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Ayer's Sarsaparilla roí puRrrmra raí bloos. - i umpuuod "i ' ík' .Ê!ll' ' %' Lfy% I ,Wrill:i. HlWl, PjJSl JllOxiÜ "Ki. nl Man.lrak.-, l1. m't-t effectnal core of ¦ f t ¦ ¦ ¦ (.mp]nit''"'hH! X - -tfj 'í 'Ty Tvli-DI Dd iflH It puriflt-e tho li](Mil, panM ort tM loi Utni: humure in !t'-m, itanl ln'allli uixl MttM nt tr.inMr-. M Ifeorta irmui' -ufa l humor-e th i! thottld bf '.H'll-d rum tii Mcmh!. iBianal teupaaM w 1 1 ¦- l-termiimt ame linmor tOMOM hiturnal írifnn. ¦¦ :h'j' derauiM-, and rfeOM rtaey liM'ii"" and iln-iioy. kjm't San-ap MOMH fniu Mood. Wh (hcjr OM Ihu (liMirdern lliey prodiu di!! nr, - tfittnT of tlic I..t, Stimiach. UdMJFli I.un. -, Kruutlon lid Kruptivo DhMM of iktn, (W Aafeonjr'l Kin-, R.h er KryiW, Pimple. HinMile, lilotrtaen, Boili., Tiimore. 'IVlli-r jtid Salí KIn-urn, :cald, Kingw-orm, I tora mid sn-f, l'hiuuiHtiHiii, Neuralgia, l'ai" u Ui ÍMM, Side nml H.-ad, remate WaakMM, Sterllity, Luiicorrh.ii ItMBf lrm infernal ulccrutlon and nterinc hoaqi Diepi, Kmaclation aod Oencral DehlHt7. W itli tlutv laprtnwi. henlth returnp. príEPARKD BY Dr. .1. ('. ijw & Oo., Lowell, Mass., PneUed and Analjrtical Chcmiat. Solil bl All DrOfCteM and DeaJer? Ín Medidme. niMWV HYI'OPIIOSI'IIITK ís a comblnation of Hypophosphlte. originated by me In Canada whilc under the procesi of pnlmonary coustimptlon and whtch ha elnct' been cmnloyed by thf medical profeslon thronifhmit America and Eucliind ith unprecedented succea. It contalun the elemmts enaentlal to the animal organlzution, the oildilnfc' aKcnta and tooice. In comblnation wlth the etlmnlailuK anent phosphorus, posseaslnu the merlt of beine elightly allcallne, and le dlepensed In thc convenlent and palat ibl form of a syrnp. It etreetí are uMially viulble within twenty-four honnt and are marked by a etimnlatlon of appctite, the dlgeetion and aaliuilation, vnterine directly loto ihe circulation; it tone- Mrvw andmusclea; exerle a healthy actton of the eecretlon ; ncithei disturbe the Btomach nor niures ihc ITltem under prolonged use, and muy be dincuntlnuea at auy time without Inconvenlence. In a word it poseeasea the etimnlantB to aroucc thx atreuKth. thc tonlc to rétala It, aiid merlt ol a hlghdegrec. Vory rc-pectfully, JAMES I. FKLLOWS. Do nol be deceited by remedies hearing a similar ruime: no othtr prevarat. ion it a êubtihteor ¦ i, i (iny circumtlanct. ,so!.I BY Ál. I. ÓBVOQISTS. MM 1066c e m TRIAL BOTTLKS, 5O CE'TS. CADWELL'S LACTEALNERVINE TIIK OBEAT REMKI1Y FOB 'lia. RheutnalUm, and al! othtr pnli.iil ,- uOHt Afl'Ctions. Acute or Cltrui m rtíjard to Age n, AND IN I 1 MBA00, SÜIATICA, AND NJBBVOVS 1IKADACIIK. Tüe relief offered by lt ne Is prompt and complete. 1Iuh. tíeorge. V. Lanado , Ex-Vayor of DetroitMiilt., joy; I nave repeatedly nsed thc Nervine for NVuraifcic ¦offdringi and have never found It to fall in kIvilk llmoel iinmedlate relief. I would not be without It In niy houpe ror ten time ite coít. Too much cannot be said for It, Ín Iik lavor. 8ome may thlnk thl cttvní; laiiL'uaKe ; none too etrong forthoeewho know what Neuralgia Ih, and ttnd relief from It ue. Very ren)ectfiilly, [signedl QÍO. C. LANODON. Mayor' a Ottlce, City oí Detroit, Feb. ith, 1878. i ie, i: lío i ii. i. i.ito. For Sale at all Drug Storen. FARKAND, WILLIAMS CO., Solc Agents. 