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Good-bye to the solid south. Next Tuesday will settle it. The horseshoo is nailed over the republican door, and bodes uood luck. The board of supervisors thinks it takes too tnany officers to run our circuit court. The eneniy are rapidly falling back with ranks ereatly decimated by desertions. Beautiful new designs of type for visitinjr and wedding cards just received at this office. _____ Cast your ballot next Tuesday for Edward D. Kinne for representative in the legislature. Aid. Keech, at the Ferdon lumber yard, has uptown connection now, having put in a telephone. _._ It is expectod that the new railroad bridge over the Huron will be completed in iv few days. The honds of the next county treasurer have been fixed by the board of supervisors at $150,000. Some of the farmers are drawing their wheat to Delhi, and are selling it undor contract for $1 per bushel. Desperate ! They are frantic. Perfectiy wild. If they forge letters they will steal votes. Look out for theru. After next Tuesday they will have to discard the name of " democrat," and try some new dodge to attain power. - J. B. Sannders was again elected secre tary of the reform club, at their business meeting, Wedneeday evening last. The firm of Swathel, Ailes & Peterson have connected their mili with their uptown office by means of a telephone. The senior class of the high school held a social at the rnsidence of Miss Kellogg, in the 6th ward, Friday evening last. John Pfifle, a 12 years oíd lad, has been - nt to the reform school, atLansing, until he is 18 years old, by Justice Winegar. Nora station proposes to ship 1,000 corda nf wood to this city. this winter, over the T., A. A. & G. T. R. R. Good for Nora. One of the most favorable siijns of the timen is that Ann Arhor folks are expendlng considerable taste and money in church building, reflltlng, etc.- Evenlng News. " Oh ! what are ye givin' us ?" Last Wednesday morning Mias Mary Clair, of this city, and Frank Riley, of Monroo, were married at St. Thomas' church. Work for congressman, work for the leglatlvc ticket, work for the state ticket, work for the county ticket, work, republicana, work ! At the recent meeting of the grand lodge of good templara, P. D. Woodruff, of this city, was elected grand worthy assistant aecretary. The weather has not been upon its good bchavior. Since our last report there bas been just one pleasant, aunshiny day, and then it was muddy. The new registration this fall ia in exceas of foruier years. It is as follows : lat ward, 92 ; 2d, 49 3d, 68 ; 4th, 81 ; 5th, 50 ; Cth, 72. Total, 412. Every republican should constitute hitnself a cominittoe of one next Tuesday, togo to the polls and work for the-miccess of the republican party. Laborers, all over the country, are rapidly finding out which party are their friends, and are flocking to the republican standard by thousands. Froiu all indications thcre will be a large ¦vote polled in this county nest Tuesday, and it bids fair to be more largely republiean, than ever before. The Monroe county board of supervisors have votcd to raise tbe salary of E. P. Goodrich, the circuit court stenographer of thia circuit, to $1,500. A bilí for divorce has been filed with the county clerk by Minerva Johnson, against her husband Henry Johnson, for cruelty nd f'ailure to support. The democrats are on the " still hunt," that's what they cali it, in this county. Next Wednesday morning they can figure up the game thoy didn't bag. Our present county clerk is genial, corutcous, gentlemanly, and one of the most pleafant officials to do business with who ever held a county offioe. John K. Yooum should receive a major Hy of the votes of the people of this county neit Tuesday, for county surveyor. He is Uioroughty competent and honest. ? The Evening News recently had thia Hem : " Rev. J. 0. Lemon, of Ann Arbor, DM ucepted a cali to preach for the BapÍ ut Duwville, Inghatn county." The people of Ypsilanti, and the first representative district, will certainly be sufficiently aüve to their own interests to see ihat Gapt. E. P. Allen is re-elected. Don't worry over yourdemocratio neighIwr- unleMj he is one of the many who nads to vote the republican ticket this fall, s a rebuke to the aouthern wing of his Party who are getting too rampant- but be sure and go to the polls yourself, and vote or the good cause, and the right. Capt. E. P. Allen will speak at York tonight, and at Saline tomorrow night. Gucss he will get those fences all put up that the democrats aro so anxious about. Kev. Mr. Kundcrlaud