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jyrONEY TO LOAN. At scven per cent, Security muft ho on flrvt-class farms in thtscounty, or city propertjr in Ann Arbor, in central and dcsirable localitiee. J. (J. A. 8ESSIONB, Attorney. Office : 8. W. Cor. Main Hurón Sts., up-ütairs WANTED. BT Competent & Experienced Nursa a Sltuatlon. Apply, 1015 DKAWKU Si, 1'. O. JRENCH TEACHING. Sanvpur System. IPIROIF1. BAHCIMO1TT I Wlllglve alreele-ton, ilhiütratini; the system on Saturday, Dec. 4th, at 2 u'clock, at ünlversity Hall (in Uie rink.) 1015 Buccessorto G. W North. Office, H) South Mal Street, oppoelte Nntlona! Bank . Itesidencv, 27 LI i erty Street. Nitroae xide paa admlntpterud wh rnn(Wtd W-R A HOLIDAY GIFT. M!{. FRBD. J. sciILBDK, foreman of tbe Courier Bookbindery, bas a maünificent PICTORIAL FAMILY BIBLE ! ALSO THB NKW CROWN BIBLE, Printed Both in English and Germán, Contatntng over 2,000 Illustrations and 25 ruil pn Steel Enravini;e which hu ia m-'iIiii: at remnrknlily rca-onuble prlcec He also has a lull lino oí K.uiL-i in pricas from SI 50 to $ 00, which are jnet the thinK tor the Iloiiciuy trude. If you want eouiettilnw in th :h line to make yonr wile, or you mothrr, iir your Kistor, or consln, or sweethourt happy, nazt CuriHuia.-. ttvi' nliu n cali. 1015-16 Sealed Proposals FOR JANITOR'S SERVIGBS. Office of the ClerK of Waht"naw Co., Mich., ( NovembsrSOth, 1880 f Under dlrection aud by resol ution of the Board o Supervisors of Waahteuaw County. I shall recelve sealed proposals up to 12 m., of Jauuary lid, 1831, ior doin the Janitorö work at the court noose, in the city of Ann Arbor. Particular a to serrice requliec and ptrquisites glven, wltl be rurntshud at my office upon application. The Board reeerve the right to reject any or all bids. EVBKBTT B CLARK, 1011-18 For the Com. on Public Buildings. Dlssolutlon of Partnership. The partnership heretofore existing between W W. Bliss and F. H. Huck, of Ann Arbor, nndir the nnme of W. V. Blii-s & Co., ia ihia day dissolved by mutual consent. W. W. BLISS F. 8. BÜCK. The bueincss wlll be continned by the undcrslgned, who wishes to return thanks for past patronage, and hopes by etrlct attuntlon to business to merlt iuture trado. F. S. BUCK. 1012 17 THE WONOERFUL CHRISTMAS "ST. HICH0LA8." A special Holiday number, dexlgned for boys and girls everywhere, whether regular readers of the magazine or not j- the best, and by reason of lts immense oditlun, II),IMO, tlir i-lieupPSl ( lirisTmas book pnbllshed. l'rice 30 cents. A brilliant Holiday' cover ; superb piotures by the best American artista; a capital acting operetta for children, " The Land of Nod," with words and music; a pplendid story by Washington Gladden, "A Christmas Dinnkr with the Man in the MOON," the illustrations of which rival Dore's; "Kino Arthur and his Knights," by Sidney Lanier ; one of Frank R. Stockton's inimitable Fairy Stories; the "Treasure-hoxofLitïrature," etc, etc; - in all the thirtythree departments and contributions. A f.rainl Holidaj (Jlft-Book of 1OO Pages printed on tinted paper, illustrated with scores of charming piotures, for only 30 cents. Ask for the Christmas (December) St. Nicholas. Four editionsof lastyear's Holiday number were demaaded. For sale everywhere after November 30th. Subscription price, $3.00 per year. Scribner & Eo., 743 Broadway, N. Y. 1015-18 WASTINC DISEASES Such as Consumption, Bronchitis, Athma, General Dfhlllty, Brnin Kxhaustion, Chrönlc Contipatlon, Chr.mlc Disrrhu'i, Dyspepnia, or I.OSS OF VKKVOl POWER Ari' posltivrily Clired ly FET.I.OW8' ('OMPOUND SYKUPOFUYPOPIIOSPIIITHS. As phnuphorus ontrrs o larut-ly into tho ttnnimal iTiiittimy, il becomee pir tcellénoê lh beat vehicWi wilh which ti aKBociak' Ihe o!hr vltAltltAg int?redionta of healthly Blood, Nerve and Muxclf. Tn Fellowe'Syiupof Ilypophoxiihlut are cumblnod hII the ciil)"tance8 fonnd neceiwary to Insare robnit hi'alth, and whireas it was Invonted wlth a view to stipply i-very deflciency, It certaluly has performod somc wonderlul cun. Makcheítkii, N. n., Jnnc 18, 18S0. Mr. Jahix I. Fn,i.i)Wi. Sir; I wiah t ncknowledee the Krcat benoflt I have recuivud from the UB of "Fellows' Compound Myrnpot llj.,iphcwplilu-s.'' I have heen an Invalid for nearly two yeam, with a foronchttal atfcctlon Ihat ha liuciiini' chrouic. In the Fall of 1878 [ hd a phyniclaii elghtj dayn In surcession, begldoe the coat sel "f ¦ereral others. They travo me bnt Uttle ciicounik'i'ment. some ol Ihem none. List Jnly I was advlscd ta irivu ynur remedy a trial. I dld so, and in Ich thun ¦k ihcre was a tiiurkort im[)rovoini'iit tot int Ixittcr. I Imve continuud II une Trom tlmt time unil Uu pu'H.iut, iniprovmi; all the tima, and I can trnthfully say I ntn more a hundred per cent. botter than when 1 cummeneed itc use. 1 have tncivu wiriL'ht aboat fllteen poónfla, and my cougii, whlch harful, iia- noirly i)lsappand. "I bellere Imd it not been for your Symp, I sbould ere this have biuTi beyoud the car-s of thls Ufe. Very tmly Tonr, AI.BKRT STOHY. rWlo not deoelTfi hy ramadlea hi-arlni; a similar ttiuu - ; no otfaer preparntton ín h HiibHtltute for this, uuiler iny circumstance. 1ÜI5-1B k Oultlt fiiralihod frt. wlth fki'l laatructluos Tor coo. y I Ë diiotiug Iba ni'tt [ronublv bullo tht RQroof oD il I ¦ pa ¦ ln Tbr biiOPH U aoeuy to lnrti; aud our V ¦ II lutriictloaa kre ¦' imple ml piala, ttikt aavoot X I II cu muite groat proflti from the rtrj iurt Nu oa 1 I II ,-tn fll h" 1 Ulitis to wort. M-.'niirii re . ¦¦. Pil ¦ ¦¦ oMlul a meo. Bojfi Bud glrli cu eru Urgu auaii T M. r Wiit huc tumi.' kt tbv liuiiie nu-r out' Tiimdrci (inltkrN In K ilule "wcvlt. Notblng Itke It errr knowo boforc. All wlio cuïim ara luriirlMd at the lmm aud rauUllty wlth whlch therarv able to multe m.ioi-y Tm 0n usage la tbU l.ainr-s durlag jour iparo time al creat proüt. Vou dD Bot bave to iuvett oapltal tn It. We take all ih' rink. Thos who n& readj money Hhould wrlu Qtatoooc. 111 runkihl fre. AddreM Taua k Co. .,u I., Malu. 1007 M


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