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Magazine Noiices. Tlie February nuinber of Harprr't Mnga.lue opens with au Important paier, entltled " The Gospel Hlutory in Hallan talntlnK," by Eev. Henry Van Dyke, Jr. The progresa of Itallan art Is, In this couueptiou, I-aced through It symbollc, realtstlc, aad idealfellc perlods. Tlie artlcle is lllustrated by picure repn-sentliif. thlH line of progresa. Mr Cnway's serles of delightful papers nn the Engltsh lakes Is conclmlod In thls number. Mr. O. W. sheldon contribuios a Recomí paper 01. the Uld New York Volunteer Fire Department. UluKMtted wltli somc very lnterestlng plcturer. One ol the most interestlng of the Tlfustrateil papers of thls number Is that on " Llterary and Social Boston '¦ by Qeo. P. l,atlirop Not only Is tin' artii'l.' full of the most lnterestiig goRKlp, hut the lllusiratlonx alsoverynue. Fine )HrtraUsareglvenof Willlam D. HoweUs, K. P. Whlpple, R. W. Emerson, 0. K. Nor'.on, T. B. Aldrlch, JitinesT, Fieidü, Kdwurd Kvtxetl llalu John Boyle ORlelly and Julia Wari Howe. Miss K. E. Fryatt contrlbutes a tlmely artille ou the Poltery Industry In this country -devntlng the greater portion of her spaee to the Trenton Potteries, whlch are very fully illustrated. Thethlrd lnNtallment of Mis Woolhdii's novel " Anne " ig given, wlth an lllustratlon by Keinhart; anu Hardy's "A Laodiceuu " is contlnned. Puss Tanner's Oefense.' by Klchard Maloolm Johnston, Is a Georgia sketch; very strong, and ftill of humor. Mrs. Muiaret McLean contrlbntes a romantic short story entltled ' The Flrefly." Aproposofthe recent publlcatlonof Trevelyu;s J Karly History of Charlea .Iim;".,'."..'-i-tau-í'iíelow review ói t hal illNtingulshed stiltesman. "TinKditorlal Departnicnts an full of fresli and Interestlng matter. The Easy flialr (INciisseK Reaconsnelds latest novel, and glves a charming description of the flrat proouction, at the Academy of Music, of Boito's opera ' Meflstoféle." The International Review for February, has remarkably intereetlngtableofcoatents. The papers are all of Interest to the readlng Dublic, and are as follows : I.- John Qulney Adam Diary, by John T. Morse, Jr., Boston ; II.- Froude'K Defence of Henry the Elgth, by Robirt II. Parklnson, Clnclnatl ; III.- M. Zola ns acrltlc, by Thomas Sergeant Perry, Boston; IV.- The Tariff question. by Hainliton Andrews HUI, Boston ; V. -HansChrlstian;Andersen, by I ,eoi)old Katscher, Tremesvar, Hungary; VI. Flctlon and Public Librarles by James Mascareoe Hubbard, Boston ; VII.- Mr. Ten ny son 's New Volume, by Qeorge Barnett Smlth, London, Eng.; VIII.- Our Mernintlle Marine, by John Codman, New York. $ 1 1 per y ear. A.S. Barnes & Co, Publlshers, 111 All.i Wllliam street New York. We have recelved from the publlshers. A . S. BamM Co , New York, the January nuiuber of The Magazine of American Hlstory. This Issue is entitled the Yorktown number, and contains a beautiful steel engraved ]xrtralt of Count De Grasse. This moga.lne has now entcred its sixth year, and lt belng the unly perlodical on this continent which isdevoted to the history and antiqtiltles of America, supplles a gap which hos long noeded nlling. The magazine contaliiN original essays, art leles and documcuts, reprintb and translatlons of rare papere necessary t the student, and tnUreatïng to the general reader. It is cdlted by Jobn Austin Htcvens. The work is one of great value to the student aud llterary man, and well worth the subscrlptlou prlce, $ti per year. Address A. S. Barnea Je (Jo., pulillshere, New York and (hicago.


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