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1881. 1881. THE DETROIT Post id Trïhi The Metropolitan Republican Journal of Michigan, A Standard Family New spaper. The year 1881 wlll unquestlonably be marked by unprecedented business aetivity and tndus trlttl de velopc inent thronghont lhe(;ie:it North west, and n live newspaper In full sympathy wlth the prevaillng governmental politics ani wlth all the civillzïng impulses uf the age should be in the household of e very intelligeul and progressive iamily. The subscrlptlou Hst of The Detroit Pont an] Tribune was nearly doubled during 1880, and lts polltlcal influence made ltself strlklngly feit in the maguiflcent republican majoritie.s rolled up tbrougbout Micnlgau- a resiilt (c whichit is uuiversally conceded thatits labors wonderfnlly contrlbutd. This sterling fiuink newspaper wlli not merely matntaln lts high standing during the coming year, but it will be strengthened, both by lncreased editona care and by the auditlon of new features. It8 news department will be kept fresh, accu rate and complete ; the paper has control of the largest facllitles for gatherlng intelligence, forelgn, domestlc, state and local, and raalutalns special correspondents at all important polnts in Michigan nnd at the inain center of news elsewhere. lts compllatiou of state news and lts commercial reporta wlll be made iull aml trustworthy. lts editorial page will discuss all current issues candidly anu from thestandpoint of accurate Information and of an adherence to correct polltlcal and economie principies. It will be the steadfast chumpiou of euual rights, a free ballot, a soumi i'urrency, public honesty, a protecti ve tariff, the lree school syatem and eoonomtcal goverunient. It columns wlll be rich In mlscellaneous redding matter, Inoludlog original aiut iiuoted sketches and poenis, aml miaeUoM Ironi the curreut liuraiiuc oí the day. Bapeeial re wlll be taken to keep the paper pure and elevatiil in tone. In lts Wceltly cilltion especial attentlon will be paid to topics of Interest to the rural oommunlty. lts "Karin and Klrcsidc" deparlrnenl willabouml in diseusslons ol (iiicstions of interest on practical agrienlturr, letters on farm and home topics, receptes, etc. TUE LKTTER BOX is in ltself worth more thait the pricc of Mibscribtlou. The inlorinatlon aml advlce contained tn thls department have already saved luousauds of dollars to the patrous of The Post and Tribuut'. It is editcd with paiustaking care, and do eflbrtfl will be omitttM to InoreMe its practical usclulncss. In brief, nelther pain nor expense wlll be spared in keeping The l'ost and Tribune a FIKST CLASS FAMILY NE SVSPAPER, strong in all departments, and in every way worthy of the great stHte with whose history and growth it lias been so long and closely identitekms: l'cr Six Thre Kaaum. raoathi. ruouth.. Daily 1U 00 5 00 $2 50 Tri-Weekly ¦ iki 2(0 ia Weekly 1 .üi 75 40 Weekly, in clubs of 10.... $1 10 per aunum. For W 75 we will send the Weekly Post and Tribune for one year and a copy of the Biograpby of Zachariah Chandler wlth lntroductlon by the lliui. James U. lilalne, The liloxraphy Is a quarto volume of 432 pages, piinted on heavy tinted puper, profusely lllustrated, and bound in cloth,gold and black enamel. No r i tic] specimen ofthe printers' and binderi1 art was ever issued In thls country. The book has never been sold for lesg t han $2 60, and many thousand copies have been dtsposed of In the mu i In in states at that prlce. TRIAL SUBSCKIPTIONS, THREE MO.NTHs, FOR tó CENTS. The Weekly Post and Tribune wlll be sent on trial to new subscribers three months for cent. Thls offer, iutended to intnxiuce the fiaper to readers unaqualutetl wlth lts merits. s open only unt'ü March l, 1881. No one now lak I lig the paper can take aidvantage of thls offer, wnlch applies only to new subsertbers. All postage prepald. Specimen copies free. Ilemlttances muy be sent at our risk by drafts on Detroit banks, money orders or iu registerL'd letters. Six Hundred Dollars in Premiums to agents, In addltlon to liberal Icrnis for canvassers. Send for agents' circulars, specimen copies, etc. Address I III POST AND TRIBUNE, DETKO1T. 1881. Harper's Woekly. IIjIjTJ-STie.A.TIErD. Thls perlodlcal, by lts ahle and scholarly dis'UssionM of the questious of the day, as well as 3y lts lllustratlons- whlch are prepared by the )est artlfltA - has always exerteu a most powerlul and beneflclal influence vipon the public mlnd. The welght of its influence will always be Tound on tne side of morallty, enllghlenment nul reflnement. HARPER'S PERIODICALS, 3ARPKRS WKKKLY, One YeM $( OU lAKI'ER'S MA(4AZ1NK, One Yer I 0(1 IAKPKH8 BAZAK, One Year 4 00 The TUUBB above namcd, One Year 10 00 ny TWOabove niimcd, One Year 7 ü lARrURS YOUNU I'KOI'LK, One Yoir 1 M Potlag Free In uil nlbtcrUun in the l'nited .Itatrt r Vanada, The volumes of the Wrekty begin wlth the Juiuber forJanuary of cach year. When no Ime lp mentloned, It wlll be understood that heswcrlber wishes to commeuce wlth the 7 tunber noxtafter the recelpt of the order. The Kleven Annual Volumos of Har'rk's Witin, in neat clotU binding, wlll be ent by mail, postagc paid, or by expres, frec. if expense iprovlded the frelght doen nol exeed one dollar per volume), lor $7 00 each. (ioth Ou"1" f'ir men volume, nultahle tor ilndlns, will be sent by mail, poslpaid, ou reetpl of i OOeaoh, RcmlttaiK'cs should bc marie by Poet-OCloe ioney order or Draft. to avold chance ot loss. Newtpavers are not to copu thit advcrtisrmnit Uhoul the expreit order of Haki'ek & Bkotiihh Addrevs HARrEK A BROTHERS, New York.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News