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¦rtate of Jamos McCreery. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, C'ounty ui Waahtenaw, f. At ii NHlM "I the Probate Conrt Tor the Cour tv oí Wiahtauw, bolden ut iba l'roiiate Office, in ihe city of Aal Arbor, uu ThnrMlay, IhfltTTantJ MTnth 'iy ol .l.nmiry in l'ie year one th"ii-ali'l elht IniMtr-'i mul eility-oni'. l'rcc-eiit.Willhunl) llarriiiKin, .luiiri' Ol i'robate. In the matter of the estáte of Janea McCreen, duceued. On reudine and fllint; the patttton, daly Mriilrtl, of William McCnery prriyint,' thut HilmiiiMtrutiun of said estáte may begmtaa to MpMalI ir -[uur mher suitable perron. Thereupon il in ordered, that Monday.the tweiitytirl day of fri-bruary next, at ti-n o'clock in the foreuoon, aoÍK'nt'1 tot the hfürinp of -;ild petition, IM lh;it the heir at Uw of ralil 'leceaaed, mul uil other pernoiiH intere-ted in aaid eftate, me reijuired to appear at a MMlOB of aid Cütirt, theu tu be boldan ut the Probate office, in tfee city ol Ami Arhor, and cliuw cauee, if auy there be, why the prayer of the petitioner xhotild uot be uranted. And it is further ordered, tliat uiifi netilioiifr K-ive notlce to the pertone interested in eaid mtata, o! the peadeocy of aid petition, and the hearing itiert-ol, by caueinf; a copy of thifl order to be publirlifl in Tfut Ann Arbor CouHer, a newHpaier ITii.i a and circu latina in said county, three puccckalve pnrrioni to said day ot hearing. (A Inf copy.) II.I.1AM I). HAKIilMAN, Judte ol I'nibati'. VM. O. DOTY. I'n.h.t Reüister. lo.-J M Kiai Estáte Tor Sale. CJTATK of MH'HKiAN, C'ounty of WiaMeaawa, 0 In the matter of the Mtata of Bdward ReeTe, dectaxed. Notice Is hereby tiven, that in psnaaace 01 I n order ranted to tbc aodentBOd adminiKtrator ' of the ettate oí Huid di ceaeed, by the Hou. judiïe of probate for the county of Waehtenaw. on the eleventh lay cif .lanuary, A. D. 1881. Ihen il' be fold at public vendue, lo the hlhent bitldei . at the eaBt front door of the conrt house in the city ol Anti Arhor. lu the DOturiJ of Wiishteuaw, in Kaid late, on Tnesday, the first day of iíarch, A. I). 1881, at ten 'o'clock in the forenoou of that day faabjed to at! encumbrancee by mortsnge or Dtherwtfe exlstlii); ai ¦ the time ol the deatb of eald deceaed, or DOW i Ki loting upon Mld premlsi b and rabjeel to dower and hotiiewtead ri'hi of widow of deccaaed) the followini' bed real estáte, 10 H: All 01 the tollowiiii; dcsl rib. (1 huid litutad in the lOWBlhip ol W ui Wiifhteuaw County. Mlcbitiau, viz : The north tresi quarterol sectlon numher twenty-nine (-'') in townaotp iininber me, toatb oí lant"' imniii.r nv. Lcepttog tbr aoatb twcvty acres theieol ai"! tlir weat twenly aCTM ui n lu liuinj,' part Ol rilil quarter jition). Datad, Janoar; ml', I NOAH W. CUKBVKR, HrJl T, Aduiliilütrator bonU non.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News