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Aclass in phonography is bemg organized with fair prospccts. l'rof. M. C. f yler has gone to the upper península to deliver a lecture. Many of tho pharmics left for their homes to day to spend the holiday vacation. l'liilo Parson.i, of Detroit, has very generously donated 350 volumes to the university library. A portion of the iron cornioe on the new museum blew off last Mooday, anJ smashed several slates on the roof. The evening lectures upon chemistry, by Prof'. W. J. Langley, before the medies, have been greatly enjoyed by them. Joe. T. Jacobs bas giveo $25 to the Chrooicle gymnasium fund, which liberality on his part is worthy of emulation by others. Sumner Cullins having resigned the vicepresidenoy of thfl athlotio assooiation, W. J. ülcoti, of '83, has been chosen his sucecsor. (un. Joseph W. Brown, one of the tirst regentj of Michigan UtiiverMty, died at his hume in Tecuiuseh, Dec. 9ih, aged 87 years. The Sundjy afcernoon loctures hold last yoar, whioh wore so largely attended and hihly instruetive, it is to be regretted have not been contiuued. The subject of color blindoess is being investigated by Prof. Chas. K. Wead, who proposes to find out to what extent it prevails among the students. The Wabash and its conneclions have come down tohalf-fare, thus allowingmany of the boys and girls to go home who feit doubtlul about affording it previously. A meeting of tho athlcticassoeiation was held last Monday evening, at which time speeches were made by several of the professors, and a general waking up rusulved upon. - ¦ - ... m.. ¦¦ Passender agents represeutiug different lint ¦ of railroad, have beeo ujakiiig it hot for each other, and amusing for student intendinK to go hoina for the hi'lidays, during the past week. If the laws are so regardless oflaw as to deserve repiiuimid by the professors, doe it not prove them to have wrongly chosen their calling ? Uent'.emanly couduet dur" ing the ooilege course, may be one of the consideratioBS on which a diploma will b iranted in this depurtinent herealter. How's that, boys? Mr. Prof. Calvin Thomas died very suddenly at her home in this city last Monday afternoon, froni OOnvoWons. The d.e1 Wae aa estimable young lady, a daughter ot' J. B. Sution, orlMpein', to which place her ïetuains werr lak!ii for interment. A little more than a year ago she came to this city wit li her husband to reside. The pubücitiou uf the Oracle will be resumed this year, aud tho fullowing ediiors have been chosen for tho e-ame: F. A. Walker, of Taunton, Mans.; John T. Winship, of Washington, D. C. Chas. T. Wilkins and F. J. Jennison, of Detroit ; II. E. Tinsman, of Romeo ; C. D. Willard, of Chicago, 111.; T. W. Peers, of Collinsville, 111.; John Morris, Jr., of Ft. Wayue, Ind. The juuiors have decided to have the animal society hop soon lifter the holidays, and for the purpose of muking the necessary BrTBÜfTfinwiitt, have appolnted tlie followlng committce : A. B. Hale, B. W. Shocmaker, T ; Freil G. Coldren, F. B. Lcland, Kt ; Rogcr W. Cooley, Wm. L. Loveltuid, 2: Jas. II. Norton, Geo. B. Whitney, X+; Win. H. Graham, Wm. D. Bobbins, AA; Benj. P. Brodie, Fred Baker, Fred'k W. Wliiting, A K E; John H. Grant, J. J. Lentz. B ü n ; Edward II. Burniore, Z t. This coniraittee is sub-divideil as follows : Ctiairnmn - Kobbins ; conmiittee on invitations - Bannore, Norton, Coldren, Grant, líale ; arrangement! - Loveland, Baker, I.i'iitz, Graham, Brodie; reception - Vhiting, Whitney. Shoemaker, Leiand, Cooley. The concert given by the Beta Theta Pi quartette, last Friday evening, at Graas Lake was attended by a large number of citizens of that place, who received the pieces very enthusiastically, and by encores doubled the arranged program. The college song, now so seldom heard, even in our own town, were still more unusual to them, and bcing rendered with many amusing variations, received much applause. After the concert a reception was given them at the hotel. Because of the success attending their previous entertaininents the quartette has received quite a number of invitations to give concerta in various parts of the state, and if the studies would permit we doubt not but that they could make a very successful tour of the state.


Ann Arbor Courier
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