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gggggg- SBBgBi _L 1H. S, KMITII '., 'rn r of tVoodwurri and .IctlVrioii Ave., ). non. iiivll' tlie iitU'iilion ol' huyerftto Ihclr lurgc mul fino olIcrtlon of Sterling Mlver Ware, l'n-iicli Clooks, Falenoc Ware, Bron .¦., INirNlnn Novcllle, Ilaih.mkN. Jewelry, Walei mul SHvcr Platcd Ware, cmlrain nrtlclcw inoul appropriat' for Uitiilln Aniiivcrsary aml Iloliday in. Orders or Inquirios by mail wlll rccclve uur proinpl and eareful nttciition. Jèwëlèn and ImporïerN, corucrol' Woodward and .Ioireron Avenues, letroll. '¦¦¦ ' "¦-! IÍS3 PAD ACTS DIRECTLY ON THE KIDNEY S Kladder anti I'rinary Oricannby A1hoi-Iiut 11 humo, every trace of di", ancl roreng tuto tho srntrin ttirouch the poret of Um skin. nmir inhinu' and atrciiKthcniui; vegetable tuiiicis -viiii; It nondrrful power lo cura st OHM PAIN IN THE BACK, Mide . or LoiiiN. Inilunimatioii and Itriïlils of KidneyM. lln.lcr's. Iioin, .i c I. 'atai-rli of the Itluilder. li 4'iilurnl. Ncanty or l'aiufiil I rlnatinic. lenoHitH,'aMtH or Min-cil In the Irine. XKKVOI H untl PHY'SICAIi DKBILITV and In fart any dlnne "I thtte greatorjianewhethor contnictcd by over work, Htrain, oxct'Bnivc drink, the abuie of nature, orotharwffte, It dopercodes cntirely the lnconTnieoce and truublcs of takint; naimoaiu and piuonon Interna] medicinee. lt is worn exactly where nceded, next to the body and immcdlaWy over tho kldneye It is comfotaMe to the patiënt, safe, pleaeant and rcliable in it cftectB. hut pexerf-'. Ib its íctica. It run be worn at all timet, in any climate, and is equally good for MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD. Do not lo prejndiced. Givi it i tbiíi. anrt be ronvinccd that it in honest, reliablc, eirective and jiiat what your fcchle and exhausted body require. Thouaand are daily addinjt their tcitimony to the wonderful curative power ol this reut reuiedy. who are bclng reetored to ïiertect bcalth after all other treatmenU and rcmeatcB have failed. Ahk yonr drucèiBt for It, and accept no hiitation ok DBSTiTUTit. If hc haa not got, it seud lo u and recelve lt by return mail. DISCSIfTIVI PÏICE LIST. -Regular Pad, $2 ; Special Pad, for Chrouic, deepseatod, or casca ot longstanding, $3 ; Children's Pad, for slimmer complaint. weak kidneys and bed wettlni?, J1.5U. Uur book, Ho a Life was Saved," contalning a history of this great discovery, mailed tree. Wrlto for it. WAV KIUXEY PA CO„ Toledo, O. 1011-28 HALL'S Qatarrh gure. Ia Recommended by P_!?.y_sjcjajT9 HALLS Qatarrh gure. 18 Indorsed by Clorgymen. ill Cnro Any Case. OfflceoiA T.Stewart & Co. Cbica(to, 111 , Juue4, 1880. Munt. F. J. CTerwy Je Cb . Toledo. O. Gentlemen -I tak pleasure in informlng you that I have used Hall'a Catarrh Cure. It has cured ur 1 was very bad- and don't besitata to say that lt will cure any cae f Catarrh lf taken properly. Yourttruly.J.B. WKATHERFOKD. Worth #1O A Pottlo. E. MuRHiI, Jackson, Mich. writei: