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Conmlmtoners' Rotfce. TATKoi' MIOHIGA'R.'Coapty ofWubteoaw, m. The nndereiinied been appolnted iy tae Probate Court for iaid oonnty, Commlsaloner to rucetve euunlne nd djut all clatma and dernaudnoi uil peron aniii Ihe Mate oi Edwmrd I.. Boyden, "I Mld cnunly, (l.-i'cH-cil, hereby civ.' hup. rix raontha rrom dnte are allowed, by ordei ol wud Probate Conrt, tor credturs to presen! Ihelr ¦i"niiiKt t !¦ eatate "! iaid deccased.and thai iney win meel tl Uw office of 7ina P. Elng, In Ure city ol Ann Arbor in wiiil conntj, on Tnesdiy, the arst lay ,f March. nd on ïneOay, il' Uiiity iïr-t dftj ol May next, ;it ten o'doek a. m.,oi; cacli ol xuid dnys in recelre examine .iml dlusi sald claim. Dutcd4 November 21'tli, 1880. 1IBXKY OSUOKN, i I'HANKI.IN CATÉ, -CUJIN-Icam!. 1016-19 IN A I'. KINC, Cliaucory Notlcc. CÍTATEOS mh 1111..W'. in the circuit Conrl i in' the i'imnty "f Whteoaw in Chincery. Twenty MeondJadlclal District. Wil Hum 1 üulvurt, e.!, v. Cbai los Uatcbi ll.dufundlnt. l'i"n doe proof iy a(Bdvll ihal Charles (latchell, Ihe d rendanl In the aboro entttled canse pandiiu; la imm coart, rcaldca oul of tn.c wld etateol Mlchb(U),and thui he doe redde " the state o( Co otado, upoo mol Ion of a.a C. a. Blalr.aoll Itora frr in ordercil tlmt tlic Mid ileifiidnni, (aiclicll, do appear "il anawar the bill of complalnl Bied in Ible cínife wiiliin tlixee montba rroni Ihe dato uf thif order, elsethoaald blll of complalot tlmll be laken b conTeaeed bj m defeodant; and, rarQier, thai ihiK order be pabllahed wlthin twenty daj Irora Ihia date in ilio Ann Arlior Conrier, a newppor prinud n Naid connty ui Waahlenaw, aiul tbal tho iiino lc. publlxlicd Ihereln onqe in eacb week tor Ij werk in mccefalon. Sucli pabllcallon, Iiowovit, xliall not ic necoararj In casé a eopy of thin order w nrrvcd uu the said defendunl perponally :it Icatl twenty dayw before tlie time preicrlbed horeln f'1' hii áp pcaranco. Uated, Aiucn-t 26tb, A. D. 1880 JAMliS M.MAlIdN. Ctrcnll ('ourt Commlaaionor In and forWaohtonáw ( 'ounly, Mich A.JfcC. A. BLAIK, 8ollcllorfot Cumplalnaot. 10111017 DlMOlotioa of rarlnirsliip. The partoenhJp beretofore ezUtlni; between W'. W Uli.-K aml I1'. s. hurk, f iiii Albor, unili-r Ihe uumeofw. W.BIlaa c .. in da] diaaolved by miittidl const'ut. W. Wi IU.1SS. F. s. BUI K. Tho btulDeaa wül he continuad by the nnd ed, who wiahea to retara thaoka i"r paai pa'! aud hniw by Mrict altcDtlou lo bnalneai to miril futor trido. V. s. m ( K. ini-i 17 "POII 8 ALE. I have a Kood Kl.ol'KIM; M1I.I, of four run of tone, Uiii I win ncll or excbanK hir property in WaihteiiRW 'ounty. Mttl BICS A. HKAL.


Ann Arbor Courier
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