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The Slangy Girl Not A Lady

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Motliers of the old school look regretfully uponthe questionable manners of' the ritins; generation, tor the sung froidoï the girl ot' the period stands i ut in unpleasant contrast with the modest suavity of our grandïiiutlit'rs. Nutwithstatiding the painstaking attention given to deportment in the public and private schools, the girl ofgentle manners, onmarred ly ill-breeding and rudenr-s is the exception, and these faulr.s are ¦vi ¦[) more prevalent among the high bon iban the lowly. At school the girl who has the largest stock of slang, can laugh the loudest, and lias least respect for either rules or prnpricty, U the most popular, and i ooarted ;i the boon compunion and the jolly spirit. Most girls like to bc favorites ; the slangy sclioolmaie is iinitated, and a pert, QBContb style is thus. developed to niiir thmutrh lif'e a beautif'ul picture. Finishing schools and iniercourse with refined penple will, in a tueasure, tone down the rniusi'ness, but it will be exhibitcd some times, and upon occasions produce the rentest chagrin. Foreigners claim that what they term the self-relianec and iiupudenoe of American girls come trom the wide liberty given them M to uppearinK in public. Native gentlontsa ;ind modesty are worn off by a constant oontaot with the rough edges of humanity. American girN abroad have certainly been severely criticised for bad manners, and not altogether unjuslly ; but the ovorbearing snobbishness exhibited toward us in re turn, as if we wero a race of Indians, partly palliütes the dffonse. It is better tor us, in our cultivation of pol i teneos, to study the mannen and i'ustoms of our own country tlnin to ape (Vireigii airs, and cater to foreign tastos. American girls would place tliiinsclvcs above all criticisms, if they wnuld but study dignity ot hearing, and mild ladylikc, gentle ways. Musioand the fine arts are elcvating, but French spoken with the shril], haish voioe of an applevender, ani ¦ n queel for musio answered, with slang, torco the hearcr to the belief that the accomplishnientR have been oultivated to the neglect of good breeding. Anothcr main contitueut of tbe make up of a real gentlcwoman is an even temper. Tempere come by nature ; but they can be controlled like a fine piano. It requires work, but it can be done by careful, judicious, sel training. Someonesays that '" a hot temper makes a greater havoc in a household than a kerosene explosión." But a sweet, well-goíerned temper, and the ability to overlook mishapn without a storm of words, is like a delightful perfume, refreshing and pervading the whole house. What better titue to try the experiment of wearing the races of a gentle wonianhood ? Drop slang, study refinement and polite hearing ; and above alt, set a close watch on your temper. At the end of the year you will be amazcd at the compliment jou receive for being a gentlewoman, and at the good influeoce you have exerted upon others.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News