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Health Is Wealth. Dr. K.C Wkst' Nkkf. and BhainTreatment a spcclflc for Hysterla, Di..inetn, Convulsión, Nirv ou Headachc, Mental Dopremhn, Lon o! Memory Spermatorrbna, Impoteiicy, Premature Üld Ake cauecd by over exertion, self-abuse, Of over-indulg once, which lead to muery, dcniv and dcath. Un box v i 1 1 cure recent cacn. E;irh box contnlns onc month't? trratmrnt, One dollar a box, or pix box e for Ave dollar : Ben! by mail prejnid cm mvipt o priC6. We u'iiuranice fix Imxen to cure any caie Wuh ench order received by us for pi x boxen, acoom panlcd wilh five dollar, we wilj send tht: purchaeo onr written ftaarantea to return the raoncy W th treatment not ellect m cure, (UHrHnteen Í8tuc by Hrown fc i'o.Solo Anthorized Apents lor An Ari.or, Mich. IOHN C. WEST A CO., Sole Propri etors, Chlcaeo. III. Kri.olle Co., Whnlciml Asentí, Detroit, Mich. íf8-I(HH ANTÓN EISELE, DEALER IN unileï wm mm The jtubüc Is invited to cali and examine specimen of the cülcbrated KNOXVILLE,TENN.,MARBLE Of whlch we have a supply of new designs. It 1 superior to any in beauty and tatces the place of Scotch Grunite. i'Rices i,oi;k ruw ever WORK ALL WAKBANTED. Shop- Cor. of Detroit and Catheriue Sts ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. 9151 T INSEY & SEABOLT'S B AKERY, GROCERY AKD FLOUR AND FEEO STORE. We keep conetantly on band, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC. FOR WHOLESALK AND RETAIL TRADB. Wc hall also keep a supply of 8WIFT A DBUBEL'S BK8T WHITE WHEA1 FLOÜR, DELHI FLOUR, KYE FLOUR, BUCKWHKAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, Ac, Ac. At Wholesale and retail. a general stock oí GROCERIES AND l'ltov IMONs conetantly on band, whlch will be old n aa reuwon able termt as at any other houee in the city. Casn pald for Botter, Egge, and Coantry Product generalij. IVOoods dellvered to any part of the city wltb sat extra cbarge. yr IUN8EY & 8EAB0LT. ilii PAD ACTS DIRECTLY ON THE K1DNEY S Kladder umi 1'rinur.v OricnnNby AlmorbInjc all humor, rvrry Inice ol ditn-asi?, and forclHf into the pystom throucrh the poro- ol thepkin.nouriKhini.' nd ítrenBthfliiiii(; TORetabta tonic, glrlng It M'ondcrfiil iinnrr lo cure at unce, PAIN IN THE BACK, Nlflo or LoiiiM. I n M.imiiuuion ani UrijKlttN lÍHnMc of i HhlneyH, IíihImi,-lroimy. í.ravrl, i 'afurrh of the ICIitd der, Hili oloml, Sriiiity or Painfiil l'rinatiiitf. nriiosi.riisiKorHiiii'iU In Ihe I ri.M-, KK Ol N umi I'IIVNK Al, OKHILITV udq In fjirt any duwua ! Uwm preatortfan whether contract cd !y over work, train, execfnive drink, the fcbilTC of natu 'e, orotPWwUo. It ¦Bporoodet eulirely the ineonveiiJi-nceM juni tronbleg or takin; naiiMoaiH nul iiair-oiioiiM interna] medicine. It ie worn exactly where neoded, next to the body and immediatrly ovt:r the kidneys It ín comfotablc to the patiënt, iafe, plcasant and rcliablt; In ttl cfloctn, hut powirful ia tti actícn. It eau bc worn at all times', in any ciiuutte, and ís cfjually goud for MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD. Do not bc prejudfeed. Oive it ATBiAi-aml W ronvinced that it Í8 honeut, rclUble, cit.ttive mul juut what your feeble and exhauted body requires. Thon:indH are daily ddini; thcir tectinnmy U) the wotulerful cnr:itivi power ol thit fMi remedy, who are bötag r- wnÓ to periect health iHer all othcr treatmentn mid remedien have fatled. Aik your drir,'KÍft for it, umi accept Nn mmitation 011 -i K'Ti i-i tk. If hc tia9 uot gOL, it eend h iiH and reeene it by return mail. DISCKIPTIVE PBICE LIST. Kx'lar l'ad, tl; Special Pad, for C'hronic, deep neatcd, or cat-n ol losgftainiiiiif. f-'t . ChildronV l'ad, for uinmur comptaint. weak kidneyt and bed wettinj:, $1.5'), Out bitok, "Bow a Life was Saved," contalnin a hintory of thifl great dlfcovery, mailed free. Wrlte for U. VAV lillK ril CO., Toledo, O. 1011-23 HOP BITTERS (A .Medicine, not a Drink.) CONTAIN8 HOPS, Bl'CIIU, MANDRAKK, DANOELION, ANDTOI'R8T ANI)1!üKTMl!mrLQlAL. TIU OF ALL OTI1 1 II lll l'TXUS. THEY CXJE AH nipp"f thi'SKinmch, Bowpli, Blood, I Llvcr, Kldüt-ys. and l'rlnary OrganB, NtTvuusncftD, SlrcpIrNHiii'ssaml rupuclally reuiulc Cuuil'lalul8. 8IOOO IN COLD. -É Wlll bf pald for a case they wlll not run orB ti-li, ur foranythlnt; lm pure orlnjurtuutf fuitad ui tin ¦iu. Ank your dragftlst for IIop Bitters inl trjr I i li ui bef ore yuu sltM-p. Tukt) nu of hei. I D I. C. tl tn absolute and Irrostttllilc cure for I DruokeuneHS, use of opium, tobáceo and narcoiiiH. All bovt told by drunliU. ¦ Hop Bttu Mfk-. ('.., Korheitvr, N. Y.,&Toronto,Ont, I m i" i- c a m


Ann Arbor Courier
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