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¦ rpwardb oí $.'iOu,(XH) have been oellaated jy the Iri.-h land league. The Hriti.sli imita in Koulh .Vírica have uffered another defeat by (he Boers. If' lVtor Cbopet lives uiitil day-afUJi-Uuorrow he will celébrate his 'JOth birthday. Accordijig to iur emigration stal 134.780 P-dim toot up tlu-ir wddaaw in ihis country dwWf 1" A status ot uld Joha Bruwii is lo lo put Ui in the Mtïooftl pUtTJ of statunn ;il IVaahingtoD, by the -tatc t Kmmm. The Ida Licwis, keeper of the Line Rocks, K. 1., lighthou-e, added two more to her list of lives sived hst Friday. Tlie (Iemand for (ïeorge Eliot's works nee her death has been so greal in Kngand that the publi.shers have not been able to meel it. It is stated tliat the physical prostration of Fernando Woud is sucli ihai he will never bc able to return te lus seat in the ¦iousc of reprcsentative.s. The iiitcr-oceaDic eanal conimittce of' congress has voted to tax the United States M5,00O,000 for that improvenient. Will congres dare to ratify it ? The bill creating a cabinet offieer out of the comuiissioner of agrieulture iailed to l:t the house by just one vote last Monl:iy. Ua Puc in ducked for the present. usual seuii-annual MMoh is bcing made agaiust our jury systetu. There are eertainly instances, where it seems to be a l'raud, but how eau il 1 bottered'.' That's the quostion. The steainer, ('ityof )udington, hastien out from Milwaukee over two weeks, and nothing been hcard of' her. Vessels have been out searching, but as yet have not fouod any trace. What a wonderful interest the Detroit Frce Press does take in the rcpublican stad' lonvcntion just at present. Why, it' it keeps on it will bc able t dictale Ae nominations, perhais. The theoiyofthe béfense in the CutwBarnard easc at lapecr, that the death of Mr. Curtii. was accidental, scems to be gaining ground, and it looks now as if' Mi-, Haroard would be cleared. Tay Gould says that the consolidation of the telegraph lines will ret-ult in eheaier rales and a general extensión of lincs until it embraces all the world, with hcadquarters at New Vork. Swcet taffy. It is stated that the Pope is in such poor hcalth that he bas reccntly made his will. Among other things said to be provided for in the document, is some changes respecting the election of a succssor. A narrow guage railway is projeeted to run froiu Detroit through Mt. t'lemens, llomco, Almont, Inalay City or Capac, Brockway, Iicxington, I'ort Saniiacto Sand Bcach. Th is taps a vcry rich larming country. Canada luxurlates in a public Jcbt of $200,000,000 while shc has only tho population of New York. The (J. & debt is light in comparison, that is, taking into eonsideratinn the resources of the two eountrics. The Ohio legislaturc km passed theantitclcgraph consolidatioD bill, and as far as Uhio is conocrncJ, tho eonsolidation is inoperative. A way will bc found by Gould and his f'ullowers to climb r)ver that little difticulty. The papers, espccially through the state, have considerable to say about Staoley Mattbews being a brother-in-law of Prewident Hayos. Tliat's a popular impression vfliii-h is Mm. !!' W ii" relation to the president. Inst Wedncsday congress counted the electoral vote, in joint session. The vote ol' Georgia was oniitted because her electoral college lid not meet t the time required by law. Garfield and Arthur wcre declared cleeted. Senators ('onkliüg, of New Vork, ;ud Butler, ofSouih Carolina oalled each other names in the senatc the other day. They are almost too large for such tomfoolcry, and the senate chainber ought to le alxive such sceuc.s. At Bartrtiamstead, ('onn., a day or two sincc, one Ranhnu Kichardson dicd of actiwl starvation, and an mvestigatiou brought to light í23,Omi in gold, silver and bande hiddefl away in hislmt. Wkitfoad does nioney do such uiiscrs .' It opened tbc cyes of our Kugüsh broth,ts i ntlin day wlien Ada lleatberBiu, a elcver Knglisb firi gtcpped in aod c-nricd ofl" tbc Joseph Hume bcholarship in politi.'