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M. s. sui :n a CO., corner of WonduiirtI and .lelIV-rsoii Aveu,, Dclroi!, inile Ilio iilcnlioii of Imij er to tliolr lurgc and fine colleelioii Of Slerliiiji Kilicr Ware, l'reneh ïoek. Knienee Uure, ¦ l'arNiaii MovcltlCi, IitiiioikIn, Jewelrj, Walt'hrs :ml Kil ver INaled Hare, i'iiihi'iuiiiK ¦Brticlèi móét npproprlale Tor U -lliiiu Anniversary and ilolidaj Gíft. Order or Inqulïlèl by mail will rceclve onr prompt and car'cful aiieniioii. Jewcleri and Imponer, ciirurnif Woodivard and .IcflVrtoii A enne, !- troll. W7-1Ó89 JMfl JRAlD ACTS DIRECTLY ON THE KIDNEY S Kladder and l'rintir.v Onranab} AlisorbiMtC ll hamorB, overy trace o) difleftse,and fordag Idto the TStem rtironrh iho poro til tbe skin. nourlabDK nel trenthnlns vu(rctl i Iliff lt wonderftel powav töcnreal PAIN IN THE BACK, Miilc ui loiii-.. liillamiiiutioii and Brlshta IM-M'iiMv r the Kidin-vs. Ilinlu'K'M. DrHW. Gravel, 'atarrli ol' f lic KladIM'. Il lrli Colored, Beauty or ruiniiii l'riiintin, . en in the i i-ïiK'. xr.itvoiH umi i-iivsicii, DDiiiLi'n .¦in.] in r.ici in dlsaae "i tbtm gn&i wlKïttu'r CODtmcttíd by in tr rt'ork, -i iM' , rxv Miva (iritiic. tin1 abate "i nature, orothci ¦¦ It Rupercedefl entirely the iiu-onvriii'-m'"- and tniublcH of takfofi nana au and pateonoofl miiitiuiI medid lies. li i worn exacúy w í. nnxl u the body and immedlatcly over Ihe kldneye li r.miini.iiilf to ihe patietit, afe, pieaaant and rcliablü in iin eflecta, tuit pcworftl in ttl acticn. It cal bc urn ;it nll timen, in any climnte, and is cqually cood for MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD. Do nol be prctJadlced. Gtw it atkiai. and bc (¦(HiviiuiMl th;i1 It honesti rliabio, tffuctlvQ aml jupt what yiur feeblfl nul exhaasted body reqolret. Thou!nndH are tlully tddlBft itirif boítínonj to the wondcrfnl curativc poven ol ihis grita rwndy, who Hrc bslDg nwtond In pertect bc:ilth illci flll üther treatnu-iiN and remealee havo falied. Ask your draiigist for It, and accept koimxtatiom ob ¦DBSTlTUTB. If he háfl iiot got, it Boud lo uh and recéive ir bv return mat).' DEGCSIPTIVE rüICE LIGT. ReffDtaf Píd, 2 8p#Cial Hnd, for Chrontc, l-j m-nifii, or runt p ol ptandiiiií. S; Cbl dreo1a r.i'i, rorèmimnar complalni. wooh kïaneTÉ nd bed wetiinj?, $JBft. Oar booh. "IIow a Life vm ftaved," GontAtning a lutory of this Rrcat dUcovery, malled free, Write tor it. I)AV K1IKVI'I CO., Toledo, O. HA L VS Qatarrh gure. Is Recommonded by Physicians. JjAJ-jS Hatarrh Hure. Is indorsod by Clergymgn. "Will Cure Ay Cnse. Oíllceof A T. ötewart A Co. Chicago.Ill , Juue 4, 1880. JUeêSrt. F. J. Chrnn .( Ol . Toledo, O. Gentlemen .