Hare had Catarrh for 20 y cari. Hall' Catarrh Cure cured ma Conaider it worth $10.00 a bottl. Hali's Catarrh Cúrela gold by all DroRgists at 7.V. per battle. Manufactured and sold by F. J. CHENEÏ & CO. SoleProprletori, TOLEDO, OHIO. Por aale In Ann Arbor by H. J. BROWN & CO., Corner Main and Huron Streets, 1009-1021 FRANKLfÑllOUSE; DETROIT, Corner of Bates and r.arncl BtreetS, In the very center of the bueineoH part ol the city Oor tablea are ttie beet, and our rooms and bed art. not eicelled. Terra $1.50 per day. VHKK A JAïlliV ManaicerH. 1009-34 ThftlPunvt and lltht M.dirine evtr Mle. I Aoolmhioatt..-. er Hopa, Buchu, I drakle1""! Dandollon, uithuil thebestand ¦ most C nrativ' prnpertii'B of all other Bitters, ¦ makeBthe?realetttBIOOd P urlfier. Livor I RegU l%atort p1 Lfo lulii Hcaltli ltesturina ¦ Aunt oiiyMaMrt'1' Wodiseecnpoi1b]ylonir lrt where Hop Bittniare uaV#MoTiid perfect aru thoir o pt rat ion. MMK Th7 gire civ ttdTÍgor to the igol &ni Icflrm. Toallwhose %mploymintcaue Irrefrulari tyofthebowe]norVuriluiry orn. or who require au AppetlserkTo110 &nd mild Stliuulant, Hop Bitters are üivalX"ble' Without IntoxIcatlns. ¦MLk No niatttT what your feclinRK or symptoras are what the dwt-ase or aiiwoeot is use Hop Bitters. Don't waituiitUyoua%rc &ck but if you only fee! bad or miserable Aufiethom at once Itmay savo yourlifc.lthasB8 ved hundroda. $500 "i" be paid for a c&p thcy wili not cure or help. Do not Buffer lr'et your f rienda nffer.but useaadurtre them%Use Hop B Remetnber, flop Bitterg is noVSi drugged druoken nostrum, but tbe Purrutl n d Best Jledicine ever nuulo the IHTiUD8 FRJE.Nl I aod BOrt" and do prrsun or famlly BH should be without them. ¦¦HHai.aM H p.l.C.l" n abnolut and Irresistible cun'MB forbrunkcniwfw, uw of opium, tobáceo ondl fH naronticH. All old by dnurfriHts. St-nd #C _H for Circular. Bp BlUtr Ifg. Co., M MÉM 1 RochesteTjïTancorontoMn 998-10-19 c era_ J. A. POUUEMtJS' LIVERY STABLE The best and most cx(enive In the city. HACK AND BUS LINE Running to all MUl algU and day. ONLY LINE WHICH RUNS TO NIGHT TRAINS The bet hack in the city for ladies calIInR. Orden filled prumptly for all kinds of conveyanci-n. Particular Attention to Orders for Finerils Cor. Míim and CaTiiaitiHE 9n„ lV ARVOR, ilicilli.n mii-im2 iUGGIST FOI Al -orHops & Malt BITTERS. "Rirh ïn the materials that Nourish, Invlgort, Partfy nd Strengthen. Thcy .upply ltriB, Hunrular and Serie Forcé, Vigor to the Kntvdihd, Tone and Strtnglh to the Evhausted, Kearlshment to the young and NeiT Lifo to the agcd. loilat on try ing tbm. All DrugUu eau obuln both . rre tod rcgulu m Lvlüci. _ 1UU5-1U67 Aii about mp y A Q s e n d c. er 1 L And r th CAZETTEEK & CUIDE, whioh coutalna ruil infornition on all mattors of lnterent rUtlnc to th " Lont Star 8taU," and a now correct I oountj map o( Teisa, 36 x iU inohM. I JOHN ROSS t CO.. CfNI AGFKTS. ST. LOUIS.MO


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