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ir Yon Live in a Malaria DUtrict.Wenr tlie Liiiii Malaria and Llrer I'aI And Body and Foot Piasters. It is a certain preventative against Chilla and Malaria hrvi-r olany kiud, aml it' ilierw ia uuy trace ot' it in (he systeui it will thoronghly ersdieate it. The whole treatuicnt for one deiht. Kor sale ly Druírgists. Maii's Roblest Work. Tliis is an age of great worlts and wonderpil inveutions. Steaiu, electricity, water, air. all are made to serve man, but untuestioiiably the greatest inventions are tnosc whieh preserve nian's healtli and proloog lile, and among the greatest ol' thete is l)ii. Kim;' Xkw DfSCOVKRY for ConBÚMpXioo. tu cffeet-t are truly woiiderlul íinil hunilreds are happy to-day, wlio onee lnoked lorward to au early rave. l'ur Ooughf, Colds, Hronchitis Astlinm, losa ol voiee, Hay Poter, Hoursncs, L'roup, or any atfi'Ction wliatcvcr ol' tlie Tliroat. ('lic-l ir IjUiijís, lit. Kinh's Nkw 1isc(ikim ill potitively cure. W'c can eheerfully recojuiuend it to all, and can unhi:sii;iiingly .--ay I i.-i tljc uiily tura cure Por 'l'lnual ana liUDK afVcctioi). Trial liottlcs ten unís regular i.c, $1. Vm sale by Kbcrbach Sin. Aun Ailxjr, Mloh. I00Q-IU34 ltiicklcn's Árnica Sle. TKr liivst Salvo in the world Cor ('uts, Hrui.-os, Sores, Ulscr, Salt Klieuni, l'ivor ïore, Tetter, (Jhapiicd Hands, Cnilbltin, Coros and all kimls ot'-Skin tlreptioaa This Salve is warranted to )rive perfect atigfaetion in erery case (ir tmmcj ret'undcd. l'rice 25 cents per box. For sale by Klrrbaofa k Son, Ann Arbor. IQ02-1034 A Cough, Cold or Son; Throat sbould be stopped. Neglect Crequently iesults in an Incurable Dung Diteatt or ( 'mKiuiijitioH, IJrown's Bkünchiai. Tkoiiikn are certaíu to iir relie in Asthma, Hronchifix, CouaJm, ('atan-h, C&nltutupluí itml 7'hrtHtt Diteaaet. Forthirty years tlie Troches have been rccouiuicndcd by physicmns and alway'8 give perfect satisfaetion. They are not new or untried but hnving been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an cntire gencration, they have altaincd well nicrited rank amone th'r few staple remedies of the age. l'ublic Speakers and üingers use tlieni to clear and strengtheD the Voice. Sold at twenty-five cents a box everywhere. 1007-58 A irruís and Canraftsers Makc froni $25 to $50 per week selling goods for E. C. RiDK0UT& C)., 10 Barclay street, New York. Send for their catalogue and torras. 1000 1052 Motlicrs ! Mot liers ! t Molhers ! ! ! Are you disturbed at night and broken of' your rt-st by a sick child suffering and crying with tho exeruciuting pain ofcutting tictli If si), go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S 8OOTHINO 8ÏEÜP. It II relieve the t lililu sufferer imnjediately - depend upon it; tliere s no mitke abuut it. Therc i.s not a motlier on naríh who has ever used it, who will not tell you at odco that it will regúlate the bowels, and give rest to the uiother, and relief and health lo thc child, operating liko niagic. It is perfeedy naf'e :u on in all cases, and plcaHant to the taste, au il is the precriptioa of onc of the oldeut and best fcmtlc physiciansand iiurM.-s j n the United Staten. 8old ererywhere. _.r. cents a bottle. 1OO7-5H '


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News