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1880 Belong To The Past

1880 Belong To The Past image
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This world lias projrressed; men and wómen liavc grown older and w :-' i 108] tinds the ball rollinsr on tbe road to iniprovenient, nul MACK & SCHMID SUll aacending the ladder. They open the buil for the qi w year and gnarantee to keep i rolling by jrirlng one of the most satUfylnx Clearing Salet ever teeo Pleaae notice the dlfierei i n our I). cembcr and Januarv price. Wc start tirst with SHAWLS. We have some 800 shawls that will be clearcd out as follows: 30 All-Wool Shawls al $6.8", December price was $8.50; 25 at $t."0, December price wal $6.00; 20 at $3.00, December prico was $4.00, and about tbe same rednetion throughouttbe stock of Pately, India and other Wool shawl.-. Now i vooi Ome to imy BLANKETS and COMFORTERS. From this date we shall Bell them at a redui-tion of 10 per cent. from December priecs. w make a general sweep In department and the prices will ic sure to sell them. CLOAKS and DOLMANS. A good ( loak for $4.00, ioM in December for $0,00; aheavy BeaverCloak, splendidly gotten op, Bt ?S.00, Pold In December at $10; nnother lot, extra line. st lislily trimmed, for $l).00, December price 12.00. Our wliole stock of Cloakl and Ddlmans will be sold at the same rate of reduction. Tbis is done to affect a speedy elearancc . peet to have tlicni all lold by the Ut of February. Those wanüng a Shawl. Dolman, or Cloak should hurry up and sce Mack ; Schmkl before it is too late. FLANNELS. Let evcry one cali and sec our Gray, lied, White and Fam v Klanncls and be convinced therc is no house in Aun Albor anywhi'n: mar our pnoas. Cali and look at our CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and JEANS. Dont Ml to sec our I.adies' and Chfldrens' VeM Kxaminc our DomMtta, Bleaoked and Brown üettona; rathesal live and ten cents Quilts al B5 oenta, $1.00, $1.26, $1.50; N'ubias, anl Corsets. We mean to start the ncw year wlth a preater vim t han ever Ix'fore. SILKS, SATINS and VELVETS. Y have struek opon the iiiest Bonanza ever uen here or anvwhere eöe. The best brands in the marset (.ome and sec them. 80 pieces Drass Goods atl5cents, December priecs for these gooüs was 20 to '2 cents. Our enttre stock of Fancy Dress Goods lias been reduced in llie same way. BLACK and COLORED CASHMERES Have all been reduced. This adfortitMnent is ad a wiudy effuslon, merely to stir up trade, but n statement of the reductious we liave made. 'c do not walt till gpring to give you winter goods cheap, bul do 10 now while there II many weekt ofoold weathei before n. MACK & 8CHMID.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News