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A Fenian Incident

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The following amusing incident oocarred daring the Fentaa axcitement of '77 in I reland: Two youni; men, fagitive ni:in-, were hiiling in the moantaina, when the motbei ofone of llii'in laken -iek BCtO death. She wantod to ne Imt boy onoe more, aml faithf'ul meiwnger lummoned him fron liill-i. ll- panion weal wiilihim, aml he hal the meuncholy satisfction ot Ij 1 1 i - iiiiilli'T alive. - -Min U the viral spirk had (led, the fugitii the irientlly fastneaiei of th mountaint. Tliey - t -. i : - 1 after 1 ik. , in old omm go ing a short dirtanoe twfore ilnin to look out and military. They had traretod kboot tliree BÏIm when tlie preOOOMlted ¦h of llie old woiiiau iWIMd thein ol danger, The; took refuge onder a I A ByioKOBlmnn bad ''.une apon the old room iM pretending lo !"¦ mghteoed, the imed. The itipcndiary maiti.Htrato bc Kn to examine her, hm the Ful low led lo me hy a jtoverament official who liud made notei of t hc conversation, took pfane. Bet objel m to delay :in.i ontwil tlic pursuors. The maKitr_ate'-i objeot ni lo timl il' the was a nativo of the locality ari'l knew all the inhabil " W'h.-it - youi aan " I tonco) i" brinjj i' wii'l me , it's al home." 'iiiuc, teil me yuur tiiinie .'' "Moaha, begorra an' me name in Mary.' Mary what '" ¦ tío, isdade, bot Mary Halowney." 11 Wl 'u boro T ' " In bed to be ure - wh' That'i i purty ruestii)ii to ask." Hlirn wore you boen?" ' l'aitli an' I don'l remember, Imt I belave it was in the ui te linie." " Ilow many ycars ago ?" " Just two week het'nre Jim Ct tather took the rheumaticks, an' tliat was three weeks bofore Promane castle cot fire, an' U wu dietingoished a tnonth atore Donnelly bate Cooper. Hiekin that np an' ive me age, av ÜMc'l what ye're after." " Where .lo you live and how do you go there?" "Troth an' 1 live at home, an' I eet there an me feet. " What road do you go bome ' "Down beyond the bridge there ye.oao ¦ee a house on the thunih-hand side av a haystack oomin' np ; about three mile tur ther at this ñde, there's a pig an' a barn aktingdown; that'sa rnilo trom Liskeacharohyard. Whin ye get there ye'll hear a buil roarin', an' I li vo widin the ball av an ass of that." " ïn'n a Httiafsoton individual." " ï'ou're a lying thafc ; l'm an 1 woman, so I am, an' you'renot." "Come, now. what do you know about the Fenians f" "Och ! not much tbr nothin'." " I will give you two pound.s il you wil] teil me wherc two of'thcm, named McCabe and Mahcr, are hid." "Arrah. they'd kill me av they fouüd me out; an' besides, I'd be informin' on me own godson, Ned McCabe. Hut av ye don't teil who tnuM ye. I'll sind ye on thuir track for live pound, and pa? me the money down." "The money i.s all nght ; you'll I1 paid when tliey're caught." " Ye'd better be attlwr catohin' 'eni thin. The top av the aveniag to yc." " Come back- hcre's the money." '¦ Por God'i sake don'l ye teil who tuk the blud nioney, an'l go to Maher's house an' ye'll tind 'eni in tbe roOBB back of the one whcre, Mahei's inother -Oodbe merciful to her - ia on her dyin' bed. Av yc go there qoick ye'll find Maher gettia h inother' s blessin', imI help him." The party har ried np. hut of eourse were disappointed, whilu the tugitive gaioed their retreat in satVty. and the old woman poeketed tbe live poaada.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News