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JOTICE. Whereas my wife, Rnth Bmogene Root, has left me without Jast cause, I, Levl Koot, forbid all persons harboring or trustiDg her on mj account after tuis date. LEVI O. UOOT. December a4th. 1880. 1018-20 JOTICE. The annnal meeting ot Forest Hlll Cmetery Company of Ann Arbor, will be held at the office o, Emanuel Mann, Treasurer, on Tueeday, January 4th, 1881, at 2 p. m., for the elcctlon of offlcers and the traneaction of such other business as may come bofore it. E. B. POND, Clerk. Datod, Ann Arbor, December 80, 1880. 1018-19 ÜOR SALE. A Farm of twonty-one acres, with a good d welling house on it, one mile from city city limits. Enqulre 9tf At THE COURIER OFFICE, JPOR EXUHANGE. I have a farm of 100 acres in the western part of tho State, valued at 6,000, which I will exchange for Ann Arbor City property. RICE A. BBAL. PJOFPIN8 AND CASES FULL STOCK Al' MARTIN' 8 All orders promptly attendedto. WANTED. Competent & Experienced Nurse a Sltnation. Apply, 1015 DRAWBH31, P.O. jyjONEY TO LOAN. At scven por cent, Securily must be on ürst-claee farms in thlscounty, or city property In Ann Arbor, in central and desirnble localitiea. ' J. Q. A. SKSSIONS, Attoraey. Office: 8. W. Cor. Main A Hurón Sta., np-staira 1006-31 W ILLI AM W. NICHOLS, DE1STTIST1 4ffl SaccesBorto G. W. North. Office, 19 Sonth Malr 8treet,oppoBlte National Bank. Reeidence, 27 Lib erty Street. Nitrons oxide eas adminiBteréd whe roqncstod. iytgt jVröTlüET" The annual meeting of the Anu Arbor and Lodl Plank Road Compiny wtll be held on TueKdayhe fourih dayof Jannary A. U. 1881, at two o'clocTp. m. at the offleu of the company locatod at the toll líate of the iald company, in the ni'cond ward of tlu; City of Ann Arhor, to clpct oflicer! und Iruiiíact euch other bunioos aw may be deemed neceuyitry Ann Arbor, Dicumbcr 4, 1880. lUltt-18 EMANUEL MANN, TrraBii er. Sealed Proposals FOR JANITOR'S SERVICES. Ornee of the Clorkof Vshtiii:iw Co., Mich., I Novi'mberSOth, )- ( Und'r dlrection and by reHotution of tbc lïoard o Supervisor ui Washtcuiiw ('onnty, I hiill recatre nealed proposnla np lo 12 m., of January M, 1881, Un doini? the Janitor'n work at the court houo, in the city ot Ann Arbor. Particularí as to service requind i and perquieitiB glvcn, wlll be furnished at my oftico upon application. The Board reaervos the richt to reject any or all bids. EVERETT B CI.ARK, , 101418 For the Com. on Public Buildings. 1


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News