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Phyñcians clahn Hops and Malt Bitter ;nr i In' best. N'othing burpasses the purity aud effioi cncj of AlAUtCAN BaIX-BlüS in iuiparting to your washing an iuimaetihte elearnes- vil grgoen have t. (Juilty r Wrousí. Some peoplo have a fashion of oonfustDí excellent remedies with the larj; nías of "patent niediciues," and n this they are guilty of a wrong. Tliere are some advertised remedies t'ully wortli all that is asked for theoi, and one at least we know of - Uop Míkit The writer has had occasion to use the Bitters such a climate as we have most of the yrar in Bay City, and has always f'ound theni to be Ifft-olui nul reliable, doing all that is chiiroed lor ihem. -Tribune. Tlie Lion Malaria and Liver Pad, A CHEAP (TUK POS ClllI.l.S AND FKVKK. Don't suffer with (JLills and Kever or Malaria when you can be curod lor one dollar by the Lyon Malaria and Livor l'ad and Body and Foot Piasters. This treatment not only draws the poison out of the system, but produces a normal and healthy couditiuii of the stouiach and liver. The whole combined treatment, l'ad. Body and Foot Piasters, for ono dollar. Kor sale by druggista, A Fine Thing for the Tceth. Kragrant SOZODONT is a composition of the purest and choicest ingrediente of' the Ori-utal vegetable kingdotn. Kvery ingrediënt is weli known to have a beneficial effect on the teeth and gums. lts embalming or anticeptie property and aroinatio fragrance makes ït a toilet luxury. SOZOJMlNT removes all disagreeable oilüïs froni the breath caused by oatarrh, bad teeth, &e. It is entirely free froni the injurious and acrid proporties of tooth paste and powders which destroy tlie enamel. One bottle lasts six nionth-. Hints to Farmers. Don't let your horse bc seen standing ïinicli at the tavern door; it dont look right. Don't be without Henrv & Johnsiin's Árnica and Uji. Liniment near at hand to apply in cases of accident. Keep good fences - especially line fences ; it pro motes good feeling among neighbors. Keep DoWIW' Kl.KMK always in tin: house, and use it in caset of tukten oqagtac kc., as a safeguard against cunsumpliou and otber dangerous ili-iase-, Maxtkk sMaM)Rakk Miitkks, taken according to directions, ¦TM laruo expenso in dootor't biHi. Nu More Hard Times. Il' you wil! stop spcndiiig eo luucli on fine oiothes. rich tiwxl and style, buy good, healthy l'oud, etieaior and botter olothing, get mure real and substantial thin lif'e evL-iy waY, and eapeeially stop the fooiish (hubit of employiiig expenjive. quack doctora or otóng m much of the vile humIiul' medicina tlmt does you only hunn, butl put vuur tru-t in tlie -imple, pure remedy, Hop Bitters; that cures always at a trilling cost, and yon will see good t i me- and have good health.- Chroniolo. Krom hundreds ut' reported wbere patbnts liave increased in weight irom five to forty pounds while using Fellows' OompoundSymp of Hypophosphites, nedoobts remain of its poweilul uetion on the orirns of nut riti'Mi. lts .1 nst a Uooniing. Suoh is the expression friim all druggists ainl dialeis everywhere nho are sellins Da. KiN'.'s Nkw DI8C0VÍBY for Consumption. No like preparation can begin to have sucli an extensive and rapid sale. And why? Simplv because of its truly wonderl'ul mcrits. Xo Cough or Cold, no matter of lm long standing or how stubborn, can rr-i-t lts httaling qualitie-, Asth ma, Bronohitis, HoaraeoeM, Hay Fevcr, "Pain in the Sidc ur Che.-t, and difficuky of breathing or any lingering diseasc of the Throat and Lungs rapidly yield to its marveluiis powers. It will potitioety i-ure and that where everything else has failed. Satisl'y yourst-lf as thousands. have already done ty gettiiu of yourdruggist, Eberbach ,V Sun, ;i trial bottle for ten cents, or regular sfte bottle for one dollar. For f-ale, by Klirrhach .: Sun, Ann Arbor, Mich. Motlurs! Mothersü Mothersü! Are you disturbed at night and broken ot' your rest by a siok child .aufferins and erying with the excrueiatiug pain ot' euttini; teeth V II' to. go at once and eet a bottle ofMRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHl.Ni; SYIUT. It will relievo the poor little Kufferer innnediatily - depend upun it ; there is no ruistike about it. There is not a mother on earth whu has ever used it, who will not teil you at once that it will regúlate the boweU, and give rest to the inutlicr, and relief and hcalth to lh' child, op.'iaiitu; like magie. It is peii'cctly hA tu in all Mies, :inil ploMUt to the t;i-tr, and 1 praícriptíoo of one of the oldest and best tcmile physicians and nurses in tlie Uoited Scitc-. Snld everywhere. 25 tem 1 bottle. umi: M HmklfiiN Árnica Salvf. The Mest Salve in the Wortd for Cuts, Mruisf.-, Sincs, l '1-crs, SaltRheutn, Fever 1'ctUT. Cbapped Hands, Uhilblains, Cornn and all kinds of 8kin Kruptions. This Salve is warrantt'd to give perfect atisftctton in every case or niom'y refunded. l'rice tk cents p'T box. For ,-ale liy Klierbaob .V Sun, Ann Arbor. ItittMOM J) WK) tKHHILK LANDS l-'OR MIK la HmMMNHW EI.KHOKX- the (ARDEN VALLEY OFNEBRASKA Bj GRHAM & JONKS, Ktl Kittp Agen'i.. Wli Der, i'uniiii ('o., or Norlolk, Madlauu Co., Nebral la. Map, Pmnphleti, Mc fn'ilihed frw npon ippUocHditi ' lulti MU


Ann Arbor Courier
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