! rcouomy at l'niversity College, del'eating all the boys who w.'ic her conipetitorb. A man by ihc naiuuut' ilarvey was lound dead in his bed at the hotel at wbich he aker cain'1 tO UttdraM the I" 3y :i lullet i ioIc was al lound whicli had oaoaed tbc i leath, and nw the paper? -k " Wai it 1 uicide '.'" i uess Bot i Tliey ut Míe. Livermore and Sin. Witlennij er all luixed up at Mason and ] in the othcr day, and t took scvcral ladies, i hack driver, ünc or two clergymen, md we don'l Lnovp hmv mny inoro, --overa! tfl teli wlmh was vrhiih Hut myntciy was finally unravekd. In Ciacinnati tl.' good popl liavo kept up such au uncía -ins war u ui tho inmoral and diagraoafd ibowi and tlicatros, that thoy have beM at Ust Iml iddin l-y an ordinaocc IrOM liuther dwfneinf the city. lt took lh: ei i y falhers a long tiaae to get thcirgrit up to the stickiug puint. The deniocrats of the .seventh SMCM. - sional district will disregard the .sensible advice of the Sagin.iw Couricr, wliich is a democratie paper, and nominale ('. V. Black lor congrea-ional lionors. 'I'tn1 Cottriet advise Mr. Black not to lake the nomioation, as in i.s opinión it will te just so much time thruwu away. Tammany ha refused to canfor with the nommittee of fanff HM on the reorgani.ition of tiM dMKMMtH party. Which bodes no K"d Cor iemoenúe waeotm in the future ui N.w Vork -late. Tlie power, o long held liy that party in the empire -tale ind ii iiictroiolis, has at laat boen ihattcred. The división of the spoils has spoiled it. IVorold Johnie Buil is always at war. The last one to declare war agaiit him is King C'iffe', kiag of tha Aahanteea, mi the ¦Ml WMl of África. Johfl will have his hands full witli all lhcsc wais la attcn.l tn. The South African Boen may stand a better show for tlieir IV lom DOW tliat thcre are othor troubles in distrae! the Bagiwh. The New 'rk central .lepnt at Buffalo, N F., feil in last Tue-lay mornini; at 9:80 a. ni. A Lake Bhorc train was buricd in the ruins, and overal lives wero loat, amont! them being Henry Waters, Supt. TilHaghast'i private seoretary. Ah luck would havo it, the iron roof formed an areh over tbc train, and not a .'Oul in it mi injured. Six bodies havo been recovered from tho ruins at last account. !!¦ su i of the ooarM of Hiohael Uaviit in the house of commons last wook, bil ticket of leavo was eaneclcd, and he was returncd to prison. If Kngland would givc to Irclanl justicc . il' the would help her ¦(arrias !"'o!'Ic. tkera would ba du oauM lor -ii''li NMH ín parliament. l'hese tafnr are iinlv trying to impfe upon the govenmool of England the BMmsity of doinj; Foincthing Por Ucr etarving subjeou. Ui II alMdAit? A lionible slnry if' onielly to lOBM of the orphan ehildron .-ent OBl fmin the Quaker city at-ylunis to IMaware, is told by ibe riiiladelphiaTiaie.s. One little boy wa worked nlmost ti dcalb, and when the thertnoiucter marked 17 below zero he was kept out all day protecting his mtster's uiiliiiskod oorn froni tho cowí and orow, and gifen insuffioient olothea aftd food. llisfcct weie fn.y.en o the tlesh dropped off his toes, and evon then he w.isn't properly caied lor. Flis fect have had tú he ampiitated, and it is probable that logs will have to ba al.-o. The inan's name wlio .lid this work i given as Keuben Johnson. He ought to be tied to the whipping post and lashod with a whip filled full of doublé pointed pin. Even that would be a light s?ntence unless a very strong and long-winded man had hold of the lash.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News