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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Chnrch. RY. S. Haskell, Paetor. 8bbath service, 10 a, m. and 7 p. m. Band iy School after mornint; servic. Priyer meeting Thursday evenlnu al 1% o'clock. fiittiolic Church. Rev. Katiieb Fikle, Pastor. Loff KtM, s a. m. HUh Mas, 10 a. . Vesper T. . Sun lay School, a p. . Cougregatlona] Church. (UT, W. H. Hvdkr, 1-I8tor. Sabtetb -orvices, 10H a. m. and 7V4 p. m. suii'l v School aíttír morning service. Prayer mooüng Thuríday evenlng at 7S o'clock. Episcopal Chnrch. Rïv. Wyllt Hall, Rector. Sabbath ¦ irvlcei, 10 a. m. and T% p. H. Sanday School, 14 p. m. rvice,Thnrday evenlng at 7Jt o'clock Herman Methodist Chnrch. Rïv. C. Hei. wiij, Pastor. Sblath eervioes, 104 a. . and 1% r. m. Suiiday School, at nlnc o'clock a. h. Prayer mootlnf; on Wednesday. Lntheran Church. Rïv. John Neumann, Pastor. a'i services, 10 a. m. and 7 p. a. 9 uil ly School after mornlnff service. Prajer ineetinR, Thursday evenlng at 7% o'clock. Methodist Church. Hsv. JohH Ai.AiiASTiii, Paotor. Sitibita sjrvlcei, 10 a. m. and 7i r. u. tl tfter tnornin;; service. Prayur in;a!tni!,Tharday eveningat7 o'clock. ' rtinii, Saturday 7 p. m. Presbyterian Chnreh. Rkv. Richibi) H. Steei.e, D. D., Pastor. i h lanrteat, 10 i. u. and 7 p. m. ij choiland Biuleclausaftermornin)! service Pryer maetlni!, rhuradayevenlng at 8 o'clock. , 1 ¦ ¦¦'iim, SundHy eveiilne B. Fnitarian Chnrch. Hev. .t. T. BonnfUi Pastor. S.itihath services, 10 a. m. and 7 p. ¦. Sa i.lny School at 12 n. BlndenU' Blble '1h at 9:15 a. v. Zion Liitherau Church. Kev. II. F. Belseb, Pastor. Stbbath Services at in a. k. and 7 p. m. ij School Immediat.Oy rtar mornln? service H l-ioiu services Wcdnesday evenin at 7 o'clock BUSINESS CARDS. ELIZABETH I. POPE, M. D., riIYSICIAN AND SURGKO1, Bneelal attentlon palil to the diseasos of women and ohlWren. Ulty and country calis proniptly attcnded to. OFFICE, iíS .1IKFFKSOX MUH, Twn Doors from State Street. 0. C JENKIXS, I OFFICE : No. 32 East Washington Street. Kormorly ocoiipleü by l)r. ƒ Krothiughnm. ƒ '.i-mtf HENRY K. HILL, ATTORNEYATLAW Real Estáte Broker, AJfD INSUKANVK AdENT. office : Tío. 1 Opera House Blork ¦ Ann Arbor, Mich. ?l'5tl WILLIAM IIERZ, hOUSE, 8IGN, ORNAMENTAL FKBSCO PAINTER. PiucriDL'. Qla.ine, Gilding and Calci- raining, and work ofevery rtecription done in the best style, ana warranted toglve satisfnction. Shop No. 4 West Washington Street, Ann Arbor, Mlcta. I f f.SMf W. H. JACKSON, DENTISTA , MU il' over llacb Sc Abel'x. üntrance by First National Bank. 7satf F. SORtí, UUUUE, SlUN AMD OBNAMINTAL i Paintkr. Papcrlng, Qlazing, # Ullding, and work of every I i críption done In the beet etyle. ƒ ƒ Paints, 011b, and Varnishes oo K fiand and for sale. Shop, No. 8S II Sast Washington Street, Ann ƒ H Arbor, Mich. 80tf THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arbor, Michigan, lñi KSERAL MUM BUSINESS, CAPITAL, $50,000. Organlzed ander the General Banking Law of thl State, the stockholders are indlvidnally Hable Tor a a dditional amount cqual to the stock beld by them thereby creatlng a tíoarantre t'uud for th n ii i of lopoHltort of $100 000.00. Konr p-r cent. Interest Ib allowed on a Bavlntfa Duposits of on dollar and upwards, accorc 1 ng to thc rulen of the Bank, and Interest componnde setnt annnally. Money to loan on unincumbere real ustatc and otber good security. ircor-ChrlstianMack,W. W. Wlnes, K A Bea William Deubui, llliam D. Harriman Daniel HIscock, and Willard B. Smith Offleers: C'hkistun Mack, Pres. W. W. Wimm, Vice-Preí. Chas. B. Hiscoci, Cashler, 916-966 QÖTÖ WINANS Sí BZRRY - KOK MoRCHANT TAIL0RIN6 For the folio wlnjc rranonn: l"t. Our work 1 all ürst rlaen. M. Mr. Kcrry is [he only culti-r in 8mte who can glve yon a perfecl (lt wilhotU ining on. Xa. We have the Inrgi'Kt a-Kortment in th' Slali' havlntr over 800 different stylcs to select frora in foreun and tlomeêUe WooUtuaná Wortletlt 4th. We nse none bot flrst-clasa trlmmings. th. M'c are fnll 40 per cent, below Detroit priecs. WINANS & BEKKY, tm-lOta No. 11 Sonth Main Street, Ann Arbor J. A. POLIIEMUS' LI VERY STABLE The best aud most ex'ensive in the city. HACK AND BUS LINE Kwanlni lo all tnlnj nij;bt and day. ONLY LINE WHICH RUNS TO NIGHT TRAINS The beat hack In the city for ladles calling. Order dlled prumptly for all kinds of conveyances. Partícula; Attentios to Orders for Funerals Cor. Míin and Catiiarine Sts., AW AHBOH, . MICHICAN


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