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A barrel-hoop factoiy U ta'krd of at Brighton. Albion is to have a new depot, to be built by the M, C. II. lt. next suuiuier. That street wash-out in Grand Rápida last sumtner, cost the eity $7,000, At Howell, last Saturday, Chullos E. (icen died while sitting in bu ohair. Tu prevent tlic further spread of diphtheria the schools liave been closed at Linden. A buzz saw amputated a hand for A. l'n.uliriilge, at Berricn Spring?, lnt Monday. Ileporls from tlie luniber wnods ai e cxtreuiely favorable for a large log erop this winter. Charlcvoix lias a ncw planing mili and nther factories for wonden roaterials in eonifíiiplatioii. Coldwater reports a general livening up of' business in tbat city, and many fine iniprovemtnts. Thos. J. Kelley, a prominent citizen of Bay Cuy, died last Sunday of' hemorrhage of the lungs. Stable boys are now termed " barnyanl clerks," by sorae of our state papers. It's a stable epithet just same. The beltígerent school board of Hillsdale have somehow boiight a load of wood, and set the schools running again. Kalkaska eounty offers the seeker after a lorthern hotue the advantage of good soit, ght taxes and no eounty debt. Kv( ry senatorial candiJale reports larjje ccessions among the legislators recenlly. oiuebody must be lying about it. A safe burglary, at the elevator of J. K. ardner, at Croswcll, netted $500 in curency to the operator. No clue. Dr. Cruickshank, of Howcll, accusêd of lodysnatching, has taken Frcncli leave, and lis DODdsmen are in a sorry piekle. A lady named Miss Stinker, af Port Lustin, was marricd the other day. Huon eounty beaux have queer tastes. Wild game is reported in great almnanee all over the state this winter. In 'act nearly as plenty as dogs and hunters. That iuysterious factory at Bay City is ow absorbing rancid Imtter, and the loatuing thickens. But-ler may be oleoïargarine. The widow, of Christopher Kustercrwho was lost on the ill-fated Alpena, lias rceived $5,(JU0 the smoont of insurance he arricd on his. The Catholics are building a cemetcry Viult at Brighton, for the u?e of not only heir own congregatie, bal whoever may leaire to use it. Charlotte' s citizens can now walk home n the light of forty street lamp?, and they 0 put up more. The Catholic society of Ionia is to erect 1 grand church editiee the coming seasoo. t is to be 135feet long by 40 feet in width, and to cost $15,000. The place of Chas. T. Gorham of Marshall, on the coramission for the reform chool for girls, will have to be supplied, ie having resigned. Frank Emery, charged wilh committing a robbery at Metamora last February, bas just been sentenced to Jaekson for 21 years, by Judge Gaskill of the Lapeer circuit. Bay City folks talk of inviting the Noith ¦ western Association to hold thsir annual regetta there again the coming year. Tbey are not so red hot for it as lait eason, however. At the New England Farmer's convention, held at New Britain, Conn., this week, Prof. V. J. Beal, of the agricultuval college, Lunsing, read a paper upon "Our Schools of Agriculture." At Edmore the people are raising a fund by voluntary contribution to purohase I present for every poor child in the place whose parents areunable to próvido one for them. A noble and generous deed. It is asserted that Charlotte has male bipeds, in human shape, that amuse theinSUITe by i iitihin .-o, -itina ilivi.. with kerosene and then setting tbem on fire. Almost too disgustine to believe. A. B. Turner, of the Grand Ilapids Eagle is credtted with wanting to be government printer. As no man in the printing busiiess is allowed to uold the position, he will have to sell liis bald-headed bird. The last place to report a death froui tlie very bad habit boys in cities have of catching on bobs, is Detroit, and Chas. E. Eastman, aged seven years, the boy. Ho was the oldest son of a widowed niother. Marshall pays $3,593.75 liquortax, while Battle Creek pays but $2,731.02, and Albion $1,065.00, so it will bo seen that Marshall is way ahead of anything else in Calhoun county and is deserving of the county seat. A thicf entered the store of J. C. Muriroe & Son of Whitehall, last Sunday night, opened the safe, extracted $1,000, locked itagain, and lelt his name and whereabouts a total mystcry. Kvidently he knew the corubination. At the state school forthedeafand dumb, at Flint, diphtheria has attacked some of the pupils, ihough in a mild form. The Mirror says all cases are isolated, are perfectly under oootrol, and oxercie are going along as usual. Up in St. Clair county a iiuupor at the poor house tried to thrash the keejer be cause the food set before him didn t consist of minee pie, tarkeys, cranberry sauce, etc., and they iictually put him in j;iil t V ihis iuipudonce. Theiron milis are crowded with ord ¦: much so that it is expected to run three furnaces iu tho píate mili duriug the niht hereafter, the two whicli have been running during the night not being sufficient. - Wyandotte llerald. It is stated that Nolson A. Siuith, of Marión township, Livingston county, has laten nothing but raw eggs for 89 days, bis stomach refusing other food. He must be sonie what eggs-apperated over bis eggntraordinary cundition by tfais time. A new military oompany bas been organ iz d at Calumet having (ili membcrs, with Henry Wilkitu as otbtain. They propose to ask nermission to draw pty as state niilitia, ana to have som fun with the bojs, andto flirt with thegirls, next enoamptnepi time. The last Cliarlovoix Sentinel tella all about the new " cautiouary nortlnvesl signal,"which has been adopted lor the rogion of the great lakcs, and will be (fuplayed :it that place at the opening of navigiiii.m. It will be forgotten liy tliat tiini;, Bro. Sentinel. Jobn 11. Fairbanks, of Jlw, representa to the comnion counoil of Grand Rápida that he is the owner of S llitha of the ground on which the reservoir now stands, and asks compenation for the same. The city bought the land ten years ago of E. I!. Powersfor $26,000. "Wedon'tsee why it is ihat so many able-bodiod men will lay around our largo cities and towns all winter, living OQ oharity in some cases, when anyone who has gol any energy at all can get work in our lombar distriots and get good wages."- Edmore Journal. The paper findsthe answer in its question : " lack of energy."


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