesday. It is with extreme regret we are callei upon to chronicle the death of Robert F Johnstone, the veteran editor, of Detroit He was editor of the Miuliuan Farmer and the oldest journalist in Detroit. He passed away without a strupgle and with out a moment's warning, at midnigln o Sunday last, the 24th inst. , aged 64 years His death, in apparently the best of health is a sudden and a sad surprise. The de ccased was bom in the Barony of' Tho Ards, county Down, Ireland, in 1816 came to this country in 1833 ; studied a cauimuige ; rouioved to Albany anu trn legislativo printer for soine time ; came to Detroit about 1845 ; was for years ínter ested in the publiahintf and editorial business there ; running politica! dailies, and other publicatinns, until of late years hc has been connectcd wiili ihe ftlich. Farmer, which is a paying piece of property. He leaves a wif'e whom ho iuarried in this county some two raonths sinoe, and fuur sons and one daughter by a foroier wilc. He will be miased from the fratornity, but his honorable, spotless life will long be held in remembrance by his many associates and Iriends all over the state.


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