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The MetbodUl andiPresbymJaa churihe irc obsorvini: the - k uf prayer by union Meting. Bome totubstones, rad a monument to Pruinan llcath. arr Iwíiil: put up in the semetery hert. Rev. I). K. 8ëier of Saline poke on the subject of ti'inpcrance, in the Methodist Jhurch one weekago l,i-t Sundiy ewning, to a large anl attriitivc aodience. Mr. S. trcatoil tlicm to OM of' liis best, whieh was well appreciated. The people responded to a cali to aid the oonstitutional anicnJiiniit to the atnouut of $;i7.:8, and will 1' aMt lo makc it uj to $."0 it is thoofbt. M. Si 'UK-TER. Enterprise : " Milo Rowe hu bottfht Elmor Cushnian's place in Sharoo, and Ëlmer has bought J. J. Robison's ¦laee." The Evangelist, Kev. A. P. Gnvea, 1. D., has boen holding revival ¦WOtitl al the different churches with good sucoess. Frank Jenkins, of Bridgewater, marricd Miss Della Fife, of Deerfield, at Clinton, December 27th. They left imraediately for Emporia, Kansas. On December 28th, by llev. 1'. Werheim, at the Lutheran parsonage, David Wieland of Sharon and Miss Christina Honz of Bridgewater, wen marris!. Mr. Frank Hall, of Sharon, went to Brooklyn, N. Y., reeently, and on the Ü'Jd of December was united in marriage with Miss Carrie Mecks of that city. Some rude boys disiurbed the CImmumI festivities at the Luthcran church, andone of their number was captured, and il il stated that warrants are out for the remaindcr. At a recent meeting of Manchester lodge, No. 83, A. O. U. YY, among othcr officials chosen was J. C. Gördainer, mastcr workman, N. Schimd, financier, and J. H. Kingsley delégate to the grand lodge. The team of John Grossman ran away on TucMhiy cif'last weck, wUile he was coming to tlif villago with a liad oí dre-ed pork. The pork wm oattcred, the wagon battered, and onc of the horses considerably injared boforc being stoppi'd. Fiiterprise : " Some of the ' bojV goton a genuine breezc on Christmas night, and made the air resonant with their hilarious bawlingi". Some one shot a pistol ball through Ür. Sheldon's window, but we do not lear,n that any othcr damage was done except the breaking OÍ tli' )m& Thcrc wa DO arrot-." The EíoterpriM lia tlii.-. in its Bridgewatei MM : "Om of thnsc occasions long to be remembered, 'a family rWHHoa.' wa.'cclcbratcd at Mr. Wm. Gadd's on Christmas Jay. Botwi-en fif'ty and siity were present, Mm inot of whem live in the vicinity, though a nunibor carne f'rom Jjenawoe, Ingharu and Oakland couiitics. ' The Milwaukcc News of December 25th, has this item : " Frof. M. J. McMahon, fornierly of the Milwaukcc high school, and lately principal of the Manitowoc high school, has been appointed professor of Knglish literature i i an academy of France, and has, eonequently resigned his place at Manitowoc." Prof. McMahon was form erly principal of the Manchester schools, we believe. SALINE. The Lutheran pastor of this place was prefientcd with a nice carpet as a Christm as gift. Fostmaster Mason ('roze his nose the cold Wednesday of holiday week, says the Observer. Athiefbroke into A. Kidder's saloon, Thursday night of last week and stole i'itrht dollars. Geo. Nettleton, of Milan, was arrested recently on the charge of murdering an 1legititnate child. Prof. VVm. E. Robinson and wife of De troit, spent the holidays in this vicinity visiting friends and relativa. J. M. Young has been appointed supervisor in place of E. W. Wallace, ' who resigned to take the sheriffalty to which he was elected last f all. Mr. Geo. J. Nissly, of the Observer, was invited down to York the other night, and surprised with a surprise party which he asserts he enjoyed to the utmost extent. Observer ; "The weather, for the past few weeks, has been hard on wheat, and many fields look as though the prospects foi uext year's erop were not very proinising." The thermometer claims to have struck 22 below zero Tbursday a. in. of last week. Which is 2 at least below neighboring towns and cities. Saline is bound not to be beaten. Miss Rosa M. Muir, formerly of the Plint high school, visited relatives here during the holiday vacation. She entered upoR the position of preceptress in Albion college, January lst. Rev. Geo. C. Bush recceived a $20 bilí as a Christmas gift from his congregation. The Baptist Church ladies gave their pastor's wife, Mrs. Gallup, a bandsonie library lamp upon the same day.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News