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Jiotlce to Credlton. Sr ATI OF MICHIGAN, County or ITMManaw, M. Nolire is hcreby pivcn. that ly mi order of the Conrt for the Cuunty of YVashteuaw. madf eiKhth day of February A. 1). 1NH1. six moBtlu froin that d:ite wr allnwed for creditore to meent th.'ir claim against ine ettsto "f Jacob II injrstcrfer, late f sald county, deceawed, and that all rrcditore of sald deceased are rcqulred to iin'wiii ln'ir ¦ lalmi to said Probate Court, at the Probate Oftlce, In the city of Ann Arbor. for exarainatinn an.' allDuaticc. on or hefore the eighth day ol Auguft ncxt, and tlut locil cliiims will bc hcard before kikI c.nirt, on Mondsy, the ninth day of May himI il M mam, ttir , i_-hth-day of Aogntl iicxt.nt ten t'clock In the forenoon ol each of bhW day. l,t! Ann Arbor, Kcbrunry s, A. D. 1881. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, IIJB HM Jadge ol Probate. il Oint faniUhrt frte, wUU fii'l InslmcUoni (ut coo ¦ I B duciiog the mo.( prolitRblcbiiMincM thkt AoyD cao l ¦ II ngnge In. The hujhlcss is oeiuy to learu, ad uur 1 II Inïtructiooi irr V simple aD'! ptftfD. tliat n"in- II pd mKkc Krcm jiroflt Trum the verv itrt. No Olie !¦ IB cao fil ho i uillioK to work . Wniien ue u ie ' I II cunful i men. !!" od glrk tl eara I auiiii M. r Mhiiv have miwie at the hueinvu over oDe bumln-d Miara In a .,.1 ¦k. Nothlnu like tl ever anown betere. All who eagnct are aurprlwd at the enae and rapldtty wtth which ihevkre ahle to make mooey. You cao engafe io tli h flnrW your apare Ume al great pmlit. You do nol hae to Inreat oapltS In It. Wo take all ibf rik. Thoe who ne.l redj ¦o"-j ¦hould wrlw aaatonoo. AM furuUbed tre. Addre Toj Co. Au[U(U. Maioe. 10)I Tüwr DOWN! Havins determined to close out my Winter Stock to nh room tor new Sprint Goofls, I skall offer ray KiltP OF Ready-HaAe ClothinK, Underwear, &loves and Mittens AT COST FOK 30 1 )AVS. Suits aun Pants To Order at Cost, in orJer to leep the tailors eiployeö. lïïTIf Ni, CLOTHIER, i, 9 ni st, 'VI aB Wm m -v Y.'urwlven bf inatlQg nietiey tien g.ilfl.-n I I I I ¦¦ .'ham-e in nlf.-ri, th.-rrl.v !¦? keepiog pen ¦ II .iiv f mm yoor duor. Tbcwe wbo lwyi take ¦ I al-.Hnu f the '""1 chiuivi tor making I f I Y ni'.n.'v Hint KM (uovrally bc.wu I wwUVf. while th.iw wlio ilit uot tmprove acb II I .]uoo' !min iti MttU. We waot muy Hu EJ ¦ i ¦ men. ivüiuto. kajt ud1 ffrU to work fur na ridht In thplr uwn toaallüai, kMl&wi wlll ry mor Uno leu luiftry rKgev. W furntab d expeostve uuitlt nj uil tint jou neod, 're. No ooo vbo eDKE' rili to k money vry npldly. Yen omi dvvgte jour wbole tlm to ibe work, or unly your re ninmDU Full lnrormallon ml nll lbli naaded Mlit free. AddreM STinmw Co., Porllud. lUluc. lOÜT-tó Ihendersons] ¦ comhini:d catalogue op ¦ I WM bc Mailat Free to all icAo apjily by I I.eltcr. ¦ I Onr Kxperimcntal Gronndn in I Inhlili vc iixt mir ¦-. lahlr mikI ¦ IVIuucr Vul :in in it ompli ii-; ¦ ¦ mikI our ¦ i iiiii-M t lor Planta ¦ ¦ ((ovcrlim :i acres In glun), are ¦ ¦ ttae largvitt In Aiucrlca. ¦peter henderson & co. I 35 Cortlandt Street, New York.


Ann Arbor Courier
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