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p fowwsC IComfcounS VíífES wp Of ? 'Spx WASTINC DISEASES i 1 1 Deblll patli ' ¦ aP P1 '¦''¦ "' LO8i or t;inoi po WEB Ar,. p, PKLLOW8' oMFOUNU : r Uï 1I POPHO8PU1 I K-. pta pliorui oolei o lat anDlmal k iatu the t li r rltallzing Serve ai d Murcie. ín Fellowe' Ryiupj are comjiDQd all the umi wboreaa ii nt lilteotöd wn.i :i view 16 soppll i' cortalnly Imi perfoipp wondortul ¦ Mr. I i wlsb toacknowled !" oefll 1 hm om theuseof'FellowB'Componna Syrnpol Uypophosphlte been an invaltd al anectlon Hiat . h Ibe Ftllof 1878 I luid ¦ pbyuf r me t ii littto eneonng ar tbem none. LmtJuly I vacadvlaed remedy a trial. I iIIiIbo. ik. iü '. iiiH'iiH'iil tur tln1 . ttial tilín: llulil i'sont, lraprovtng all the time, and 1 can troth m moro tban :i bocdred pvr cent. botter ut. l ha iucrcurd In M:iLfht tboul Uiteen jiouiiri--. asd my cooffh, ulili-.i trfiii. bni ncariy flliappearod. I beni ra bad it ¦ vuur Synip, I BQOnld 8W t Li it li rol jfoura, ALBEKT stoKY. lecelved bj ¦ arlng a preparación i nbstitote i liJ PJL W i ,. - --ü:4&. i Jl jntiv ACTS DIRECTLY ON THE KIDHEYS i;iul{lr muí I liimi ruransly AliHorbIiijj al) bumors, every trucc i aUease, and forcii.g iniu the Byatem tnrougta the porei oi the kin. nourlabtot; tu! itreñstbeuiDfi vegetable tonfcf oiiili-rliil imni'i' [o i uro ut ome. PAIN IN THE BACK, 81de "f Luim. IiitliinimatiON aud Brilittt Dlaeose ol" KiduojM. itlnlioteM. Dropny, Gravel, 4'aturrl of th Kladder, lliuh Colored, Beuty ir I'alnful I riuallnu, ¦iiohitH,4'aHt' or MhrriU In the I lino. M'.lt H H iiiid PHYHICAL lil'.IIIMTV oud in tact iny disuiise o[ thest greal organa whether cootneted by ovpr work, etrnin, li mpercedea entlrely tbe Inconvonlenc truubltM of takinj nanveAui :iutl pataoaotu InternaJ in di i li la rom cxuctly wher.' needad, neil ts the body tui'l uimedtately over the kidüeya It 1b comfotable to rbe pattent, pnfr, plcfant ;uid - Bffects, luit powtrful ia iu icticn. I' i 'ii be worn Htall timcï, In any clltniite, and tt cqually good for MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD. I not bfl iiri-jiulicert. (ivb ir a trial and be ciiivinccl that it !¦ boDML reJtable, effectlve and iiiHt wAt fonr f-'chit' mikI eXIUlUttod body i-cqnires. ThoiistinriH daily addin their tettimooy to thf wonderfül curativo powere ol ibis ffreat retnedy, Dg restored to perlect heultb after all other treatni6Dta tnd remoalM have failed. Ayk yonr draggist for it, and accept no immitation op not got, it tu'iid to us and r it hy rtufn mail. DESC2IÍTIVE PBICE LIBT-Rtgalar Pad, v: : Bpefr UI l'jt'l, for Chronlc, deep-te&ted, or cue? oi" loogHiaiidinü. -'.'