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It was our intcntion laat week to have glVÖB ur reader thi 1'reMdent's messag and tli.' varioui department reporU, bu we found it ioiposaibfo M to dn. Monto our readers havo undniihudly seeurei these documenta in otherjouruato, and hv read and formed their own opinión of tl snggestions proposed, Suffioc it to sa that the ending of no administra! ion in ili liistory of country lias ever found ili i.alion in a Letter londition, than ili closins days ot' the present ope. Au i now añother man vím's up Por th deraoorats. thesouthern ones in particulai lo curse. It i? imiií;o W. Williams, tl. colored inemler of the Ohio lagialatnre who is woiking up B hegÏTa which wi tlirow in the shade all previoua efforta i rrpabliean politioian. Hö reporU ihai party of New ïork capitalista have pa obased over half a million acres of land i New Mexico, and propoio to oolonite with negroes carefully seleoted IVom the south. Tlic eolored póople are to be charKe.l the governmentf.rae tor farms, begiven ampie time to pay f'or them, and aided in developing themselvea and their ajiildren to tlieir fullest capacity. A few of the reeomniendations of Postuiaster General Maynard in hii animal report, are wortby of note. Be rcoonaim mis t luit tlie fa.-t mail service be oontinued, and that appropriationa for it be rafticient to make it eSdeBt. He ;.lso a c'uhuc in me uivuojr - vnlui 'vu... .r which sum of f5.00 or loss can be .ent for five cents, and to niake up lor lliO this would be to the dopart-.neut , lie would increase the business by putting tbc limit of orders at $100 instead of 190. The reconi mendations of bis predceessors as to postal savingsand government control of the te'egrapha are renewed, oaerfttl stuly of these in Great Britaio haviog oonviooed bini of tbcir practieability aod usiTulness. By a combi nat ion of republicana and antiTamnrmy demócrata in tbe New ork common oouBoil, John Kelley bas heendeposed froai tbc comptrollership of New York city- an office worth $30,000 a year loss of patronage. The officers nominated by Mayor ('ooper are divided politically between the republicans and antiTaniinany demócrata This is not only a Btaggeririg blow to Tamuiany hall with its corruption, but insures to tbe republicans oF the nation tbe vote of ow York state for all time to come. The class who tbis monstrona politica! body in New York city are people who " forgiveand Ibr;.'¦ t, but always rememoer, eonsequoouy no democrat by an; other name .save that of Taminany cin possibly be chosen, while tbe"anti's" will be as fierce the other way. But it all results in good to the people of that city and .state. Mayor Cooper deserves greai lionor for bis manly action. Tlie standard oil company of Cleveland, bas made $1,000,000 a month for the last nineteen months ! It is in tbe interest of ihis company that Mich laws as tbe state of Michigan has requiring a high test of oil, are passid, whioh makes this immense robbery- for it is nothing more nor less tban robbery- possible. The i-tate of New York bas happily cscaped such a law, and her people, being left free to purchase any grade of oil they choose, obtain their kerosene at three-fiftbs lesa money tban we pay here in Michigan. That is, wben oil is 25 rents per gallon in tbis state, the people of New York obtain justas good an article for 10 cents per gallon. And tbe record shows wo are not more free from accidentl and ixplofliqns resulting from its use, in proportion to our population, than are iiur eastern neighbors. The incoming legislature should repeal this law wbieb roba tbe people of our s-Ute to enrioh a wcalthy corporal ion of a ncigbboring state. Take the fetter.s off our banda and allow us to use our own judgmen't, and save our mon . .


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News