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OicharJ Lake military icadeuiy bas 93 cadets. Kik Ilapi'ls wants a railroad. She ought to have it. An A. 0. 1". V. lodae lias leen organÍ7.ciJ at Big Rapids. Shake. It cast Kent County 17,081.96 to take care of' her paupers last year. Mukagoi i to have a new wagon retory established, costing $20,001. State salt inspector S. S. Garrigues has lccii rc-appointed by Gov. Jerome. The Jackson coal mines, eight in nuiiiber yieldcd about 125,000 tons of' coa! during 1880. The employés of' the Phu-nix fornitura ruanufactory at Grand Rapids, have organizcd a mutual aid society. The Episeopalians and BaptLsts at Big Kapids have united in giving Big Kapids sinners a big and rapid scatliing. An old soa captain, T. A. Me Lean, of Caro, who was very poor, has been left $25,000 by an unele in Scotland. The two scholarships at Albion college are being elevated. 50 students wore "oonditioned" at the recent examinatiuns. Il [l assertcd that the uihabitants on tbc Manitou Islands are starving to dcath, thero being no way of getting provisions to them. While teaching school near Milford, Charles 1'. Waterman w attackcd with typhoid piicunionia ml died within five days. The woolcn milis at Clinton are soon to have five ncw looms added, with othcriiuprovements, and will employ ten more hands. Anothcr railroad U bcing built from Detroit to Itulay City via. Mt. (Memcns, Romeo and Almont - on paper. - Tmlay City Herald. The Methodists at Bronson are eüjoying great revival meetings, Some 60 people have given up their evil ways and resolved to tread the narrow path hereafter. The lake Superior ron mines yieldcd in 1880, 1,975,062 tons, valued on shipboard at $17,251,023. The product froni 1856 to 1880 is given at 15,809,132 gross tons. The snow in the northern portion of the state is said to have perfectly protected the wheat erop, and that it bas reoeived very littlc, if aoy injury up to the present time. The county scat removal question bas shown ita ill-looking patc up in Charlevoix County. The Boync Fallx poople want it. Hadn't thv bettcr 1 ¦ oontral wiih well cnough '! The Maniates "iris have orgaoited ¦ " cookcry club. " Most of them probably, could find plenty ot' experiencc in thcir motber's kitchen, and experiencc is a good teacher in this respect, :s well a most othera. The Vernon Ilcrald says of the Owosso & Northwestern railway project, that the route is graded and nearly roady for the iron frora the northwest to a point on the Jackson, Lansing & Saxinaw Railroad, about two miles north of Owosso. At last the old Detroit, Howell & Lansing plank road company, which at one time was one of the best paying institutions in the state, bas decided to surrender its charter, and travel on that road will hereafter be free, as it ought to have been yean ago. If you have a silver dollar with an eagle that has cight feathers in bis tail, freeze to it ; it is worth two dollars. Only 2öO of' them were struck at the mint, when it was discovered that an American eagle can't have eight feathers in bil tail. - (irass Lake News. The people of Adrián are wakin? up to the benefits of' manufacturing and other enterprises, and are trying to give the city a boom, with every show of success. They held a large meeting the othcr evening to consider the interests of Adrián college with the city. The Bclding union school oponed January 10, is an elegant new brick building, 40 by 60 fect, two stories high, with heating apparatus in basement. Prof. Millard is the principal, with Mrs. Millard and Miss Nancy Anderson asistants. All are experienced teachers. It is assertcd in tbc goud book that the liairs on the heads of the Cadillac people are al! numbered, but thcy aro not satisfiod with that, so they are going to have the dwellings and stores numbered, after a permanent .turvey of' the city shall have been made. At least so says the News of that place. The magnitude of the work wliich has been accomplished, sinoe the first cotnmenecment of the work on the St. Mary's Falis Ship Canal, and what there is to do to complete it, can be fully realized now tliat the water is entirely out of the canal, by taking a walk up tíie canal bed to the upper end. iSince the commencement of the work in 1843 there has been expended something over $3,000,000, and an inspection of the canal at the present time will oonvince one that the vast sum has boen well expended.- Sault News. Dowagiac Republican : Businesa in Dowagiac ís on the boom. The stove work, the two grain drill manufaotories, the chair factory and saw milis are all rushed to their utmost capacity and are still largely behind their orders. Besides this the grist milis can hardly supply the demand for flour. In speaking for our department of indutry, we can say that six men working night and day cannot do the business, a fact as anyone can readily observe by calling at the office. Dowagiac is bound to outstrip its sister towns. The wife of Rev. E. Curtiss, of Lapeer, carne to her death on Monday of last week, by having her clothes burned off her body. Before expiriog she stated that a Mrs. Barnard, had come into the liout-e while she was there alone, had saturated her clothing with eoal oil and then set firc to them. Mrs. Curtiss being an in valid was unable to resist. There is a long story connected with this terrible tragedy. The Mrs. Barnard referred to was a lady of Greenville, from whencc Rev. Mr. Curtiss and wife had rccently removed, and, it scems she had been iluiost insanely devoted to her pastor, who bad Ifet the place to avoid her. But she fol lowcd him to Lapeer, and still persisted in her attentions. And tliis has been ; the rcsult. Mrs. liaroard tells a very sibla story ; explains how she happencd to ' bc late at meeting that cvenintc ; tells why her face was aomewltat scratchcd, and her hair disordered ; and has a theory that Mrs., being an invalid, had ccidentally dropped the lamp ui her lap, when it took fire and burned her to death. She cujphatically denies being at the pastors house durinfj tbat evening. TIn; genera! feelinj; is against her. Slir is in il Lapeer, HWaitiijL' tlial. Following close upou the tonililc tragedy at Lapeer, comes ono greatcr in horror, from the quiet rural district of (enoa, in Livingston Cottnty. Por l long time onc i Wui. Van Blaircum bad been a drinking, i'tniusing man, neglccting and abuüing bis family wbile in drink. Laat veek tneir only rctuaining child out of a faniily of mix, Mr.-.. Cyrus Swect, was removed by death. With her Mrs. Xau Blaiicum had for some time made it her home, not daring to live with her husband for fearot her life. On Wednesdy of last week the old man, afior the burial of the daughter, came and persuaded Mre. V. to go back and live witli hira, prornising good Lehavior. She went witli hini, and that was the last ever seen of her in life. After gctting home it is thought the couple quarreleil over sometliing, and wben t'ound in the evening she was dcad with a ballet through her hcart. and lic stil! alivc, but so near gone that he expired in a few mjnutes. ThU is one of the most horrible crimes that ever lilackeoud the records of iliat fair counfy. liauor alune was to tilame for it. Mrs. Van Blarioum'suiaiden name was JOlliott. Sho was one of the handsomest young girls ol her day, and her t'atuily has always rankeil hisli iu pointof rcspeetaLility. Hú fainily were a tough lot, he alone }cing dcemed a white sheen in the flock, but it seems that liquor finally put liiui on ¦ level witli li is kin. The onding of these two lives s but anotlicr warning togirls. Mrs. Aran i31aricum's parents were bittcrly opposed to her choice, and uscd all reasonable nieans to persuade her to change it, but to no purpose. At siztecn she ran away and married him. With the cxception of the Ent tem year?, her life has been one of the most aljcct misery. Her children were from time to time taken away from her by death, and she had to stand the abuse and blows of a drunken husband. At the laat he took her life, as he had jireviously despoiled her 1 1 : [ ¦ . i 1 1 - - .


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