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Thrce llivers isagitatingthe purchasc of H ItelM lire fllL'llir. Alma has lost her fl juring milis by firo. Loss, $16,000, no Dsurance. uvonville people are troubled witb big jawsjUBt now. Got the mumps. All the boats of the famous Wah-wah,-uiu club have been ordered sold. Docalur bas 50,000 busbels of whoat in store, aml can obtain no cara to sliip ft. Mnnri.c lia8 a bood-knittiriK and nther crotched work factory wtiicli etnploys 75 f'emale hands. During the iuonlh of November there were 349 deerd and thrte bears shipiicd f rom Rosco miiiyu. CadilUe is putting on metropolitan airs by bivios her busine-s blocks and dwellings numbered. The lUagii teling of' wild eame, deer espeuially, in ilio norlh woods tl'i.s winter, is i-aid to be enormous. 8 mie of you rioh fellows out ol' business sbould goup to Kalkisk-i and start sbank. Oim i.i wanted thoie. Tfaere is wid to bc a pupil attendiog school al Hamstse whois "o yeuisolci üni childhood probabl. Track layinj? toward Marlet te now pro at the rato of a luile per day nu the Pt. Hurón & Northwestern II. R Coldvrater has a seduction ca?e in high life, and f(osip have sweet of nastinem to rol! under their tongues. The locomotivo has mude itsfirst trip M the St. Jo, 'al)ey R. H., takiog three car loada uf ties and about 200 people. The Monroa postoffice w,t.-i burgkrized bne niht last week, and $20 in caj-li, $650 wortli of stampa, and the mail keys taken. A Coldwater man - L B. Kinney - has a pipe wliieli he has smoked for 178years - no, that has been smoked 178 years- that's it. The girls in the knitting factory at Centerville, 50 ín numbor, struck for a small addition to their waeg, and the factory has shut d ittii. A raoveoientia on foot lookiug to the organizítion of a coiupany to construct a railroad from Newaygo to Pentwater, by the way of Fremont, Center and Hesperia. Dr. Meyer, of Gladwia, was shot and killed by a trap he had set for deer. We don't believe in making light of sorious occasions, but that was a prettydear trap lor him. James M. Turner, of Luisiug, has been appointed commissioner of the state school for the blind, vice K. K. Trowbiidge, who resigned to take the corumissionorship of Indian afTairs. The reunión of the old3d Mich. Infan'ry has been postponed for one year, when Big Rapids hopes to have sufficient hotel ac comadations, which lack wa the cause of the defiirment. The Adrián college authorities state that f the people of' that city don't warm their hearts and affections toward said college sonuewhat, that it will be removed to a place wliere the people will appreciate it. The body of John Parker was scaroecold in death before a dozen candidates were in the field niaking a breakforthe posiiionof United States marshal for the wes-tern district of Michigan, which office he held at the time of his death. - Dowagiac Times. The Adrián Times is responsible for the assertion that Samuel J. Tilden is to deliver a leeture in Ciinton sometime thia winter. We'll all go over and hear him when he comes. The Clinton people will cy-pher an exposition building to hold the crow d. The Hiltsdale schools have had u close up, and teachers go without their pay, ust because the school board consider their grit of more consequence than the welfare of the whole city of llillsdale. Tho citizens oug'.it to give such egotista the big, big bounoe. Sinco the opening of the state public school for indigent children, at Coldwater, in May, 1874, there have been 944 children received. Of this number 525 have been indentured in respectable homes. Wholc nuoiber now in school. ' : nnm)wr or dcaths tbr six years, :4. Small boys and givls who think it is a safe pastiine to catch upon bob-sleighs, as they are being driven through the streets, inay be interested in knowing tliata six yearold boy at Buchanan, who was considered ao adept at the business, wbs rccently knocked down, run over, and had his legbroken. A Burlington girl recrntly had one of her feet modelled in marble, and pave it as a weight to her betrothed for a birthday present.- New York Sun. An Kast Saginaw schoolmarm did the same tning, but the miserable cur to whom she sent it uses it for a horse-blosk.- Evcning News. Lewis Bucksingham, aged 83 yearí, on of the first scttlers of Flint, and the first sheriff of Genesee county, died at his home n Flint, last Sunday evening. He was the 'ather of Mrs. M. E. Clarkson, matron of the Detroit House of Correction, and was jreatly renpeuted by evcry one who knew lim. ])r. Monfort, the Itliaca man who ran away with a younegirl bas returned tothat nlaee and 8ays he proposes to stay there md live it down. The girl's father brought mr back -uiiietiuie ago. If Ithaca is like most places tliat doctor won't need to buy any wond or eoal during the time he may reside theru. During the month of November there were .71,858 barrels of íah tnapMltd in this state, and duriug the ycar en iing Novemer ÜOth, 2 678,386 barrels were tnaoufaoured and inspected, the larpest amount ever produced in tho state. The product 'or 1879 was 2,058,040 barrels. The prioe iuring the past year averaged 75 cents per mrrel. The official eanvassof Mijhigan shows the epublioan voto ou the electoral ticket to e 185,195; democratie vote, 131,331 ; jreeuback 34,895 ; prohibition, 'J42 ; Auiercan labor , 320 ; antimasonic, 2 (Jarfield over Hancock, 53,804. GarfiVld over all, 7,705. W. Irving Litinier, for auditor general, received tbc IngMt vote of any candidate. The followiug item is vouched for by iaginaw journals, bnt proves conclusively hat they have some queer chicks at that )lace : " Two young woiuon oallcd at Mr. Stewart'w house in E st Saginaw, and Lgked perin i.-iou to rost a minuto. In half n limirono gave birth to h hcalthy oliild, and soon the otker FoHowd guit. Thoy were iiken to the hospital." John Ackerson, of Sandsjooe, is the faher of 15 children, all by his present wife. vho was bol 1 3 ycoars Ora tfhen he inarricd lor. Mr. Apker.xon is mw 50 years old, ndMrs. A 36. Th! olilust of the ohildren will be 21 years old on the 22d day of Febuary next, and tho youngest was born on he 25th of last monih. Kight of the chilren re boys and seven of thein are girls, nd all live under the pareutal roif. - Jackon I'atriut. The Morenoi Observer relates that during lie past nummer, a farmer living near that lacö employcd a youug man of fair oom)lexitn, suiooth face and slendcr form, who rave good satisfaction, but was very rctient. A (I-w weeks ago, by a mere aooi: ent the astouished farmer discovered that lis employee was ayoungwoman. Hersex aing revoaled she rcluotantly stated that leing alono in the world, and unable to earn living in the cast, she had resorte 1 to tliixpedient. That night sbe flod.


Ann Arbor Courier
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