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DiphtherMand semiet fcverare becotning less prevalent. The Tennesseeans are to sing in this place on the evening of Nov. 26th. Mrs. EHzabeth Lolts, died Nov. 4th, 1880, afier an illness of only one week. Her body was taken to Wayne for inhTment. tiiu uraunio r " JomíuU" was given on Monday and Tuesday evening last by the young prople of Chelsea, undcr the direclion of Prof. V. A. Ogden. The lcc'ure of Rcv. W. W. Hammond, of Detroit, repccting his travels in Egypt and Palestino, Mondny evening of last week was worthy of a better attindance tlian greeted it. Mis Kanouse, of Chicagn, a formar resident of this place, dt'livered an effectivo tenjperance address at the C'ingregational chureh, Sunday bafore last, and si:cured '25 pledgi' signers. Herald: "Chehea was visited on Saturlast with quite a heavy snow storiu, lasting all day. On Sundsy there were several ratten scen on our streets. A few of our inhabitants enjoyed a little futí ; but it was of short duration, on Monday old "Sol" catiie out and gave Q plenty of mud." Herald: " Young wanwouldyoube ricli? It is possible: Follow tliis recipe and wealth is yours. ü-et and keep wliat you can, befriend none unlegs you can 'make' something out of them, work day and night, take advantageof everyone with whom you deal, heap interest upon interest, cent upon cent. It is in this way the small minded, inferior man, climbs the golden stair, and when you get wealth in this way you'll be ure to keep it, for you'll be too mean to spend it. This rule is infalliblo." DEXTER. The M. E chureh social held at the residenee of Bert Alley, last Wednesdny evening was a ploasant afTair. Frank H. Magoffin, who has been absent severnl nionths in Colorado, in the employ of the TI. S. survey, retumed to his home ye.sterday morning, looking hale and hearty. The last Leader has the following item : " A woman attired in an ' evening retiring costume ' wollopped a vender of malicious tales, in the eastern portion of the village, Tuesday night." Next Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 23d and 24tli, tin: annuil preacher's meeting of the Adrián district M. E. churoh, will be held in this village, commencing at 10 o'clock a. iu., of the '23d. ERch minister in the district has been aigned a subject, and it is expected that thej occusion will le one ot'unusual interest. Rov. Dr. B. F Cocker is to deliver an nddress Tuesday evening The following are the subjects to be treated upon by sorne of the ministers in this county : Rov. W. H. Shier, P. E , Our Northern Work ; J. A. Mcllwain, Discipline of 1880; W. E. Dunning, Local Chureh History ; J. W. Shank, Conditions for a Revival; D. R. Shier, The Cosaing Phasc of the Temporáneo Reform ; Win. Genrge, Our Denoniinational ScIkidIs. Tho Seeley will load the devotional exereisen Tuesday evening, and J. L. Hudaon tho Wednesday evening prayer meeting. The young people of Dexter are lo pro duce the comedy of " Dollars and OentH," at the reform club hall, next Wedne-day evening, Nov. 24th, for (he benefit of the reform club. The following is the c.i.-t of characters: Eevelyn Niokelbury, Mis Mary Biiby ; Uarriet Welford, Jo.-y Oroarkin; Mrs. Shybold, Aun Wallaoe ; Betsey, a lady's maid, Carne B. Lthrop ; VVm. Niokelbnry, a widower, M. S. Cook ; Frank Nickelbury, M. D., Wm. T. Sleator ; John Fairplay, C. A. Cook ; Philip Sharpe, J. McNamara; Montague Pymplcn, E. K. ApplotoD ; Férreo, a lawyer, Wm. Cairns ; Mike, Fnd D. Whecler. The entertainment is to termínate with a laughable farce entitled " Sarah' s Young Man." Music will bc furnUhed by Sutton's Dexter orchestra, a new organization, consisting of 1 0 of the Di'Xter boys, under the leadership of B J. Sutton, who are said to be niaking excellent progress. Sceuery has been paintod especially for the occasion. Don't fail to go and bear it, and help along the good cause of teinperance, while at the same time encouraging home talent in entertainment. 8AMNE. Editor Courier- Tha lyceum of pchool district No. 8 met last niglit and elected the folluwing officers: Presldeut- R. H. Marsh. Vice-presldent - L. I,uU. Secretary-Flora Porbw. Treurer- Irvlng Corbett. Thi organization has been in existence for soine four or five year, and has done much good and hope it taiay continue to do good. A general inviiation is extended lo all to ritit un umi inkt: part in nui ilc bate?. Our next meeting is Saturday ovcninir, Nov. 2U, 1880. Youra,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News