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ANDREWS- PHELPS- At the residencn of the bnde's parents, In Saline, Mich., October 25th, 1880, by Kev. W. H. Kyder. of Aiin Arbor, Mr. Jay Andrews, of Chicago, 111., to Mise Lilian Phelps, of Saline. The utinirruu frienda of Mr. and Mr?. AndrewK ciiinot fail to be interested In the somewhat romantic circuroetance attendlne (hls weddine. Four years ago, while on the way to the contonnlal cxhlbition, thcy eacb, by chance, mdo the in ciuaintance of a lady who preved to be a mutual friend. She introduccd Ihem to each other, whther wlvh design or not does not appcar. Aftcr a lew day of pleasant companlonthlp, they srparated with no thought of ever meeting again. Hut after! monlh hnd pafaed. Mr. Andrews, chanclnu to be ln Toledo on 'n buslne&s engagemeut, feit himoelf nlrongly Impeled to change htf plans, and, almoat befon! he wns aware of it, ho ronnd hlmself at Mr. Philp' plcanan! tarĂ­n house In Saline, The noties abovo rcvuals tbc scqnal. Taken all in all it la quite a patriotic afl'air. Thcy met durinp; the nation's hnndredth birthday; they pllghtcd their troth apon lndnncndencc dav ; after tboir marrlago (wUich occuncd on the lady's twentleth btrtbday) they left to visit Qn. Oarfleld, of whom Mr. Andrews U a pcrsoiml friend. They are to spenfl the winter in Ule -iinuy tiuth, and havlllK done their part to Toeter fraternal feellng fur the north, they wfll return to tneir home In Chicago, where Mr. Audrewg l the leartinu nartnor of the well-known puhllahiiiK house nf Jay Audrews, Uecker A Co.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News