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Physidaoe claim Eiopeand Malt Biuei Hre ilic best. TwoOrffitiiN. K guíale first the StOBMcb, leO'tod lli lirer; etpeoially the fint, m as to per f ' 1 1 1 1 tlicir luiiciiims perfectly tod yod wil remove it least iiineteen-twentieths of the il N that human kah I hoir (u, in ihisorany nilur oliniate. Hop Bitton is the onl; thing that will give perfectly natural liealt! to thoM two orans. - Miine Parmer. Anienean BaJl-Bloe il favorito articl in Amerioan laundries. Try it ; jeu i never ase aoy other. It is j it irhai yoi want. Epidmhi 9 -Jusl iiowooughs. oolda luag and brooebial oompninta teem t te epi deiuie. In these DMM oftoddeBfloMa t In In'M tlung in d u lo gM x holtle of N. II Do wns Elixir, whioh iDTariablyfliTeaspeed] relief and uldmately effeoti ¦ cure in al r jre l Ik' tjrcathintorK:insarpftbcted i se it in time aod prevetH wriotM 'unj. difficulliea, bokl hy all drujijrisi-. tffts and CtMTMUl i Make froa $'_'."i t $50 per weck nelliag goodi for K. ('. Kiik(iit Co., in Bar olay iriTt, NVw Yotk. Send Tot ihei catalogue aod terms. 1000-1052. Wcir man tnooaform more to the hiw of bealtfa aud (.f na turo, and bc lessaddictci in the graüfioation of bü pasnona, it wouk nu! be neoeseary to dvertise Feüow'a Coapouod Syrup of' Hypdhh phite-i M a re storalivc fijr the power of the brain anc aerroua tyêttm, while the world's ptxureia and fnliilitciinifiit would indeed be marvelou-. Mrs. PtrtlBft- MJT1 don'l tako any of the (juaclt rostrum, u iIh'.v are regi mental to the haman cutero hut put your trust in Hop Bitters, wliiel will cure general dilapidation, co.stive habla and all eoniic diseases. They Haven Isaac froni a severe eztaet of tripod fever. Tliey are ihe n plvi unum of medirines. - l!citdM lilnlie. THE IJOX MATAKIA AM I.IVEH I'Al). i;iHK C'LItE FOR I.IVER D18E1SES. VVhen the livcr ceases to perform proferly ts functions the whole sysii'iii beoOBaes deranged and diflMM follows. 'J'he treatineot hy ab.sorpti'in in the Use of the Lion Malaria and Iiver Pad and Hodvand Foot l'lasters is tuost a.MunisInnii. Il' you are afflicted wit li Slonaah or Liver disorders try this retnedy. The whole combined tor 011e dollar. For sale by Druggist-. her ! Motherx ! ! Motliers ! ! ! Are you disturbed at night and broken of' your rest by a sick child suflering and erying with the exeruciating pain of cuttiiifi teeth 't If so, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S 8OOTH[NQ SYRIJI'. It will relieve the poor jitllfi Bnffarer iunnediately - depend upon it; there is no misnke about it. There is not#a mother on earth who has ever used t, who will not teil you at once that it will remilate the bowels, and give reet to the mother, and relief and health to the ohild, operating like magie. It is perfeotly sale td use fh all casss, and pleasant to the taste, and ia the. preacription of one of the oldest and best feiuile phyüicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. i'.' eents a bottle. 1007 58 Stop that ( om gh. II' yon are sufferinfi with a Cough, Co'd, Athuia, Bronchitis, Bar Fever, ('onsumptioo, loss of voice, tickling in tlie throaf, or any affection of the Throat or Lungx, use Dit. KiNo'a . K.w For Codsuinption. This is the great remedy tli:it is MIMg so niucli oxeitement hy its won derful cures, curing thousands of bepeleas Over one uiillinn bottles of Du. Kino's Xkw Dibcovkbi have been nsed wiiliin tlie ycar, and have piven perfect ¦¦atisfaetiun in cvery instance. We can unhc-itatirif.'ly -iiy that this is really the only ture tor thniat and Itroj; affeetions, and ran chocit'ully rccninmend it to a'l. ('all and jrct a trial bottlc tor ton cents, or a regalar site Rr $1.00. For sak by Eberbach ai Sun, Ann Arbor, Mioh. A CVSffe, Colli or Sorc Tliroat shouM be atopped. Neglecl frequenliyrfl suh.s in an fncurnbU Lnng Distnst or ('mi ntmption, Brown's Bronohial TmocHks art otrtaia in pit rdie in Atthma, Bronchitis, Couoht, Catarrh, Centumptin nuil Throat Dittaêet, Kor thirty years the Trochei have ):n reoommenaed by physicians and alwavH pive jierfect satisfaction. They are Dot new or untried but having been tested hy wide and contant OM fiir nearly an enlire generation, thcy have attained wcll merited rank imonj; the fi'w slaple remedies of the age. ntbh'c Speakei s aod Singt n use theui to dear and Htrengthen the Voi'ce. Sold at twenty (ivo oentë a boi rverywlicre. 1007-58 BMktaa! Árnica Salve. Tlic licst Salve in the world for Cata, Urui.-cs, Son s, üisris. Salt Hhciiin, l'cvcr Sorw, 'l'etter. Cbapped Hands, L'hilblains, (irns and all kinds of' Skin Kruptions. 'l'lii Halve is warrantcd to ÍV6 perfect atisl'action in cvriy case or inoney refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Por tale by BI erbacb & Son, Ann Arbor. ] 002-1034 HARE CHANCE l !¦¦! ld Mtofk l.-aii New .ooU. Inv. niory (16,000, attabltthed hnnimm. flm locatlon In Detroit, to exchange for city property: pmall Di'umbnnicp, n ohji'ction. Addp - , II rnli a n (. : .1. C. nol .il 101 rlswold si.. Ortroit Miek. Ma FRAWKL1N HOUSE, nTROIT, ( orniT ofKate ant l.anud NtrrrtM. Centrally Incaled. Only onc block from Wnortward and .leüurwon avi-nm-p. Thli hnunc ha heiT thorouiiblT nnovnied, nnd wlll hc founil the BES1 COMMKSC1AL IIOTKL the cilv. lUtcs $1.5() r day. VAKKK A .HlllVllaiiaun-, KJII' cacti, 'V U. hédl $H, fine - "A ' dry lick'Ml K!itther l.'ic B lh.,("rtmc Gcee Kcathtr J "'.5 H5c., J. V. Morrifon A B Oo., 45Ï Joflemon Ave., W', Detroit. SAMPI.K FUKE -flBH ti Ubeapwl Pcatber Dnftiera T y In World. fl ioaj


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News