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Oommlssioners' Ñutiré. STATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, 8. Tbc undersifined havlng been appoiuted by the l'iobate Court for sakl county, Commlssloner lo nc ¦ he-, examine and adjust all claims nnd demanda ol all person minst the cwtate of Edward lin.iui.-iil, late ol aaid county, deeeased, hereby give notice that wix monthsfrom date are allmved,by order of aid Probate Court,for cretiitorn to prewent Iheir claims ujjaiiint the eatate of wtd l coieed, tind that they w ïil ui f. t at th: late resldenct of hu ui decei9d, in the villaje of Dexter, In said count , nu Tnesdny the foartl duy of January. and on Tueuduy, the Oith day of April nuxt, at ten o'clock a. m. of t-acli of snid daj!, to receivc, examine and ndjast saldclalma. Düted Octobar 4th. 1880. 1010 13 1SAA(' TBBRY. ' f Commlxsloncrs. Estáte of Edward BwBVe. QTATK OF M1CU1GAN, Couniy of Wanlitcuaw, -b. At a xession of the Probate Oonrt for the County ol Wahhtunaw. holdun at tlie Frobato uflice, it the city of Aun Arbor.on Wedneaday, the 17th day of November in the year one thotimiud eirhf hundred amt tiK'hty. l'rcsvnt, Williaui 1). Iluminan, Judgu of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Edward Roeve, deceased. On reattiug and flltng the pctitioQ, duly verinedtot Ad-lle J. Bnti, prayiiiL' tlitttaitiuiiiintration de boni non of caid entate may be ?ranttl (n litTMtit or some other suitable perron anil that the final account and ol imL'Uiiitmt burt'tofore flled in said court may hv coirectea. Tberenpon lt is onlcred, tlmt Monday, the l'ith day of Decemlicr Belt, at ten o'clock in ihe tort-iKHiu, bo astMiu'd for Ufefl hcurin ol aid pctitiou, and that the heirs at law of faid flecowed, and all other personn Intenvted in Baid rtau-, ure rcgtiired to apui'ar at KMwlojIol saul court, tlien to be holden at tlu1 PioDtte utüce, in the etiy ol Ann Arbor, and show cause, lf any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should lol be granlod. And it is lurlhur ordercd, tlmt itd BUUoner ivr notice to the pertonn tDterMtod in fnil uctftte. olthc pemtincy ol saltl pctttion, and the hcariii)? thi r.'nf, by causing a copy of this orler to hv pnbliHiu-d in the Ann Arbor CourUr, a newspaper printcd and circulatin in said county, thrce Micci'-i-ise wcok! previoutt to said dav ol hearinir, (A trnecopy.) W1IX1AM ü. HAKH1MAN, Jiidyc of Probate. WM. Q. DOTY, Prohnte Retister. lül.Moli, llf AIITm ACENT TO SELLTEA, WAM I " I I '"''"¦ ¦'' !" l'oJtr lo lu,li TI Hl 1 I LJ 1'""l'"1 '""T RTK. (Killtl frr.. '""" l „.I..!.. n...miu a. i w97Ü-1U13


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News