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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Uaptlst Church. Kit. S. Haskki.l, Pastor. s.ibhath service, lOtf a, m. and 1% r. m. SihüI iv School after mornlufr servic. priyir BWectog fhursday eveuing at 1% o'clock. CathoHc Chnrch. Uiv. Kather Fielb, Pastor. Lw M i. 8 a. h. Illirh Mas, 10 a. m. Vesper p. m. Suiilay School, 2A r. m. Oongregatlonal Chnrch. Itïv. W. II. Kximi, Pap tor. Sabbat ti MrrleM, 1OV4 a. k. and 7H r. m. Sntiil if School after morntng service. p-aycr m-'tiáng Thursday evenlny al 1% o'clock. Episcopal Chnrch. Riv. Wyi-lyí Hall, Rector. ith ' rvlci'í, lilsi a. m. and 7 r. si. iV S 'UOOl. 'i% P. M. li -liiloiit iorrtctis, rhurtda evenlng atTo'clook. Barauu Methodist Chnrch. Kv. C. Helwiu, Pastor. s i!) tt1! aervlcee, 10 k. m. and 1 v. u. mi.i lajr Schoolt ut nlnc o'clock a. m. Pr.iyer meeting on Wodnesday. Lutheran Chnrch. Hbt. John Neumann, Pastor. -S'inb u'i jervicuB, 10L a. x. and 7H r. m . Sii-i'l iv "ch')l nfter moruln? ervice. Pmyur oiuetiUK, Tliuraday eveuinat 1% o'clock. Methodist Church. Ksv. John Alabht-jii, Pastor. S ib ith MrvlcM, 10l4 a. . and 7 p. m. s tu t ' So Mol -ift er raoraini aarTicft. 'm. ic ii MClng, Thiirsday evening at 74 o'clock V uw l'?!ei UaotUg, Saturday 1 r. n. l'rí'si)ytí?rian Chiireh. Rkv. Rioh vkp II. Stükis. D. 1)., PMtor. ¦1 ii i ii "ít. '¦' -. 1 ", . x. .id 74 P. ¦ Ha i i iv -''i i w BtnlaclapsiiftormorntnciMTVlce 'ri.iT u!-"n- l'h'iríínyfveníntfihSs'clock. V i i l_' Pa ,lub) woniugfiH. rnitr.riiin C'liiirch. Uv. .1. T., Pastor. -viis iii H':rvices, 10S4 a. m. and mr, ¦: Sn iclay School at 12 H. Si i lauto' Blble ('lassat S:lf a. m. Ziuu Lutheran Church. Ukv. II. P. Bsum, Pastor. SViViih BilBi at Iim4 a. x. and 7 r. . s i i 1 w School [mrnediAI 'ly 'U'ter mornlnii service. - V7adlMI(Ul evinliiL' at 7 o'clock. BUSINESS CARDS. 0. C JENKIXS, mwTiñrgJ I OFFICK : No. 32 East Washington Street. ForiiU'iiy occople l)y lr. ƒ ƒ Frothingbittn ƒ HEMÍY K. IULL, ATTORNEYATLAW Real Estafe Broker, AND INSURANCE AGKNT. office : Wo. I Opera Honse Blork Ank Arbob, Mica. 795tf WILLIAM HERZ, hous k, sign, ornamental vrssco painthr. xiu'rine.Glazinp, Uildlnp and Calcl- fninin'.and work of every decriptlorj done In tac best style, and warranted to ttive saüsfactioD. Shop No. 4 West Washington Street, Ann Arbor.MIchy 638tf V. H. J.VCKSOX, DENTISTA l Offlce over Bacb & Abel's. sntrance by First National Bank. 73ïtf F. SORÖ, ƒ HoCbB, SlUN AMD OBKAMENTAL Piihteb. Papertcit. Qlazing, ƒ Gilding, and work of eyery crlption done in the be'st etyle. I Palnts, Olie, and Varnlshes os I 'tand and for sale. Shop, No. 33 I Sast Washington Street, Ann ƒ I rhor,lflch. 60tf WILLIAM W. NIOHOLS, rE3srTisfri fljgj? Successorto G. W North. Offlce, 1 South Mals Street, oppoilte National Bank. Resldence, 27 Ll'i erty Street. Nitroas oxide gas administered whe r'Tieotod. (Mtft THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arbor, llirliigan, I&ASSACTS CENERAL 3ANEIN5 BUSINESS. CAPITAL, $50,000. Organized ander the General Banking Law of thls state, the stockholders are Indlvldaally Hable roran idditlonal amount equal to tbe Btock held by them, ihuri'hy creating a unarantff Kuurt for the ix-iicfli of OepoNltorM of $100 000.00. Kuur per rent. Interest Is allowed on all Savlngs Deposits of one dollar and npwards, according to the ruloaof the Bank, and interest compounded "¦ ii tnnually. Honej to loan on nnlncambered real estAte and other good fecurlty. Dirtctort- Christlan Mack, W. W. Wlnes, R. A.Beal William Deubel, WIlliamD. Harriman Daniel Hlscock, and Wlllard B. Smltb onoem : "hristian Mack, Pres. W. W. Wincs, Vice-Prea. CBAi. B. Hiscock, C'ashler. '.115 966 (y To WINANS Sc BERRY l-OK MRRCHANT TA1L0RIN6 Kor the tol Inwint reaNonM: lit. Our work in all llrst clase. JJ. Mr. Berry la the only cutter In the SUlte who can glvc you a perfect flt without tryiny on. :td. We liave thc largest anuortmeiit In the 8Ute, oavine over IUX) diflcn-nl Htylt-a to elect from in toreiyn anti demettie Wooleru and Worêieds. Ith. We DU none bilt flrst-clasn trlmmltü'r. 'th. Wc are f uil 40 per cnt. below Detroit price. WINANS & BERRY, UR-IOM No. 11 South Main Street, Ann Arbor J. A. POLHEmuS' LIVERYSTABLE 1 In Ik -t und mol X'euln in the city. HACK AND BUS LINE faaalag to all tnlu ntgkt and day. ONLI LINE WHICH RUNS TO NIGHT TP.4INS. The lem huck in the city for ladles calling. Order Ulied promtly for all kind of conveyances. Particular Attenties to Orders for Fuerais, Cor. Maik and C'atiiarine St., AXX AHBOII, . ni(UtN. M tM


Ann Arbor Courier
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