will preach next Sunday morning on " Dr. Thomas and the other rocent hcretics. ' Kvening subjf et : " Political dutiesof edueated youug men." We notice by the Grand Rápida Eigle, that Goo. P. Wanty, another of Ann Ar bor's boys, is hclpiug along tlic good caui-e, and making speeches for Garfield and Arthur. _ R. E. Fiazer will close the campaign at Adrián, speaking there next Monday evening, in company with Hon. James O'Donnell, of Jackson. It will be a rousing meeting. ¦ We understand th;it the assesstuent rolls of the first and seeond wards have been again raised by the board of supervisors, this time $70,000 over last ycar's apportionmeut. Dr. Chas. Rynd, of Adrián, addressed a large audience at Light Guard hall, Ypsilanti, last Wednesday evening, and made a favorable impression. His arguments were oonvinoing. The new cistern on 5th Street, at the intersection of Jefforson, has been filled with water. But we are informed that nothing has been done to the eiatern near the Catholic church. A janitor for the court house will not be appointed until January, atwhich time the proper officials will receive bids for the position. Pretty cold weather in whieh to leave a warm place. A. W. Ames denies the statement made by a coutempoiary that he has beeu in the employ of the American union telegraph oompany 25 years. ITe says he never worked for it one day. It is the opinión of ye local that the mystic figures, 329, are prophetic, and indícate 300 majority in this city, 2,000 in this county, aml 90,000 in this state for the republicans. Ilow'sthat? For coroners, Drs. Wm, F. Breakcy, of this city, and F. K. Owen, of Ypsilanti, are the oandidates, two as worthy men as Washtenaw county posesses. No republican can consUtently vote against them. We have seen the books showing the ettlemetitof the board of supervisors with the county clerk, and the figures show tbat there was due Mr. Ulark $262.72. Whieh is gratifying to the clurk and his friends. The business of our city bill poster, Henry Wilmot, has enlarged to such an extent that he has been obliged to rent a building for a place of' He will hereafter be found at No. 35 N. Main street. W. Irving Yeekley, of Ypsilaoli town, will make a most excellent sheriff for Washtenaw county. Il' he is given the guardianship of tlie rogoea for the next two years we don't belii -vu inany of them will escape. A republican meeting is to be held at Ypsilanti, on Monday evening, Nov. lst, whieh will be adHressed by Thomas R. Ofiwup and John II. Fox. It should be a rousing meeting as a fitting close to the campaign. The county legislatura instructed supervisor Purtell to repair to Ypsüanti, examine the justices' doekets and find out about the numberof prisoncMconfined in the jail of tlmt city, for whieh Jacob II. Martin brings in his bill. Those who believe in fair wages for the laboring man slioulJ vote the republican tieket. Those who believe that labor should be reduced to the priees paid for it in Europe, should vote for free trade and democratie principies. Next Monday evening Prof. Stowell will give an exhibition of microscopio specimens at the residence of Prof. Cooley, at 7:30 p. in., for the benefit of the ladies library association. All who have fifteen cents are cordially invited. The young people's club of the Uuitarian society began its meetings for the season last Thursday evening with a social party and supper in the State street hall. Mr. Ralph A. Brown read the first number of " Our Paper." The attendance was large. The Unitarian Sunday school has elected the following officers for the coming year : Superintendent, Dr. T. P. Wilson ; assistant superintendent, Mrs. Eliza It. Sunderland; secretary, Miss Gregg; treasurer, Mrs. J. Whitlark ; librarían, Arthur Whitlark. Don' t you believe any of the stories about the republican candidatos put in circulation for political effect. Several lies have already been starled with the intention of injuring republican eandidates. Be wateliful, a desperate party will resort to desper ate ends. ______ Mrs. Harriet Judson died at her residence in the sixth ward, on Snturday, the 23d inst., of paralysis. The deceased was 83 years of age, was a descendant of Gov. Bradford, who came over in the Mayflower, and was bom in Hartwick, Otsego county, New York. # The salaries of county officials has been fixed by the board of supervisors for the coming year as fulljws, all being the same as the previous year : Judge of probate, $1,200; oounty clerk, $800; county treasurer, $1,100; prosecuting attorney, $800; probate register, $300. The reform club