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Among Our Exchanges

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me lhtve Kivors Tribune gays; "The Si U' Ktute bus 33 inembers, aud it takes 21' elerks, messengers, jtajccs, aud doorkeepers (o wait on theui. Helpers are so tliiek that tliey are actually in each other'a wy. " Among the new papers wliieh seek our exehange list we fiad the Alpena Reportar, a clean out, clear, niee lonkiog seven column folio, devoted to the.interests oí' tht iluiving loeality, and all print.'d at home. The Iniliy City Merald has just entered upon its seeond volume nmler the most ('avorable auspices. The live publisher, Mesan. C. F. & E. P. Uee, proniise better thugi as the future shall increase their business. Hm Hanli rr iuftpitmttmt poHt cally. Tliat most Excellent of papers, the Michigan Farmer, slipped into its twelfth ycar a chort timo sincc without our noticing it. It is the private opinión of the writer of tliis r-ohimn, (hat the Farmer is one of the best journal.s of its class in the union. Always alivc to everything in its lino, never prwmthg anything stale, either in farm maters, general news, or current literaturo, it more nearly meets our deal of what a farm paper should be than any Journal vire have seen, and its real valué is what niakes its success so great. Hm following respecting a bad habit, and tho influenee of men upon the youth of the country, is thus portraycd by.tlic Benton Harbor Palladium : Kven the profane father shudders at tlic oatlis af a school boy and he ol'ten retieets uul'eelingly upon theeharacter of the hóf'a mother. IJoys are ambitious to become inen and the exampleof men isofteo more effeetive in siving tliem character than u inother's admonitions. Every profane man mates at least one profane boy by bis czample. l'rofanity may not cost as mucli money as whisky or tobáceo, but costs a vast amount of eharacter. The following " big one" is told by the editor of the Reed City Clarion with a straight face, not even drawing up ÜM corners of his mouth : "Some ten years ago a barber who livcs NU Wüliamsport, Pa., bought half a section of land in Lakc county tor $4 per acre and htld it fur speeulation. Reoentlv, parties n this city opened negotiations with him lor the pine, wbicli is now quite val - uable. Wtiilc they were corresponding, parties froui Manistoe went to l'ennsylvania, and hunting up the barber, fuund him at work in a little shop, busy shuving a man. The Manistee party inquired il' he was the gentleman who owned a certain tract of pino land ia Liko Cjunty, Mi.h. An affirmative response brougbt out the question : ' How much will you take for it?' 'Twenty thousand dollars,' said the larber. ' I'il take it,' said the lumberman. Most barbers would have thrown their razor away, but this one took the matter very eiolly, and said, ' Wuit until I finish shaving this man, and we will make nut the papers.' Aftor the man was sha vod, the papers were made out and the tOMoml artist pocketed bis f0,0iO." The Ioghatn Co. News tells the following singular bovine atory, and voucbes for the the truth of it : Mr. E. T. Itoyston of Vevy, killed a i'ow Monday, which he had been fattening for the marker. He started to open tbc Koond stomacli, wheo his knife struck a hard metallic aubstanee, which, upon examtnation, proyed to be a piece of an old tile. Further iavestigation revealed sucb articles of nutriment in the maw of that beoighted cow as an eight penny nail, and various othcr smaller nails, a brass rivet írom a band saw, scveral picces of file, tacks, pebble stones as large as marbles, a fiuantity of gravel, a piece of glasa with the corners rounded and worn perfectly smooth, and other articles too numerons to mention, as the auction bilis say. When uu U) uiako this bardwan' oollection is not known, but Mr. lloyston recollects running the tile through hia feed cutter more tban a yoar ago, and has no doubt that the cow has been trying for that liWgth of time to dijrest it. Uther articles had undoubtedly been in the .stomach much looccr. The cow was in perfect health, and fattcd readily. She has always been a hearty eater, and has Dever appcarcd to sufler froiu her singular diet. The contento of the stomach are onexhibition at thisoöico, and we invite any of our friends who wish, to cali and see them.


Ann Arbor Courier
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