102U-10T1 MM) : PAD ACTS DIRECTLY ON THE KIDNEYS Bladder and l'rlnary OrsanNby AbnorbinfC All humor, every trace oí aiseae, and TorciNg inio the system tliroueh ibe porem of thu skin, DoariBhiny and trenetbeuinp regetsbifl tonica, ffiTlng It wonderful power to cure at once. PAIN IN THE BACK, Mide nr IiOiiiM. IiiMitnimalion and Brilt litn of the KidiiejM. Idiibrt i -. lrnj . .riiM-l. alm rli ol' the Kladder. IliKh i'olori'tl. Kranty or l'aiiif'til Irinatinic. liONitN,4'aHtM nr MhrrdM In the I'rinr. KI{ OINuml I'HVNK Al, DKKILITY and In üiet anv düwau or these greatorjians whether contracted by over work, etraln, exceesive drink, the abui-e of nature, orotherwise. It snpercedeg entlrely the inconveulencci and troubleg of takiii; n uiMi'aiid and paisonoug internat medicinee. It ie worn exactly where necded, next to thc body and lmmedlately over the kldueys It ia comfotahle to the patirnt. nafc, plennant and reliable in ite efïertg, but fowarfil ia lts acties. It can ne worn at ali time, lu any clltnate, and la equally good for MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD. Do not b prejadiced. Giv it itkiii ml be convlnced that it Ie honeet, reliable, etlVctive and iaat what your feeble and exhaunted body raqnlrM. Thousande are daily addlng thcir tegtlmony to the wonderful curative powers ol this great reiuedy. who are being rettored to perlect health after all othcr treatmente and remedies have falled. Aek your draggist for It, and accept nu immitation oa pcbtitdte. If he has not got, it eend lo ne and re ceive it by return mail. DISCBIÍTIVI P2i:Z LIST.-Regnlar Pad, n ; Special Pad. for i'tiroriic, deipeeatod, or cases of long standing. .3 ; ChildrenV Pad, Tor sumraer complaint, weak kidneyff and bed wetting, l.rD. Our ImkjK', 'Ilow a Life waa Savcd," contalnlng a history of this great dlccovery. malled free. Wrlte for it, AV HIDXKV PAS O.. Toledo, O. 1011-ZJ Qui iUGGIST FO, -OFHops & Malt BITTERS. Ricli ín the materials that NourUh, InTlgor ate, Purlfy and Strengthen. They supply Brain, Munrular and erre Forc, Tlgor to th Kun .1.1.-. 1, Tono and 8trngth to th Kxhaiixted, NoarUhmeut to the yousg and iev Life to thc aged. j , TmlRt on trriiicthfin. AU Drusgiits esa obUlo both free uid rKulM ux boLlte. #frv IOS? Ihell'unt uim! lt.-1 Mr.linnr cv. r Mü1r. j 44rthNN of Hops, Buchu, I drakleHixi OandPhon, nu .li t... tx-land ¦ mostevratlTeprupcTUiM nf nii otbor BtMw% ¦ mak %atím gi mlw BiooU Purifier, Livor WCKUl.HtOr,'""i I.lf'-nn-l Il al(b Utoriu AkvuI (]%¦¦¦¦ NodlueaecLanpoMiblv l'.nir nUt w-hrrn Hop u n!Viyl,aovajieti nd jurfict arctnclr uiTati"iin.BIK Ta7 g :?e ctvUV ui TlfBrk KU &Lll itd l&flrm. Toallwhofe eVni.l".vn nt-rrvin lrrvrUlarltyoftlicbuwelBorVuruuiry organa. or who rv qiüran iihtV Tmc and mild Stlmulant, U..p Bitters are invalVuWö. Without IntOXIcatlng. ¦¦¦V NomatttT whatyour feeUn(f or PTmptoma are what thc dinthorailW11'1'1 ls ¦¦ !1p Bittera. ln'l wituiitUyouamrt riflfe but lf yoa only fwl bad or mint ratilo.l" i'"th at once. It may ave your life.ItbmB8 ' i hundrda $500 'II (-¦ ititid foraealm hrr win not curO or help. Do oot suffer lrlt-i your frïrudi iuffor.but use and urfff tlim% fcou Hop B Kemember, Hop Bitters te noV8 drujfiíM I drunk.n iü alruin, but I ii ixt n .1 I lUdicfaweTw toada itha "uvuJUWnumD I aod HOPE" and no pvrton or faunlyL .BIbI ihould be without thvui. ajBji R. 1 . 0 ¦ 1 n absolute and irronlstlble curel rl'ninkran. unof mdIhoi, tobáceo ajlllVBj narcotica. AU suld hy drugvitta. Send #C H rorCircuiar. Ho blttrr. lfy. C., M j RorhtHtfTndTorntrPM 198-UM1 c e m i . Ontni .'ot irve H thKti wh Sli t rngftf In th noa Tg mj U-n.tfw.ui ind prnfltahlo buiinMi kuown. Fverjthio m ifw. Capital oot rpiUir#i. W wtll furnuh tou vryIL y tblog. 910 a day aud apwardi U easlly rawle wltboui m ¦ laying awaj from bom over nijbl. No Hak biMrtr Wlal Ma7 r';w urkfri wanied itonc. Maaj rp maklD, l ¦¦ fortuin. at the bunlaeii L adíes makc as uucb u meo T Xj and yoonc boy aal gtrli mak grwat pay. M oaa wh !¦ w.uiog to work falU to make mor monty vvrr dar tbaa oao tM mad iu a wk at any rdloarT nploymtct. TboN wbaensar l oae wlU Bn.l a ihrt r..i to r.-rtun. AJdrcaa fl. Hilibtt l Co., Portlaad Unln.


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