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We Can'I Talk Vitliouttibowing theconditionofuur teetli. íwry laiiRli exponen them. In ordci nut to bo ashamcd of thoin. l't 01 OM that aUDdard dentiftioe, 80Z0D0NT, whioh ¦ siire to keep them white ind BpOtleaS. S tartar can enorust thein, no oankar ilïect the cnamc), nu species of dreay infcat the dental bone, if SOZODONT u regularly uscd. It ia a botanical preparaiou, atid its tx-iicliuia! effect s uu the teoth ind giims are marvelous, as it removes all liscolorations, and renders the guiris hard aud rosy. _ _ Motlurs! Mottair!! Molhers!!! Are you disturbed at nigbt and broken of your rest by a siek cliild suffeiinj; and Orying wilh the en-ruciatinj pain ol' , tiiifi tecth? [f 80, co at nnoe and Ml :i botflé1 of MUS. WINSLOWS SOOTII ING SVRU1'. It will relieve the poor little Hutferer imiucdiatcly - depend upon it; therc is no wist'ike ibuiil it. Thore ia not a motlier on fafih liu h..s evir uscd it, wlio will rmt töfl .vu ui önoe (Kal ii will regulHte llie bowsls, aiid i-'ivi' rt to the OlOther, aml relict aml heallh lo the eluld, uperatiiiK likc magie. It is perfVdly sale to use in all caa 8, and pllifnt to the taste, and is the prescriptioo of one of the oldest and best f emilc pliysicians and nurses in tlie l'niltíd States. Suld everywlKTi1. .ttiabuttle. 1007-58 A ('oiisli, Cold or Sorc Throat should bc Ktoppcd. Neglect frequcntly rcsults in au fncurabU Dung Diteate or Consumptwn, Bkown's BronoBIAL Trochf.s ari' certain to gire riliij' in Althma, iiniidiitis, Gowgh, ('ut'inli, Consumptin and Throat Dütaiet. Fur thirty years the Troches have been rccotuuicndcd by physieians and always give perfect satisfaction. Thcy are not new or untried but having been tc.sted by wide and constant OM tor nearly an entire generation, they havo attained well cneriUa ïauk aaiong the few siaplc remedies of the age. ruolíi Speaker and Singen use theui to eloar and strongthen the Voicc Sold at twenty-five cents a box everywhere. 100T58 IK Many men have many minds and many forms and shapes too, and to suit the forms and lastes of all perfectly n CLOTHING - 'or a stock af immense proportions and unlimited varií'ív. The Largest and most Complete stock of READYMADE CLOTHINGIn the City of Ann Arbor iM at Unifi HA6K1 Elegant Clothing Empbriuu: . I South Main Street. IN OTJR lililí Mil DEPARTMENT We never fail to suit, and makel it a po int to keep the prices of all our goods invariably a per= cenlage below all competitorsM fRemember Ui! II M, THE KING CLOTH1KK, NÖ. 9 SOUTH MAIN STREET. 898-104 g @ W 8 AND AT W ilOI.KM.ll.K. I cali ittcutioii (' Imycrs lo ïny extenIÍV6 stock ni tilo :lli'(' loixls. C. DOELTZ, 112 Woodward Avenms DETROIT. 1012-15 ¦ ¦ m-y m v YcurwlTW l.y taikfng moncv whn x (oldcn II otM(K I nffered, ihercbr lwy hwi'lng p..v II crtjF rmm jour door. TboM wha Iwhtk tnkc ¦ 1 li ¦ If r tba p.Md chftii-v for bttnj I I II l ¦ , I B r ultcpHl. jt-nernily bvutuu I M-.ilthy. hile thoic whu do nul imprúvt noch Ijl I ohaaoen nnmln In [WffVU. Wc vmtminv ¦¦ ¦- IBV, winnen, hni art'l girls U work (or n rl-tit tii.-ir on toralUldC The hulne.H wil! p%y more tlitB tcw BM íf . Nu ti.' ho rutngtt Mb lo makc tnoury vrjf rajikdlv Yu fin dCN"t'' jmtr wliole tuix t wofid or r.niy foar nr nininriin Kuil lDforaitiiii %ut II timt i DMiled -utrre. AdftiTia Rttííww O., tntnl mi i irtTT- (MÍPlyliTWM OLKSALK uii.l itKTAII,, Manufacturad by MRS. E. A. BURLEY, loalcr In all kinds of W-A.X MATEBIALS, 17 Uichlgaa Atoluc, oppetito Antisiil Hogit, DITBOIT. $500 REWARDÏ WE wlll pay the above ruward for any eaco of Uver Coiuplaint, DypepriH. Hicfc llcadachc, Indi?eetion. Conctipation or CofttlveoegB wecanutcnre wilh Weit'n VuKutahle Liver PillB. when tbc dlructions are striciij' complled wlth. 'l'hey are purely Veyolable, and m;vfrfail tt)ivetatiefactiun. Su?ar noatcd. Ijir(;i; boxea, t'oiitjiiiliif; 30 Pili, 5 cunta. Por sale by all druigigt. Uware of conoterfoitB mil Iniltatlone. The L'unulnc munufactured only ïiy .IO11N Oi WEKT & CO.. "The 1111 Maker," 181 I 188 W. MxdlHon SU. Chicago. Free trial parkaje ient by muil prei)Hid ou receipt of a 3 ct-ut Htumu. H98-lli!! All about mUYAQ ef ttatt CAZETTEER ét CUIDE, whioh contaiQB full informtion on all matter of interet relatlns to the " Lona 8tar State," and a no w oorrat county map of Tcxu, 36x36 lnohac JOHN ROSS & CO.. GENI AGENTS. ST. LOUIS.MO


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News