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A National Educational System

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l'Mueatiuii must noivssaiily bc the chiel corner stone of a rcpublic. An intelligent people alone can bt freo. Repnbliott) inutitutions can only conf'er Mesinga upon the governed wlieti these latfrr both kuow llitir rijrlits, and have tlic itidependflncc and intelligent; to exereine thcm. The mere posscsiion of freeduni otn not, ol itself, uiaki' eood liiizen of (lic ïinlrticr ed man - fie .-hould knnw liotli why it m best that bis oountry'i w fir liiui f'rooiloni of actum wliicli i oootiatent ntfa nii.''ii.-hi j'. Tbc L'f)irnnt 111:111 in alwnys placed at a jrrcat .aüvanlafie --in tbe faty nature of tbings hc bccomos tbe pliaot tooi of the dcmagogue, and tlic tiususpccting pappet ot' the designing and uiisorupulous. IIow to avoid tbëae nwihi mart I"' tlistudy of our -tateiucn. Thestatei have bad tbe nutter of rducation in cliargc, and uave tlu'iu.sclves t(cndr:d to the enlightiiienf of ther ciwn citizens. In in-iiiy coranjonwealibd tlie ta.--k ol' di-seorioating Dtolligenoe hu been faiihfiilly discharged ; it is but too patent tliat in mny uthers it Lm lien cadly neleel-ed. Wc tínd ourgovernment confronted with ibis dileuiiLa: A reiniblicau overuiuciit n only be .table, tírtn and progresfive, when its subjeuts are intelligent, euough to knuw their rigbt.s, indeiendent euoneh to a.sert tbftu, and far-igbted cnougb to consult iheir own bigbeet 'self interest. 'Vhn ia nne born. In m.invtatt's tbe cducation of tbc peopte il ibat luueb overlooked tbat forty-five per eeut. of tbc populatiou can neitber read nor writc- as is the case in not a few of the southern rtaiat. Tliis is the other horn of the liletniua. Wliat i.s tbe roIuiíhd ' Thoff scotns i'i 11 Kul one w.iy ou( of the dtffieulty, and ( i to esubltafa n Mutional ayateni of eduuation. To appropriaii; enough tnorwy for tho suppori of Mlc'll ;i .-I l'Hl , MH Wlll give rVt'l'.V IIIUD wllitl! nr black, rion i' poor, u laïr ohanoe t" ahtiin the blexoinK, wbich ooms Irom in onlighteucd undcraiandiBg. DUtribute tln1 u il' i ui lln' in pLOpoyioll In tlio populution, i.d iln' percentajes rf Ilie n normot clajv Mako ultünilnncc :il xcliuol, ;is Par pUHsiblc, eoiupulsory. Uivti ¦ mueli oi' the Buiiervising power, a.s can be sal'cly onlruweu, to the stales; bul havo the gonertil governnienl exercitie thal mnoli ol oontrol, tl m t I oan overaee lbo dixtribu lion of the faod, and ibe practical wiirkinK of 1 1 1 o ayitem. My aome suoh meana al'uvc, llltereoy wn be baoished IroiD tbe liui'l, ainl the perpetuity of out KOVcroiuODt esUiblwhod. Suvli a hmmmiuo wuiilcl dn uure than aojthiiiü olso could to Bcttlo the "southern" qnention. Thfl white pcdplo ui iliii mutli oosld in! then aay tiuihtiilly that tlny wen dogntdad aod ili-íírat-cil liy hiiinj: put upon the Mme IovpI with the ignoraat negro. On ilu1 othr hand, the negro, orne ttnderrtaodiog what liis nhts are tindcr tbe gOTeinmenl oooM imt be impQsed upon m be ia nqw. Tho hue ;uiil gjy abottt "th igooimnC iicro " wouM 1' suppressed. 'l'lie ooloroii man. with the powerftil mapoo of iiliK'ution in hia haüd, would not then Ko at the iniTi-y of bii foriaet maater, txir wciulil In; be tliü dupe ot' iho orafty. Wlnit chance has tlio nntutortcd Atrirun to oope with iKc intelligent, qaiok witled men, ¦lm have aluay.i lioen tlio leadtn ai tlio Miaiir.' What chance lus heol avumu lating propBrty, or secoriog pobttcal p.rivileges, when be lai-ks iho intelnefiOe nccessary to sot iihcr tlic urn' or the Othcr? We can soe no ut her wy lor the negro to praotii-ally (ibtain the rii;liU goiiranteed to liim by the oonstitaliOn ;u aineml ed, exoepl t"r the government that nve hiiii bis t'rcedoiii to seoorethe saine to hitu anrt hi by edncatiog bim.


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