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Chancerj Sale. STATB OF MKHHiAN-Tbe Circuit Court for the County of Wiishtrnaw. In chancery. I At a sesnion of sald court beid at the coart house in tbc city of Ann Arbor on the fourili day of Jannary, A. D. 1881, present Hon. Gouverneur Morris, circnlt judjre. Daniel F. Reevea, complainant, va. unknown heirs of Elizabeth Boulett, Cathariue Barrett and Andrew Kose, deceased, defendanta. It appearing, upon proof by affldavlt, that the name' of the helr of Kliahcih Boulett, CalhariDe Bsrrctt and Andrew Rose, deceaaed, are unknown, nd that uch heirs are necensary and proper partir.' defendant to thls suits; on motlon of Frauk Kinerick, sollcltor for sald complainant. Itlaordereil that the sald helrs appear and answer tbe hill of complaint in tbls nut, on or Iwfore, ibe Ilth day lof July, A. D. 1881. or In defauit thereof that sald bilí be uken a confeesed by said defendam. It i lurthi-r onlend ihat viithin twenty day from the .date hereoi said complainant cauae thls order to be puhliohed in the Ann Arbor Coibier, a newspapt-r published in sald county of Washteuaw, once in each weck tor ali succevsive weks. OorVKHNKIR MORRIS. Clrenlt Judge. Frank Emerick, Complalnant's Sollcitor. 1(190 28 Estáte r Susan P. Wooden. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coonty of Waahtenaw, si. At a sesslon of the Probate Conrt for the Connty ol Wanhtenaw holden at the Probate office, In the i it of Aun Arbor, on Thursday, the thirtieth day of !¦ - iiibt-r, in the year one Ihou8and eieht hundred and eljihty. Preeeut, Wllllam D. llarnman, Judge of l'rohate. In the matter of the estáte of Snaan P. Wooden, ¦ I. Adah 7. Treadwcll, ri'fiiluary legatae and ¦xecuirii of the last will and tesumcut of said dectancd, oamm into conrt and reprvsents that she is now prcparid to reuder hir flnul account u Bnch encutrii. i Tht-reuuon it Is ordcrel, that Sturdy, the twentyicconddayol Jmmary teu u'clock in the forenooii, he aitüisucd for examlnlns and ullowing such account, and that the devisco, MpMM and heirs at law of aid deceaaed and all atiwt persons luterested in uid estáte, are requirrd to appoar at a session of said courl, then to be holden al We Probate office, ÍD iheclty of Ann raid rounty.Hiid show cauw, tf any therc bt', why the eaid account hould not be allowcd. And it la furth.r ordcreri, that satd cxocutrii 1t nol icc to the persons interentcd in ia ld statu, of the iicnilency of sald uccount, and the Hearing thereof, by caiu-inL' h OOM of thts order to be pubjiiBhed in the Anu Ar'nr ' 'ouritr, newpapör printed .and clrculatlng in aid county. two nticctilve weck prevlona to sald day of hearing. (A true copy). WILUAM D. HAKKIMA.N'. Judxe of Probate. WM.G. DOTY, Probate ReglPtir. 10Ï"


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News