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A Chinese Romeo

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Among the numerous stores that our dtizens visit about this period of the year to make purchases for the holiday seasop arj: the depots of Chinese curios aud art i cíes of Celestial manufacture. At one of the most prominent, on Kearny street, the ladies who vinit there niay have noticed a handsotue yuing Chinanian. This youth takes especial delight in attending to the requirements of the fair s,ex. For some timé he has endeavored to excite the interest of a fair young lady who resides in üakland. This damsel has been in the habit of makit;g frequent purchases at the store. Whcnxver she eatne in Ah Lee would be at her side, and, with suave and ;blaud tones, would inquire her wants. When the establishment was closed tbr the night Ah Lee would expatiate to his partners upon the lovely eye, the small foot and elegant foroi of' the " Melican waving lily," and avowcd his intention toask the dam 1 to be his wife. Silkembroidered handkerchiefs, ivory eard casos and a costly crape shawl wito sent as presents to tbe Oakland lady. Ah Lee had conlrived, through that niysterious systetu of surveil lance whicü is rampant among the Mongolian population, to secure the fricnd.ship of the China boy who attendcd to the household wants of his inamorata's family. Thus the yellow Rouieo beoame secure in the friendship of a CelestiaJ Mercutio, and contrived by his aid to aseertain the fecling of his Juliet and also forward his presents through his medium. Mercutio evidently saw that good luok was in store for him. He became the bearer of the numerous gifis Ah Lee presented to the lady. In order to gain information as to how his suit was progressing, Ah Lee would invite Sing Foo to sup with him twice or thrice a week, at either his store orat the fashionable restaurant on Dupont street. Sing's ferry fare was also paid by Ah Lee at every visit. At these convivial meetings Sing would cheer his heart by d-scanting in the choicest colloquial Cantónese upon the oharms of the loved one. He would deliver extraordinary verbal messages Jrom her. Ah Lee trusted his friend and drank in the words of love. Events had progressed in this nianner for nearly two weeks. The lady had visited Ah Lec's store several times, and was surprised at' the extraordinary attention, and smilinjf face, with which she was greeted. On Saturday last Sing paid one of his usual visits to Lee. A conversation took place, during which Sing, alarmed at his friend'simpatience, suggested the idea of writing 'a letter to the young lady. After much labor be dispatched the following missive : " Miss Maly- My uame belong Ah Lee. My belong that hansom plecee young man look He you every time you come makee buy curio thtng. My loo raucliee lubyou. My likee see you. Suppose you talkee Slng too. What time can do. My como Oakland your house tallcee your father, makee yon my wlfee. Blng say you lub rae, my lub you. Au Lee." Sing was intrusted with the letter and informed Ah Lee it should reach its destination. On Monday last a hieroglyphic reached Ah Lee infonuing bim that he was to come over to Oaklaud that ovening by the 9:30 o'clock boat. Instructions for his guidance were contained in the letter. He was to knock three times at the lower window opening upon the garden and the lady would come out. Ah Lee visited bis tonsorial artist, arrayed himself in the height of Mongolian fashion, scented his handkerchief, and thus armed tbr the fray hied to the Oakland boat. Wending his way to Franklin strcet, where dwelt the cbarming Mary, Lee eilently undid the latch of the gate, and stepping oautiously on tiptoe, timidly approacbed the window designated in the letter. He tapped three times on the window, hut received no response. Again he tappedv but still no reply. Once more Ah Lee summoned up his courage and boldjy gave the signal agreed upon. 3ome one threw un the window, and a gruff voioe asked, " Who's there? Ah Lee vouchsafed no reply, bui withdrew within the sludow of a friendly thrub. Again the voice asked, " Who's there? speak, or X 11 fire." A moment' pause, and the would-be Lothario received the contents of a gun loaded with bird shot. "Hiya; my makec die ! " cried the unfortunatc Ah Lee. The occupants of the house, including Miss Mary, alarmed at the discharge of the weapon, rushed out, only to find the presumed burglar lying in a heap on the ground. With blood pouring from his cheek and neck, mudstained and disheveled garments, poor Ah Lee was conveyed into the house. There, after undergoing a cross-examition at the hands of Miss Mary's fatber, he narrated the whole story. Miss Mary recognized her would-be swain, and stoutly denied ever rewiving any prescnts of the kind enumerated by Ah Lee, but said that Sing Foo had told her that his brother in Hong Kong had sent him some curios, and which had been shown to her by him. She had kindly llwiltH hiui to dispon of them to some lady friends of hers.and had bought a card ca=e herself'. Foor Lee wished to interview Sing, but he was not to be found on the premi Quitting the house, vowing vengcance against bis oonSdant, Ah Lee camc l'uk to the city with his wounds bound up. He is still seeking for Sing Foo, but his scarch has hitherto proved tutile. Ah Lee, bays ha " nowanchee look see Melican girl any more, he go back Cantón next year cachee Chinee wifee." He is now the subject of a considerable amount of jeering, and hk partners find bis adventures a subject for conversation wlien they discuss their evening meal, usually winding up their exhortation to Ah Lee with thisremark: "More botter you no lub Melican girl any more."


Ann Arbor Courier
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