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Rop bitters!! (A Hedlolnr, not Hrink.) -n i IKU'H, lili " , HAMHÍAKI , DANUELJO.N, ANUraKPlBWT A.M I MKl.iril.lJI ¦ ¦riK8.)rALL iiiiifj: Irtnn. THKY CUKK IIIiWmuo( MwStomiieh, Bowlt. Blootf, I l.ucr. KldnT,and Irlnar) Urgni, M-rvuuMiesí. tiWitlffMiwaiHifl 'HiKTiaiiy Feuulc ' iMMi'Uiuw. $1000 IN COLD. - Wlll bcnul'l for ti rase On'y wlll notoiiri" orW In-In, or tur anythlni; linpure or Injurie. na fumul 10 Llniii. I -lc rtrtiREtsl fnr Ilop nittorsan.Miv I I t li. 111 before yuu Ifcwp. Tk uu olbi;r. I I I) I : man :ii - . 1 n ndlnreítoMMecur for I II: iinkciim ¦, " f opium, lulttuco ana lian ' H ¦¦M Sí.vn Fon I H3TUR. HHIBHM All iiboT 10H fcy intn;!t. I Hoto RltUnMfe ri., Rocbwttr, N. .,iVTor..iit..,Oul. ¦ 35-1049 c m - - _ - UM. S. S1IIT11 A. t O., corner of Woodwttrri aiul .Ic'ttVrHon Ave-., Detroit, Invite llic altciillon of bnyer to tlietr and hnc IIccliou of StorlIiiK Mlvcr Warc, Freiieh íioc-ks. are, Bruir.iv, rari-iuii ovcllics, limoiidS Jt'wclrj, sucho and Si I ver Plflted Wart-, i-nibrix iii nioi BpproprtUte for Wcddiiiít Aiiii%iaiv ! ¦¦'- da jitri. Orderi or Inqulrlés ly mail will ret-eive onr rompl and unTiil BttentlÖB, Jt'v'ltT! and Importcr, coruerof Woodward and !leflbrson A iiiit'!, Detroii. mimzi IBHl BEn ACTS DIRECTLY ON THE KIDNEY S IEInll r and I'rinar.v Orransby Aborl Injp ill humor, cvci trac Ol di-rnr( md ftuciM into the íysteni ihrough the pon; ol the skfn, nnur UfaliM 'ind HirenethoniiiK vewtWe tonics, í?ivin;í i n onderful power to curo ti once, PAIN IN THE BACK, M l.oiiis. liillnnimntioii and Kriclit IMnrüN1 of Uir li(lin'. HialM-(--i lron.v. Gravel, ":itrrli ol the Bliul dor. Ilili iii.n rl. Nranty or l'ainlii I i-imitiii. l('i)OMÍ(N.rNtr or HhreiU li the I liiii-. KltOI M :inl I'IIVHK II DKHILITV and in fait an.v dtaeae ui thee ijreat 01 an wlirtlur conti :k Ird by nvt-r uork. pu:iu iBPÜrW I Catarrh for 20 yfars. Hull'ü ntarrh Curo cured ma ConaUei it wortb 810. 00 a bottl. L' Hall's Catarrh Cure is old by all DrURgistsat 7-r.c. per liottle. Mamifaoturod and sold by F. J. CUJÍXEY CO. SolePrcprietürs, TOLEDO, OUIO For naU In Ann Arl)r t)y II. .1. BKOWN Jt CO., Coruer Main and Hurun Htn. t-, J009-102I J. A. POLI1K3II V LIVERY STABLE The best and moat ex'euBlve in tho cltj. HACK AND BUS LINE Ktinniiij; to a!l traitis nipht and dfly. ONLY LINE WHICH RUNS TO NIGHT TRAINS. The lwst hack in the city for lidies calliog. öiim fllled prampLIy for nll kinds of conveyamis. Particular Attention to Orders for Fanerals, ('K. MilN AND ('ATllAlllNr ST , AXK AKKOlt, - IIiniK.W. Íl'.ll-lül2 LvomJcoutiSigj on nu nipt ion - Iti-oiirhit AMthnia. WEKK Kyuowp' CoMpuUNn SYRÜT HbléM !n otilar diwtiücíi, the ttníH whicli it uudmihtcilly yi'ldn iti coii-umption ftml other dieeasee u'f the lit:ArnoTj OrKüiiK woukl vriidiciitt; itH clftlm to tho KtteptloD ofavery medical practltioner. Prom the HtatlittiCM of BofUmd nnd America it ie a fair ¦ stipnate that one-teotb of ootlre dt-athn i canvd by coDuniD' Ion alone. If tho Syrnp i ued peracver hijily it ultdiH't ilu; triidt:ii' y to i nimi)itti)ii, nud In inaiiy conRimed caaei, as, in that of the Inveutor it haf efTectod a owc. iDdTgestton and habltaal CoatlveñeN tilmont nl ways ariien f rom VKftknMi of Um nt-rvcs and iiihhbiet of the utomach nd bowela. In euch canon FolIowb' Compound Syrap cf ETpophasphltos ha proved itfi'lf of ibe (reateat tenrlci The evucuutioaa bouii l'ecomc copión k and hc-althy. This öyrup will cure 1'uï.monakt Cokuümption In tbc flrat ytatrt', nnd will ivu gn at relief and prolonE 'ife in t'lt' i'cond nd rlilrd. ít wilJ cure Ahthma, Bronchitis, LlSTNQITM and Couoiie. lt will cure al) dieeaneH originiitio from want or muscular action and netvuua forcu. Public Sirii Uvvh .111.1 SliieerM. Will flnd thln Syrup of ínoptínirthlc valué. A done íhoald bt! tiik'n beiore BprnkiiiK or fttlltftagh Aphoniíi. or the Losi or Volee, asaally ured bv a few doses. Wo have known casen where a ttulo (lose han Ihtii cfloctini]. S. Jacob, M. I. Si. .lohn, N. Ü.. Vfltel : lI had occasion to iir; voor Syrup in a cubo of AphonU whirh wonld'not yleld to recular f reatmént; it provt-d to be all ttuit yon ciuiimt l'r it, Iuividk' acU'd with expoditlnn and estire Batlaf-tctlon1 j:ÈfLo Iio( ne dcrt'iveíi hy vetuedltefl btnritíp a Bfiullar oame ; ro other preparatlpn in m hubítitutc for thin, underany cirniniiiHincr. i'll-li


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News