had an excellent meeting last Sunday afternoon, whieh was ad dressed by Rev. Mrs. Olympia Brown, of Racine, Wisconsin. Next Sunday afternoon C. II. Greathouse i to deliver the address at the rooms of' the club, on Main street, at 3 o'clock p. m. A full meeting of the pomological society is desired on the first Saturday of November next, as a subject of uiuch interest wil be discussed, and the various committees will then be appointed to make preparation for the state j)omologieal meeting to be held here in December next. Let republicans remember that six years ago Zachariah Uhandler was defcated for a re-election to the United States senato, by democrats in our state legislature. Every vote cast for a democratie member of the legislature, is cast for a democratio Unitec Sutes senator from Michigan. There is to be a republican meeting at the Hudson school house, in Dexter town ship, to morrow, hatunlayevenmg, atseven o'clock, whioh will be addressdd by J. C Knowlton, and John F. Lawrence. Thei subjeot will be the tariff question. Turn out and hear what they have to say. Kepublicans will do well to bear in mini tho 40,000 bogus tickets the democrats hac printed, and scatterod broadcast over Ver mont, at the recent oloction in that state and be on jjuard for a similar dodge. The democrat.s are desperate, and will resort to anything to win. Look woll to your tickets. The South Lyon Sentinel, a neutral paper with democratie utterances, is mad to hink that the demócrata didn't forgive ïenodict Arnold, cali him back to tbc Initcd States and niake hini minister to 'hiña, and so acuses the Courier of inonsi.ntency. Whilo the European star gazers were tealing the cornet diseovered by Prof. Harington, of our univorsity, Prof. Swift, of he Rochester observatory, discovered a magnificent fellow, intheconsteltation Pegassus, immediately olapped bis trade mark on, and scored another notch on the road o fame. The studente of the normal school, at i'pniianti, are seriously considering theproriety of establishing a paper, to be devoted o educational matters in general. Their xpectations are based upon receiving $40 er year from the faculty, and the securing of 100 subscribers aniong themselves beides niany among the alumni. The Grand Rapids Eagle, in giving the listory of the lost passengere on board the Alpena, from that city, refers to Christoiher Kusterer, who came from Gormany o Ann Arbor in 1845, and married Miss )orotby Daeuble, who still survives him. Two years later he went to Grand Rapids where he has ever sincc resided. Thoso desirous of obtaining neat caids, circulars, bill heads, letter heads, or anyhiug of the kind, are iformed that a large ot of new type, of the vory latest designs, las been put in the CouaiBR offioe. We can not be excelled by any offioe in the state in the line of job work. Give us a rial if you have any work to be done. -¦ A circular from the war department, signed by Joseph K. Barnes, surgeon general of the IJ. S. army, has this to say, which may interest some of our people : "Theapproprlatlon for supplylng artificial lmbs during the year endlng June 30, 1881, In ïuw so far exhausted that no more orders, elther for llmbs In kind or for commuttttlon, can be lssued until furtlier provisión shall have been made by cougress. The snmll balance unexpended will be requlred to pay claims already approved." A correspondent writing from Saline, says that tbe burning of the bridge on the D., H. & I. R. R., caused severa! inciden ts, among which is noted the fact that Mrs. [sabella Robison, of that place, aged 73 years, etaid alone for the first time in her ife, herfriends being detained by the accident. She is one of Washtenaw's oldest pioneers, too. There ought to be holes dug at convenent plaoes in Allen's creek at the foot of several important streets, so that the steamer could take water without sucking up gravel or dirt, and thus cutting out her machinery. These excavations ought also to be made sufficiently large to answer the purpose of cisterns should the water in the oreek be low in dry weather. In the university picture which wc spoko of as being in contemplation some time since, the artist has made some very desirable changes, and our genial townsman, Martin Clark, who has the management of the business, reports the subscriptions roling in lively. It is certainly a desirable picture, and one everybody wants who is interested in the university or in our city. Burglars are at work in this city in a sruall way. The harness room of Israel flall's barn, in the 6th ward, was broken into last Monday