- Tl tnkt pleasare in informing yoa that I h.iv.' uoBd üall's Cfttftrrfa ('uro. It lias curoj me- 1 was very bad- and don'l heitat to Bay that it will cure any cast1 olCntarrti If taken properly. Yours truly , J. B. WliATHEUFOHD. Wortli $?1O A Hot tl o. E. Mukray, Jiickton, Mich. writei: Have had Catarrh for 20 ypari. Hali'a f atarrh Cure curod ma Considirit nurthjlil.MUa bottle. Hali'a Catarrh Cure is sold by all Druffpistsat 75c.per bottle. Mannfactured and sold ly F. .1. CHENEY & CO. Solo Frcprietor, TOLEDO, OHIO. For sale In Ann Arl'r by IJ. .). BKOWN & CO. Corner Main niid Iluron Streets. J 009-1021 framLTn house; DETROIT, Corner of liates and Liiructl MtrrotN. In the very centur of the busïnesi part 1 the city. Our tablt'8 are the bt'pt, and uur room; and bede are not eicelleil. Term $l.i0 per day. WAHXKR A .1 lilis. llnuneri'N. 1009-34 i he %lui ( l and Ilr si MriHflh- ever MMÓti Acolmbinatinn of Hops, Buchu, ManHeUK. I Ünrfolirn,"Tlin - mostclunn. of Kil r.f[1(-, i nüurVthAffreati tBlooü Purlfler, Llver Weg u tx.ator, '"l i an.l BenJlta Reirtoiiato Agent onVMHHH carth. Ko lUscase cLan posfiibiy loni? oxirt whoro TIop Bitters are usVedsoviuicii aad porfect are Oma Th7 gire newliVs ani vigor to tte igod aal inflna. Tonllwhose tfcnjüoymentaeauae incularitjot th;lxiwNoru'in"ry organs, or who r quirean ApiMtizerk Toni and mild Stimulant, Hop Bitters are iuvalkiJi!jlc' without Intoxloating, aao No matter whatyour f Jelina or yraptoms are wtmt (UaeaseorcUWnaat tonas Hop Bitters. Iton't waituntilyoutA'""1 Wtok but if yoa onlyfoclbad or miserable Auwthem at onceIt may savo your liasl8 avd hundreda, SOOwiUbt'paidforacalse thoy wiïi nnt cure or lu-lp. Do oot Huirtr%Orll-t your frienda aufTer.lmt usuaiid urffB iu " -¦ Hop B Kemi-mtxr, Hop Hitt rs is nok rilot iirukTïfd n Doatrum, bat the lim--tft n d ii,-st ModicirKM'v-tr madfl . the "l.WAMDfiW riUE.NU ¦ and HO PK" and no in-rson or family, J ¦ ahould be without tbi'ui. ¦¦¦¦ p.l.C.1" an ahuolutp anti lrreHlstlfiN fl Ê rTrlriinkciiii'H.uM4.,if„nm,„ t..laro fuidlIVH ¦ iiarcotics. AiJ M-lii by ariiKiH'rta. s,.nd MZ. H ¦ for Circular. Hop ItlUrr Hfp. Co. inaJ Ijfl H__RochewtPrN:Y_nnj_TMr'nt'.(M-f. T Pflft-1049 ¦ e in J. a. roriiiin s LIVERYSTABLE theboM ;ni(i BOtl i V-n.-ivc in Uu1 f ity HACK AND BUS LINE Bmmlng to all train lii-hl and day. ONLY LINE WHICH RUNS TO NIGHT TRAINS. The best hack in the city for ladlM calliti);. Orders fllled prBinptly for uil kind-. o( coayeTani Attention to Qrders for Fuasrals. Cor. Main and Cathaiunk l - O F - Hops & Malt BITTERS. Rieh in the m.-Uerinls thnt Nourish, Iiiïlfnr. ¦te, l'uriry and Strengthen, Thov Bupbl ltraln, Muicnlur ud erve Korre, Vilorto the Enfeebled, Tono and Straiiglh to tha Exhauited, .Vourivhniciit tü tho youiiü ïud Soit Life to the aged, Inilit on trylnjf them. All Drug({it caa obulü both froe tutd rculur aizu LulUcu. I0U All about müYAC send ir. sisr, 1 L A ño rtb CAZETTEER & CUIDE, wíiioh ciontaim full Inrormation on all mattern of UaturcMl relating tothe"Lono Star State." ana aucwoorrect liounty map of Toiu, a& i ao inchea. JOHN ROSS i CO.. GEN! AGEITO. ST. LOUIS.MO


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