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Among Our Exchanges

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ine ciiitor ol the (iratiot Journal, Ilobt. Smtth, bas been made postmaster at Ithaca, Michigan. Over thirty of the republican newspapers of' the state are giving Mr. Conger hmriv support for senator. The Allegan Journal sayt tliat every i ;iper in the state of devious politics is for Julin J. Bugley for senator. The llecd City Clarion cotues to us in folio form, and niuch improved in every way by its new proprietorand editor, Chas. ;.. Barnes. Mr. J. 8. Bolden lKisleascdtheügernaw Ilerald to Jay Allen, the gentleman who bas been its editor fur the past year or so. The Herald will be in good hands. The Marine City lleporter has just passed iis first birthday without running foul of any of the fatal diseases prevalent among young newspapers, but is healthy and happy. The Clinton News man's liorso got to feeling his oats, attempted to be frisky, feil down an embanknient, and killed itself. It i-n't niany editors who have a horse to lose. The Galcsburg Express is the uauue of a new and neat looking flve column quarto wliich comes to our table. C. Eugene Howe is the editor, and thecopy before us ia No. 11, of vol. 1. The St. Jo. Traveller-Ilerald says that Bu-r-row-s is the Way the Hon. J. C. Burrows (who by the way bids fair to be the nest speaker of the Elouse) spells his name. The B-u-r r-o-u-g-h-s spellers will please take notice. The North Branch Gazette would like to see " Every man mind his own business cxclusively, and all women strictly devoted to the same pursuit." Our brother is certainly extravagant in his decires. The millenium hasu't entered its appearance y et. The (Jrand llapids Eagle comes out warmly in support of the Hon. Omar D. Conger f'or United States Senator, and the Saginaw Herald, though a Bagely paper, publishes a petition signedby nearly 100 of the most prominent business firms of the ¦ Saginaw Valley requesting the election of Mr. Conger to the Senate. "Two servant girls at Cineinnati were reccntly bequeathed $80,000 by an aunt. They will ihi'i ('rienda i)lenty now," says the Deoatan Republican. The last assertion we don't believe. They may find numerouï fawoers, flatterers, and villains of both sexes, who will eourt favor only to rob them of their money, but friends will be no more plentiful than heretoforc. The Midland Independent has been purcliased of F. S. Burton who has published it so many years, byl Messrs. Crissey & Beardsley, of Flint. Prof. T. W. Crissey was fo'rmerly superintendent of the Flint schools, and is a gentleman of culture. Mr. W. I. Beardsley is a practical printer, a splcndid workman, and a thorough gentleman. Ho richly deserves success, and will secure it if it can be acquired by hard woik. Suooess to the new finu. The horrid possibilities wliich might happen by our legüUtOM not practing what it preached, is tbus told in blood-eurdling plirase by the Adrián Times; " Thecombincd wisdom of the jast Michigan legislature passed a law providing that the doors of all places of public assemblage should open qutward, and all over the State the officers of' churebes, hall associations, public schools, etc., were coiupelled to comlly with the law. But the front doors of thecupitol of Michigan, the place wbere our legislators assemble, and in which are constantlycmployed a largo numberof people, continue to openinward as tbey were origí nul] v hung. It is terrible to think that in case of fire in the capitol the dead bodies of our panie stricken legislators might be corded up against those law-breaking doors." According to the following item, which has been accumulating for soine time, but which we take from the Oxford Globe, there must have been some error in counting the votes by our State board of canvassere. Perhaps tue votos spoken of were all classed as " scattering" by the board : ''There were two antimasonic votes in Michigan, and Macomb county furnished ono of them. - Mt. Clemens Monitor. That's a whoppcr, Washtenaw county fufDÜhed them both. - Ann Arbor Courier. And how do vou account for the one antimasonic vote which Oakland county claims, and the records show was cast in Holfy. - - Ilolly Advertiser. You fJlows must all ae related to the father of all twisters of' all truth, for according to the ballots found in the box, there were six antiinasonic votes cast in this town. The Marlette Iudcx is happy, and the icoplc of that placo aro still happier, and icre is the cause, as told by that paper : " Marlette is a railroad town. The track ayers reacbed here at noon on Saturday ast, and at 2 o'clock p. ui. the locomotivo and construction train crossed Main Street. under the inspection of a large concourse of ur citizens who had gathereu to witness the ong talked of event. The company projose to ballast the road as soon as possible, and in the course of a few weeks regular trains will be put on the line. The first depots on the lino will be at Marlette and Srookway. These are to be put up at once. A telegraph line will also be put up along ie road at an early date. llere boginneth i now chapter in the history of Marlette The effect o! tlie new status of things can iot fail to be great. The building of the road insures the ]iermanent growtli of (In: on ti."


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