night, and a set of doublé and single harness, two carriage robes, two t)lankets, and several other articles were stolen. On the same evening A. Herz's saloon in the 5lh ward was broken into, and a quantity of cigars aud some liquor was stolen. No clue to the thieves as yet. ?? The Las Vegas, New Mexico, Daily Gazette of Oct. 22d, gives an account of the marriage of Dr. E. C. Henriques, and Mrs. Emelia Otero de Baca, upon the day previous, and adds : "The bride was the widow of the late Benito Baca, and is a lady of fine culture, most amiable disposition and possessed of beauty and graceful accoiuplishments." The news of "Ed's" good fortune will be gladly received by his old companions in Ann Arbor. The republican party is not "the party of hate," as the democrats assert. The hatred comes from the eouth. It is that accursed spirit of animosity which ihey instill into the minds of their ohildren as soon as they are old enough to understand, to hate with a deadly hatred the " Yanks" of the north, that causes the sectional feeling. They teach aüd preach hatred continually, and then accuse the republicans of the same. Not much cheek in that, oh, no ! Itis announced, officially we understand, that the Grand Trunk has practically got control of the Toledo & Ann Arbor road, and that the official title will hereafter be the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Graud Trunk 11. R. This gives the Grand Trunk two importantlinesthrough our state, the one leading to Chicago, and giving it a splendid through route east and west ; the other to Toledo which will eventually become a part of the Northern Pacific on its eastern out let. Wm. P. Watson, of New York has been appointed treasurer of tho new orfranization. ' At about ten o'clock Tuenday niorning," Lizzie Herz, a youDg lady about 22 years old, daughter of August Herz, of the filth ward, died very suddenly, caused, it is supposed by congestión of the spine. The deceased was in attendance upon the eooial of the young people's society of the Unitarian church, on the Thursday evening previous, and at ihat time was taken ill so that she had to be carried home. Miss Uerz was an estimable young lady, much C9teemed and respected by her friends and companion?, and her sudden demise is a sad event f'or her fainily and friends. A crowd of men were on the corner the other day and as the conversation thoy were carrying on began to grow warm a big bully, baoked by most of the rest, remarked to a small, siokly man: "You're a liar, and I oan chaw you up in jast no time. I teil you I'm half wildcat and half alligator, with a good sprtnkling of grizzly bear, and I can whip" heru he was intorrupted by a large, angular woman, who made her appearance, and pushing aside the small man whoin she told to go homo, she remarked, " Now, gentlemen, I'm only a barbed wire fence, hut f thero is any one in the crowd " here she stopped, they had all fled. # The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Frankliu Cate was celebrated at their home in thi.s city, on Wednesday, the -'7th int. Mr. and Mrs. Cate were both born in the samo year ; and are now 73 years of age, and in the enjoyment of excellent health They have resided in this state for the lust twenty years, having removed here from Monroo county, N. Y. There were pres ent at this fiftieth anniversary of their uiarriage their seven sons and daughters (five of whom are married), who were ac couipanied by their busbands and wives and their respective families. Mr. and Mrs. Cate were the recipientsof many usc fal and valuable presents. The occasion was a very enjoyable one to all present. The dudes of proseeuting atiorney hav een faithfully and ably attended to for the ast two ycars. Krank Kinciick has demonstrated bis eminent fitness for the office, and it is always custoiuary to givo a good offieer a second term. Mr. Einerick is no ïypocrite. You always know wherc he t on al! important subjcets, and though ii in in liin convictioDs he is always moderate in liis views. He íb entitled tü a reelection. ___ The Kvening News of Wednesday night gave the public information of a sly dodge which had been put up by the liquor dealers of Detroit to defeat Messrs. Jeroine and Crosby, for governor and lieutenantgovernor, respectively. It is nothing lesn han issuing 500,000 tickets in fac-tímílic of the republican state ticket, with the names of Holloway and Thompson in place of the republican candidates. The News claims that the job was given to the Deroit Free Press and the Leader- the liquor loalers' organ. Kepublicans, look out for hem.