! ; Children1! l';i], lor eummer lamplaint, kldneri aud bed wetting, $1.80. Our book, "How i Lira vlls Savorl," cuiitainhiL' a blstory ol thif g y, malled i'rec. Writu f r it. HAY Kllri:V IVO O.. Tol Mlo, O. 1011-28 -OFHops & Malt BITTERS. Kïcli ïn the matcrials that Nourinh, In ï(for uto, l'urify anii 8trengthen. They stipply limiu, Muscular and SerTO Forcé, Vigor to tliö KntVcbltMl, Tono and Ktrfngíh to the KxhaitMtvd, hourUhmcut to the young and istr Life tu the aged. Inslst on trrlQg tbem. All Drusgisti cao obtaln both fïeo aud rcgul&r alzo bottla, 1005.1057 TO AGRjCÜLTpSÏS cinderaJgned are imw manoAurturlng a asaltlbrfertlUzl] is peo illarly e tur whlcb ii la deügned. It in iii rt, or Hard lunips. and is made by a procesa wbjcrj iravcs Lnoorporated in the alt ;J1 the valuable plant (bod, m wel] iloalat (i tu froe and ronder ¦ i hr a tu' talned la the Wc propoi to hw thal m givin it i fair trial. The use of salí tur fertUislog pu poses Mi" '.pci'imcut, luit has beel fuliy proven, nol only sclenllfloally and theoretlcally, bul practlcally, 'f uir most Wc berewltD prCBsnt th txperiutüUé and oplnlons oi aome ol the leadiog Farluen and SclentlstB ol thle and other oountrlw, lmpiug thal the perosal .r the same may be rantaally benflolal, We (hall coialmic to gathfir siu-li statintira can on thle subject, and hope each and every ono wlll uid na in ihi by glvlng us the - perlenoe. Orden (nul Communications may be atU ú to .ulier oí Ihc. ondAralfnsd, who wlll fnrnlth all neoesaary Information ai t' prloes, transportación i etc. THE MICHIGAN SALT ASSOCIATION, siifilnaw. Mlch. THE AMERICAN DAIRY SALT CO., (Limited) .Syracuse, N. Y. THE 0HI0 RIVER AND KANAWHA SALT C0„ Olnclnnatl. Ohlo. Mr. Jame Toihcrt, per K. G. Brown, hu this palt for nuk' ut tho Ferrton Lumber Yard io tliis city. B88-yr Ifyñu aro a mauVIt you &rc aH ¦ar . -Ib I:HI "r HH '. ¦ avold WM Ditrlit uik. i ¦ ad uso m torebralnnerTeand H ¦ Hop Bitters. Bwao.iv, use Hop B. j If yon a ro uuncr and I sufferinK f rom any !n.laHtion; it you nn uiiir¦ T ¦younp, sulf-'rili fioni p in laiipuiphBIiitf on bt'd of aickne i, r)y on H o pH Bitters. ¦ WhoevtT y o u aro. JHp% Thouaands die an' ' fl1l 'm '11 nually fioin Homo that ï.nii mIi in JMJ lorai o! Kldnev no. . Sdlacam tliat nnk-irt Í [i have iMnprcwnn (1 ¦ itiny, Ifl Sby timelyuïeof t --il . Hop Jnm&s. HopBltters Bitters. M9Ê%. bb Havo jflfj HKW ' ¦ ' ''fiSÜattSi D. I. C plaint, .liwaneH " '" i'l.-.lntu of the ..;;iuoA, , JjnT f," InwtataUt uul ürunkenness, i UïiL' " "pluin, sSssss; 'BITTERS r"" UStitift ! :' NEVER fëS.Lndt" I ïnilyiV, VA II BÜPBni8 I tlfe. Ithas ¦ TAI L "t-(i "¦ saved ffl Rhtfr, . j. ¦ dreda. j j) ... ..r.i. 1198-104(1 ce m RE-OPENED. Wi! to announofi iliat tlicold rolUhambra Dollar store, lias In the old number, 92 Woodward Detroit. A conliül nvitation is led to all Ki look tliroudi and oxauiur new ;tnl o] 1, New Dovehioa received daily. 1 1 20 QAA íí( AOHKS OF 1RBAP AW D OUU,UUU 1K1ÍKII.U LANDS IOK BALK in theBeautirul the GARDEN VALLEY 0FNEBRA8KA ByQKAHAM A JONB8. Bal Etat Acentn Wif oer, Co i ie, M idlaon Co., Nebraa M ' Uree upoq appllcaÜOD, loifl 1016 lililí ft L;üsaö Ij Ij? rldlilin IMftwl , ;lJ „„r, ,[„„ ,,,, Ihnei orilliiirT ¦. VTt drulib au cxpcmlve ouiüt and „il iIihi you ii.. .i ' o i'in{ Ui!, io niakc uu, rery rapíflly. Yti .-un J. vote yonr wl .- wnrk. or I


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