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Among Our Exchanges

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'li ! how happy we 42 are. The Lansing Journal says: " the two B's can now C it." Tbe Grand Traverse Jterald scores its XXIII. volume with the örst issue of the new ycar. The Uattle .l.-"..i ...a. Uk? worst specimen sheets to its exchanges of any that comes to our table. The Muskegon Chronicle commences Vol. XXIV. with 1881. lts quarterofa century will scon roll around. Vol. 6, No. 1, is the way the last issue of the Berrien Springs Era carne to us. It has not deteriorated with age. U'ith the compliments of Fred. Slocutu, of the OaklandCounty Advertiser, we have received a handsome illustrated almanac for 1881. We ought to have made tlie remark before that the new headiDg of the Hastings Banner Í3 in good taste, and adds to the appearance of the paper. The local of the Port Hurón Times, Mr. Geo. Brown, deliberately coiumitted matrim ny on thcSoth uit. Mist Jennie Barret, of I'urrcstcr, was the fortúnate lady in the The Ingliam County Nuwa, published at Ma.-on, bigin iis üd year in great joy over the selection for senator of the man of its cboicc. The News is gencrally sound, and oirwquently lucky. tbc Sault Ste. Marie News in the absence of the editor or any of the employés, about New Year 's time, and left an elegant chair, in which the editor Mts and rightly writes. Tbe Lake City Journal cvidently scentiüg victory afar off, came over to the winning side just in time. In ita issue of' January 4tb it took down the name of II. P. Baldwin for senator, and came out flat-footed for Conaer. The Battle ('reek Tribune of Januar; Ist, announccd that Mr. Frank A. Onder donk, f'ornierly li treman of the Journal, o that city, had been admitted to partnership and the publUhcrs of the Tribune wil] here alter be Buekley & Onderdonk. The Big Rápida I'ioneer-Magnet, u a proprifttc name for a very attraetive sheet with the beginning of the ycar enters upor the .jth vulume of the hypheoatcl pcriod but the ivtth year of the existencc of the I'ioneer. it il an ever wek-ome visitor te our table. Vennor out-did ! Mother Shipton rival ed ! A dreamer who realizes his visión The Mount Clemens Monitor man says : "The editor of this paper droaiueii WVdnesday night that Ouiar L). Conger was Dominated for senator on the seventli bkllot, and Thursd:iy morniag was loutewbal astonished to learn that such had been the case. ' ' With the bofliümugof the year the Mar lhIl Statesiuan announces a new deal. Th( paper hereafter will be conducted bj Will lt. Lewis and Jas. M. Moses. The foruier assumiog control of the entire mechanical part of the business, and the latter the editorial management. The first issue uuder tbe new+egivie certamly indicates a new life for the Statesman. It will remain a ftalwart republican organ. The Allegan Journal, that stalwart of the stalwarts, has just passed ita 26th birthday. The invincible Don shoves his indecipherable quill with all the force of former years, and the Journal goes forward prospering. And thu uiay it ever be. Since writing the above we notieed the No. of the Journal to be 42 instead of ö2, so there mustbe some raistake about tho volume. But we shall not take back a word of the above, however. The Cedar Springs Clipper of January 5th, commenccd tho I2th year of its existence, eleven of which its present editor, L. M. Scllers, has been at tlie helm. The Clipper is a clipper and no mistake. It is an cxeelleut journal, having few cyials among the papers of the state in point of energy, life and git-up-and git. If it does not meet with abundant patronage the people of Kent County don't know how to appreciate a good thing. The PoDtiac Gazette, om of the oldest republican journals in existence, promised its readers a new dress wit'u the new year, at wbich time its 38th birth-day was celebrated. Arnon?; so many good journals it racks one's brains to (ml words expresivo of our thoughts without rcpctitioD. But the Gazette doesn't need much bolstcring up in that way. It speaks for itself. Mr. C. F. Kimball ha.s again assumed editorial managoment of the paper. The Grand Rapids Kagle haa this item liowins how ftat a wrtain Imndholdcr became bloated : "Thig is the way tlie chivalrou state of North Carolina pays its debts: A New York gentleman relates that bc sent a bond for $1,000 with twelve years interest at six per cent. to Ualeigh to be scaled. 'Oie total suoi due, principal and interest, was $1,720. He received back a four per cent. bond for $150. This last bond can I onlyat twenty per cent. discount."


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