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Coiiiiiilsslonerx' Motice. STATE Of Ml 'II HiAN. County of Waihtenaw. í. . The umlereiunod haring heen appolDted by the Probate ('ciurt fir sa il pumi)1, CommiMionirj n no h .¦, examine und ndju-t all claims and demanda o! ,ill pertona a„raiui lha Mtata "i Edward L. Bordeo, ui tald L.iuiity, ilitca-cd, bereb} jlve noticethat lx moutli from date are allowcd, hy order of i-aid Probaie C'ouri, tor endlton (o preeenl ihi'ir claim anlntt '1, and ihat they will meet al the office orZina 1'. KUg, )n tbe ciiy f Ann Arhor, in wild county, on Tueedny, the flrt m .il Mmcli. iad uu liM'sday, the Ihlrtjflril dar of May next, at ten o'clork a. a., of tÊtti ot said da, tci rfcrive, ezuntne and ailjusl said claim. Dnied, NoVember 2tll, 1880. [Rl O6BOKN. ) KUANK1.IN CA IK. ih-.m k-, 1016-1 Z1NA P. K1XQ, Cliant-ery Noticc. STATE ÜF MICHIt; N- Th.' Twi-nty-ci'cond Jndicial Circuit- In Chnncery. 8nll landing in the Circuit Court fur the l'ounty ol w.ihlitciiaw-ln l'haiiivrjr, al Aun Arlmr, Mich., on November luh ' VlivtaU W. liurlelgh. complalnant, agalwt David HiMiiiiuK and John L. Burlelgh, defendjnti. li puearini; uaon prooi by allUbivlt ol .1. C. Knowlton that the (leiendaiit, John L üurlelth. Is a non-renident uf thie mate, toerefore, ra motlon ol :-swwr Kuowlton, eoliciiors for sald ivinpliiitiant, 1 rdered that a!d d.-fcmlant, John L. liurloieh, aiM'Jr and aiiswi-r the lul! of oomplaint In this cause iinin thr. e montha trom the date ol ihls order and tnat thls order bpnbllthed once In each week for eix weeks in ¦aeoeulos In the Ann An- i'ui ribk, a newi-paper publlBhed in said county, and that flret publlcatlon thi-reoi be wllhln twenty dail Irom thedaieof wild order,iiiid that poblloatlon dull not -sary In case a copy ol tliis .inler be served on aid deiendan's at least twenty days beforc ine time presciibed therein for the ajipeurii ce of aw delendinl. JAMi-.s Mi MAHON. Circuit l'ourt CommtüBioner in aaf W Wanhtenaw Ooanty, Mich. Sawïbr Jfc Knowi.ion, Solicitor for Complamant. lüu-i v Out! rurnishe fre. wllh luM iu.iruotlom fcrooaLi' Ê llHln. TbebuloUeylolen.ldour V I I tnunlellooi ro io ilinplo .n.l pltl". U ."" I I c.u n.nkt grent prodli trom lbo very lUrt. No " ?L I II ¦¦lt,mra. lloji nJ (Irla 041. t.rn l.rr. iim donut In liiin '!. olblii( ltk II eror 1idoi ¦" wbo m(g r. ampriwd U Ib. tut ud mpldltj Hb wbk ihtï.re ble lo m. ioiiej Ynu o.n ¦¦( Ml (Ui 5fJ Jur'io( jour .pr lima i rem proOt. Too do olhv w IMJ" c.plliiuil. W Uke II ilK rl.i. Tbo wbo ni-J red, .! l,ouldrll . toooe. All furolabri fr. AdJ ra Tm Co. auju.1. UabM. lu" H


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News