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Among Our Exchanges

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That's all right now, Mr. Midland Bepublican. The now bcad is a daisy. The Manistcc Times comes out with a dcw drcss and a new headinc, vtÊÜJ iniproved in appcaramr. Mr. Otia Fullcr, the former proprietorof the Iogham County News, at Masón, has purchased the St. John Rcpublican. He wil! make a red-hot paper for the Clintonites. ïhc I'oiitiae Gazette, in its new dress, new forni, and tasty, ncat new head, is one of the handsomest papers, typographically speaking, in the state. The oíd forcé and cnergy is beDg given to the artides, undcr the hand of Mr. Kimball. If Koed City doesn't boom with such a lively journal to " boom it," as is the Clarion under its new management, its business men will alone be at fault. The laat issue has a long list ot mi building. crectud duriug the past ycar. iMcHsrs. Corncll & Dean, of Graud Ilap idf, who havo printcd the Michigan School Moderator from tbc comuiencement, are now announccd as its publishers, which uieans, probably, pernianency. It is neat -typographically- and ably edited. Sac cess toit. We have receivcd the Clare County News, published at Hanïson, by J. M. Russell. It is a siz column folio, starting out with a most excellent patronage from the bwinese men of the place. Ilarrison s the new county seat of Clare County. We wish the new paper succes.-. The Bellevue Gazette is dow uuder the editorial management of Mr. A. L. Bun lton, formerly of the Isabella Eaterprite office, Mr. Hoskins beB re elected tary of the senate, and nnt abJe to attend to it personally. The new hand at the helm secms to be accustomed to the work. The Oxford Globe man believes that hia destiny all comes in a lomp, the pame :iloaf sugar. llear hini : " The proprietor of thil paper has pasi-i an eventful week. Monday a dog tried to bite him ; Tuesday he had his boots tap ped and feil down on the street ; WadaMday Jack Frost nipped his ears andThursday a man paid him seventy-five cents on account." The Marshall Statcsman has fortified itsanctum with heavy artillery for the poets of that vicinity. I5ox 'um np and sond 'uni along : "O, the club, the editor' cluli, Hdw lovely it looks wlth ItagreM Ing Dab, sitllni; up there in the oorntff n n-at - Hit ! 'tls thesouud ofa roung poet' feet; Climblng, Rhyming, Up-sUilrs h!sunota ; Oot out the club and the copper-toeU b. O, who wouldn't be In the wlltor's place, And knock ayoiiugpot't from bonM to thti base." Thia, from tho Berrien Springs Era, 8 certainly arefreshing item for these til Afler listenlng to the governor's niexsaic m Joint convention, the house passedareolutln upiKiatlog Win. H Murston, of Berrlen, - nul engrodslngund eurolliug rleik. While Mr. Marston was at dinner at the Lanaing house bc was interrupted by the above announecment, which was the first intimat ii in he had that his name was 1 used in that copnection. It was without solicitation on hb part, and the readincs with which the resolution passed, is hut a slight indication of the esteem prominent and influential men ot this state have for him. We congratúlate Mr. M. on thitestimonial to his worth and ability. With the issue of Jnury Tth, the St. Joseph Rcpublican cjmpleted its scvcnth volume. The pcople of that great fruit port have a ripc paper in the Repúblicas, which seems to pursue the even tenor of tl way through all time's changes, never getting ezeited and nevcr "slopping over," Wm. Rioaby & Son are the proprietor, and they evidently know their busin --. though slightly "off tlx-ir la-e" politiedlly, in our opinión. The Wexford County Pioneer, published ai Slicrman, has the following extremely sensible words respecting thebiringof poor teachers. The county .uperintendeney ((UOftion is one which the pcople of our state hastily threw aside withoat a thorough trial : "There werc faults m the ild y.-tem of county superintendent!), but the last ex' rienee we bad in this county it was preferable to the present syatem (of township su; poiititendenu), for it certainly socurod bet ter qualitied teachers lor our district schools, which are the only ones the uiass of pupils attended, and we should favor a return to to that systeiu, improyed, as it may be through the light which experience kathrowti apon it. The eoarsc pursued by many districts of luritt.n 'eheaptead so called, isagrc;r w .' to the children and is very poor 'economy.' A teacher who works tor low watos is n('tcii luoreoostiy tli;in one who rcceives doublé the wages. l'aieiiis cannot tfford to hainjii-ap their cViildren in the life raea with ignoranco or iui perfect training. . toaelu r who thoroughly uodenUndi lus bMBew wnl BÏe ¦ pupil ¦ hetter utidcrNtandioK of text btokl in one term tliau ¦ hall i-duoatcd une can in a year, orrsrr. J'crfeet eduoation o ni-ist uot i i the Dutnbi'r ol' i u' - oommitted, o booksgone tbroogb, bul ii ibtoomprehension of' thtir inoatiiiiK, and the ]ower t" makc theui ut praeliral OM. And the teachers who best OM peiform thia work are the ones to employ, whether they ehargp $r per inonth or tVS."


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